Chapter 145 completed wheelchair

It was still early. She started to move the wheelchair, but Mu Ziyu's upper body kept appearing in her mind. She immediately closed her eyes and muttered, "No way. I don't think I'm that perverted. It's not like I've never seen a man before."

She shook her head, shook off her inexplicable thoughts, and focused on the wheelchair. She had to get busy to keep her mind focused.

Shuishui rotated the wheelchair and tried to install the last part. Finally, she heard a click. It was completed She looked at her work and quickly sat on it to try it out. The wheelchair was made of light materials, so it was easy to steer and navigate. Most importantly, there were many mechanisms that could support the user in standing up.

The most useful aspect of the wheelchair was its safety feature. She had utilized her knowledge of compression technology and incorporated a huge airbag into the wheelchair. The technology wasn't available in this era, so she was unsure if it would complement her prototype. If the user would be involved in a violent collision, the airbag would come out. However, she still had to test it to ensure that it would work. She wanted to ensure the safety of the wheelchair's user.

With the prototype, she would be able to make another one. Her second model would be easier.

She suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep.

When she woke up, she drank a cup of hot milk. She did not care about anything else. She took advantage of her energy. She felt inspired to work. It was almost noon, but she did not feel hungry. She made the frame for the second wheelchair. She wanted to craft the second wheelchair better.

Ding dong. Ding dong. Someone was at the door.

Shuishui looked up. "I'm coming, I'm coming."

She opened the door and was surprised. "Hmm? Brother Mu, it's so early."

Mu Ziyu saw Shuishui's disheveled look and messy hair. It was rare to see her like that. She must have been up for quite some time. He peered inside over and saw that she was busy with wood and machinery.

"Have you eaten?" Mu Ziyu asked with a smile.

Shuishui shook her head and said, "I haven't eaten. I'm busy. Come in and have a seat."

Shuishui scratched her head. She wasn't ready to see anyone. Her hair was messy and her face was a little dirty because of the machinery.

Mu Ziyu entered and put his things down. He reached out to wipe Shuishui's face and said, "It's dark here. Wash it off. It might be harder to remove later."

Shuishui cracked a smile. "Yeah. I didn't notice it. But I'm almost done."

"I've brought your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs and tofu pot. Let's eat first." Mu Ziyu thought that Shuishui had gone out to eat. He didn't expect that she really hadn't eaten. He barely knew what she did every day.

He went to the kitchen to heat up the food.

While he was waiting, he returned to the living room. There was nowhere for him to sit in the living room because there were things everywhere. He looked at the wheelchair. "What is this?"

"Right. Sit on it and try it out. Tell me how you feel." Shuishui wanted others' opinion on the wheelchair. She wanted others to think that people can make experiments.

Mu Ziyu was confused. "Which one?"

"Yes, yes. Sit on it and try it out." Shuishui did not even look. She was busy with her work.

Mu Ziyu sat on the wheelchair. He felt it was all right. He navigated it very smoothly. "It's very light. It's also very easy to move around. Did you make it yourself?"

"Yes." Shuishui was still focused on her work.

Mu Ziyu looked at the wheelchair. She was really amazing. She was very skillful. However, why did she know how to make it? He remembered that there were handicraft tutorials online. He looked at the design beside Shuishui and saw that she had marked each part.

"Take a break. Wash your hands and eat." Mu Ziyu went to the kitchen and took out the food. For him, it was very important to eat on time. He was worried that if she didn't, she would get sick.

Shuishui nodded and washed her hands. She also washed her face and sat down. "This is good."

"Eat first. You can get back to work later." Mu Ziyu sat down and watched as Shuishui ate.

Shuishui looked up at Mu Ziyu. "Aren't you going to eat?"

"I've already eaten," Mu Ziyu said faintly.

Shuishui ate quietly and said, "I'll help you apply the medicine after I finish eating."

"There's no need to rush. You should eat first." Mu Ziyu pushed the food towards Shuishui.

Shuishui nodded. "Okay. I was going to add some fans."

Mu Ziyu wanted to laugh. Shuishui really liked to eat fans."Do you like eating fans so much?"

"It's convenient. They cook really fast." Shuishui lived alone, so she chose to store foods that were easy to prepare. When she finished her food, she helped him apply the medicine. She was more serious and focused.

She rubbed the ointment onto the bruise and said, "It looks much better than it did yesterday. This blood clot will heal in a few days, right?"

"That's all thanks to you," Mu Ziyu teased.

Shuishui was a little embarrassed. "Damn. This is because of me, right? That's why I should be helping you with it."

After she had applied the medicine, Shuishui washed her hands. "It's done."

"Hmm. Do you need help in makeing these things?" Mu Ziyu asked. He didn't want to leave yet. No one else was around, and they could be alone together. It was a rare occurrence. He could get to know her better.

"Are you free this afternoon?" Shuishui asked.

Shuishui sat on the floor facing the opposite direction. Mu Ziyu was left to admire the back of her head.

"I'm fine. Do you need me to help you put the pieces together?" Mu Ziyu sat on the floor as well. He picked up the piece of wood and looked at the draft.

They started to get busy and soon finished the second wheelchair. Shuishui gave Mu Ziyu a thumbs-up. "I didn't expect you to be so amazing. You just glanced at the draft, and you understood the principles behind it."

"This blueprint is already very detailed." Mu Ziyu had glanced at the draft and thought about it. After a while, he got familiar with it, so he was able to follow the steps. He helped Shuishui work on it bit by bit. Shuishui, however, was much quicker than him.

Shuishui stretched her body. "There's still one more. It will be done tomorrow."

"Thank you, Brother Mu. You helped me a lot today. We finished faster by working together." Qian Shuishui sincerely thanked Ziyu. She was happy that she would be able to allot more time for other things because she had finished this task.

"No need to thank me. I'm happy to help you." Mu Ziyu cleared the floor and got up. He pulled Shuishui up and said, "You must be tired. You've worked the whole day. Go wash your face first. I'll take you out for dinner."

"Go out for dinner?" Shuishui looked at the time. 'Oh my god. It's already six o'clock.' She was too addicted.

"I'll go change and wash my face." Shuishui felt that she looked dirty. She looked at Mu Ziyu. He still looked the same. He still looked fresh and vibrant even after toiling with the machines the entire day. They were really incomparable.

Shuishui did not want Mu Ziyu to wait too long. She went into the room, changed into clean clothes, washed her face, and went out with Mu Ziyu.