Chapter 164, brother's request

Qian Anzhi's heart was filled with envy because Shuishui could live alone. He looked around, wanting to see how she lived. He entered Shuishui's room and said, "Sis, your room is much cleaner than your room at home."

"En, it's fine. What do you want to eat tonight?" Shuishui walked to a bright spot and revealed her entire face.

Qian Anzhi then noticed the marks on Shuishui's face. "Sis, what happened to your face? Did you get hit?"

"I fell down. It's not a big deal." Shuishui touched her face. It was already much better, but seeing his disbelief, Shuishui didn't bother to explain further. "What do you want to eat tonight? Do you want to eat at home, or do you want to eat outside?"

She walked to the kitchen and poured water. "This is the kitchen. The kettle is here. If you want to drink water, pour it yourself. There's some milk in the fridge and some food. You can also heat it by putting it in the microwave."

"En, there's a small bathroom outside. It's not bad. Sis, let's discuss something." Qian Anzhi looked at Shuishui ingratiatingly and rubbed his hands together.

He walked behind Shuishui. "Sis, don't be so cold. Can I stay longer? I promise I won't disturb you. I'm in the third year of middle school now. If I don't understand something, I can ask you, right?"

"Tell me the reason. If I think it's okay, then you can stay." Shuishui turned around and leaned against the refrigerator in the kitchen. She held a glass of water in one hand and took a few sips before looking at him.

Qian Anzhi knew that Shuishui had changed. It was as if she had become a completely different person. However, he really didn't want to go back to their home. "I hate having a strict father, an unreasonable mother, and an elder sister who bullies me."

Shuishui almost spat out the water in her mouth. 'What an idiot,' she thought. However, he was still in puberty. He was still rebellious and didn't want to be controlled. Although Li Xue loved her son, she always hoped that her son would follow her own ideas. He was a human, not a machine. He had his own ideas, so he resisted his mothers plans for him.

"Do you think that you will not be controlled when you're here?" Shuishui asked back.

Qian Anzhi looked at Shuishui in a flattering manner. "Eh, but Sister, you are different. You used to go out more than I do. You will definitely understand me."

Anzhi was now in the third year of middle school. Naturally, he wouldn't be like before.

Shuishui looked at Qian Anzhi. "Do you think I'm easier to deal with? Will you have more freedom if you come to my place?"

"You can say that, but I promise that I'll listen to you!" Qian Anzhi said confidently again. In any case, he had to make Shuishui promise him.

Shuishui pondered for a moment. "I only have three requests. First, you can't come back late. Second, you have to start studying well. Third and most important, don't refute what I said."

"Isn't that the last one?" Qian Zhian felt that saying this was equivalent to not saying anything. "All right, all right. I promise you that I'll be obedient. Does that mean that I can stay here? Then buy me a small bed. The sofa won't be comfortable to sleep on."

He hadn't even stayed with her for a few days and had already asked for a bed.

Shuishui looked at the sofa and then at Qian Anzhi. He was growing taller. "I'll buy a folding bed," she said.

"All right." Qian Anzhi was very anxious. The sofa looked comfortable to sit on, but it did not look comfortable enough to sleep on.

Shuishui looked at the time. "Then let's go out for dinner tonight and see if there's a folding bed in the supermarket. But I should call Dad now."

Qian Anzhi nodded. He didn't dare to call their father. He was afraid of being scolded, especially since he went to Shuishui on his own initiative.

Shuishui picked up her phone and dialed her dad's number.

"Dad, are you busy? Can you talk now?" Shuishui asked gently.

"Shuishui, Dad can talk on the phone now. You can say it. Don't be afraid," Qian An's responded affectionately. He was very warm and doting towards this daughter.

"Brother said that he wanted to live in my apartment, and I agreed to it. However, I had to inform you about it. I also have to ask for your consent." Shuishui felt that Qian An would not agree.

However, Qian An spoke directly. "Sure. I'll send him his allowance and allow him to stay there. You should teach him more. He didn't even get to the Top 20 of his class in his monthly exam. There are a lot of things going on recently, so I don't have time to care for him. You take care of him. If he causes trouble, you can call me, understand?"

Qian An then asked Shuishui to give the phone to Qian Anzhi.

Qian An issued a stern warning to Qian Anzhi. "Your sister's grades are very good. Don't drag her down, got it? Also, don't think about skipping class. You have to attend classes. I'll tell your mom. For the meantime, you can stay at your sister's apartment."

"Dad, I know. How could I skip class? I'll listen to my sister. You don't have to worry," Qian Anzhi said. He was a little happy that his father actually agreed.

When the call ended, Qian Anzhi collapsed on the sofa. "That's great. Dad agreed," he said to Shuishui.

"Did you bring extra clothes?" Shuishui asked Anzhi as she sat down, but she turned to look at his lazy look. "Don't tell me you made a last-minute decision this morning?"

"Uh," Qian Anzhi muttered. He sounded a little guilty.

"Why?" Shuishui pestered him.

He started the morning in a good mood. His day was ruined by Qian Momo. "It's Big Sister. We argued, and she pestered me about helping her with this and helping her with that. I wasn't too happy about it, so I left home and went to school."

Shuishui looked at Qian Anzhi, and it didn't seem like he was lying. "You definitely have to get your clothes. You can't wear my clothes. I can lend them to you, but do you want to wear them?"

"Are you kidding me? I'll go back to get them tonight. Big Sis, are you coming with me?" Qian Anzhi sat up straight and looked at Qian Shuishui in confusion. He was worried she wouldn't want to go back home.

Shuishui also had to go back to get a few of her things. "En, I'll go back with you to get your things."

Qian Anzhi wanted to eat out. "Okay. Let's go to the Kimchi Country's Barbecue Buffet tonight?"

Shuishui nodded. "Sure."

Shuishui began to look for the key. 'I gave Mu Ziyu a spare set of keys. There should be another one. Where did I put it?'

She searched through the entire cabinet. She finally found the key hanging on a small hook inside. She took it and handed it to Anzhi. "Here. This is the key to the apartment. Keep it close to you. Don't lose it. I don't have a spare key anymore." Shuishui closed the drawer and waved at Anzhi. "Let's go."

"I almost forgot. I'll change into my casual clothes. Wait for me," Shuishui said as she went to her room to change.

Qian Anzhi waited in the living room. He observed that it was quite peaceful inside, but it was a little small. If there was another room he could use, it would have been perfect.


What was that sound? Qian Anzhi stood up and looked around. His eyes widened when he saw the door open. Who could it be? "This . . ."

A man walked in. He was a handsome man. Anzhi wondered, 'How did he get in?'

Mu Ziyu noticed the young boy when he entered. He raised his eyebrows. "Are you Shuishui's younger brother?"

"Ah, I am. Who are you? How did you get in?" Qian Anzhi looked at Mu Ziyu in horror. He was a little frightened, and he took a step back.

Shuishui walked out of the room and saw them. "Ziyu, why are you here?"

"You said that your younger brother is here. I wanted to see if there's anything that I can do. Zilin is waiting in the car. If it's okay, do you want to have dinner with us?" Actually, Mu Zilin had secretly told Ziyu that a girl in school had tried to ruin Shuishui's reputation. He told Ziyu that Shuishui always ignored this girl but that the girl relentlessly tried to cause trouble with Shuishui.

Mu Zilin felt that Shuishui was no longer as fierce as before. The previous Shuishui would have definitely hit Xu Die.

When he arrived home, the more he thought about it, the angrier he felt. He told Mu Ziyu and then asked him to go with him and take Shuihui out for dinner.

Shuishui introduced Ziyu to Qian Anzhi. "This is Zilin's brother, Ziyu. You should call him Brother Mu."

"Sis, why does he have a key to the house?" Qian Anzhi was still a bit frightened.

Shuishui didn't want to answer Qian Anzhi. "Eh, why do you care so much?"

Mu Ziyu looked at Shuishui and said, "Let's go out for dinner."

"My brother wants to eat barbecue," Shuishui said in a troubled tone. She had already promised Qian Anzhi they would go to that barbecue place.

"Barbecue is fine. Zilin likes it too," Mu Ziyu said casually. He turned to Qian Anzhi and said, "Do you mind having two more people?"

"I don't mind. I've met Brother Zilin a few times." Anzhi met Zilin when he and Shuishui were in junior high school. They were one year ahead of him. Mu Zilin often stepped up to help him. Anzhi never said anything bad about Shuishui whenever Zilin was around. At that time, Mu Zilin was also very arrogant. He had a lot of friends. Anzhi knew that if he got into a fight with Zilin, he would definitely lose.

Many years later, Anzhi felt that Zilin was all right. There wasn't too much awkwardness between them.

Shuishui walked ahead of them on their way downstairs. She said, "Ziyu, before we go out to eat, please send us home so we can get our things."

Mu Ziyu nodded. He felt good about it. "Okay."

Shuishui wanted to go get her things from her room at home. She also had a few books that she wanted to keep in the apartment.

Shuishui got into the car and sat in the front. Qian Anzhi sat in the back with Mu Zilin.

Mu Zilin looked at Qian Anzhi. "Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here? My sister lives here," Qian Anzhi said unhappily.

Mu Zilin scoffed. "You called her your sister? You didn't call her that in the past. It seems that you've become much more obedient. Only Shuishui will forgive you for your past mistakes," Mu Zilin told Anzhi. He couldn't help but mock the child. When Anzhi was in junior high school, he was quite mischievous. Shuishui tried to correct him several times to discipline him, but Qian Anzhi ignored her. He even scolded Shuishui. Zilin had an average relationship with Anzhi, but he couldn't stand seeing Shuishui being disrespected. Naturally, he took Shuishui's side and helped her.

Qian Anzhi's face blushed in embarrassment. However, it was dark inside the car, so no one saw his flushed expression. Everyone had their moments of insensitivity. At that time, Shuishui was indeed not a good sister. She went out every day and quarreled with him at home.

Shuishui used to quarrel with Anzhi fiercely and relentlessly.

"It's all in the past," Shuishui said. She had responded at the right time. If she mocked Qian Anzhi as well, he would be more embarrassed. He was her younger brother, and he actually had a good personality. If he was anything like Qian Momo, she wouldn't care about him. He was still in his formative years, and he could still be properly nurtured.

Mu Zilin didn't say much. Anzhi was younger than him, so he couldn't bully him. Zilin felt that he was quite obedient. He even called Shuishui his elder sister.

Qian Anzhi didn't think much about the relationship between Shuishui and Mu Ziyu. He knew that Shuishui and Mu Zilin were very good friends and that many people envied their friendship.

"Sis, our teachers have been talking about you and Brother Zilin and how you got into the third high school. They said that everyone was shocked that you both got in." Qian Anzhi thought about it and was speechless. In the past, their teachers had said that they couldn't learn from Shuishui and Zilin because they were bad examples. Mu Zilin and Qian Shuishui were as bad as they were. They ate out and drank a lot. Everyone was surprised when Shuishui and Zilin had taken the exams and qualified for a key school.

Zilin suddenly laughed and said, "That's for sure. Our test scores are higher than those of the good students whom they had pampered more. That time, it was indeed a blatant slap on the face of those teachers. That was awesome. When we received the notices, they were all shocked, but we kept quiet and didn't say anything."

Qian Anzhi was speechless. Mu Zilin hadn't changed at all.

"The school has an alumni meeting every six months. They want their alumni to stay connected. One of the teachers couldn't get my sister's number, so he approached me and asked for it." Qian Anzhi thought that it was very strange they also didn't have Zilin's number on record.

Anzhi thought that if the school couldn't find their parents contact numbers as well, he could became more arrogant than Shuishui ever was.

But he couldn't do it. If he did anything rebellious, he would definitely be scolded by his parents. He didn't have the courage to do anything outrageous. At that time, Shuishui and Zilin were always talked about by the entire school because they were very troublesome. Teachers then thought that they were two extremely problematic students.

"Oh, don't remind me," Shuishui replied faintly. She didn't want to think about how the previous Shuishui behaved in junior high school.

Mu Zilin snickered. He said, "Don't give your sister's number to anyone. You should know that in the third year of junior high, I was her only friend. The others were just acquaintances. We did not even keep in touch with our other friends, and your sister really disliked that school."

He knew about it too well because he also loathed that school.

Mu Ziyu was speechless. He thought about how much the two could have misbehaved in junior high. Everyone at home knew about Zilin and his misha**, but they didn't know much about Qian Shuishui and who she really was.

"It's all right."

Traffic was a little heavy at that time of the day. They spent almost an hour to reach the Qian family's house. Shuishui and Qian Anzhi got off the car. "Wait for a moment. I'll be back soon," Shuishui said.

"En, there's no rush," Mu Ziyu said as he parked along the main road.

Shuishui grabbed her books and quickly returned to the car. Qian Anzhi was also very fast. However, he took longer than Shuishui. As he walked out of the door, he bumped into Qian Momo, who had just arrived home.

Qian Momo looked at Qian Anzhi in surprise. She saw that he was in a hurry and about to run off. "Where are you going?"

Qian Anzhi was not in a good mood. "What does it have to do with you?"

Anzhi pushed Qian Momo aside. "Don't block the way. They're waiting for me."

Qian Momo angrily followed Anzhi. She stopped when she saw a luxury car waiting by the road. She watched as Qian Anzhi ran to the car and quickly got in. She tried to make out who the person in the driver's seat was. She was shocked to see that it was Mu Ziyu.

She smiled and was about to go up to greet him when Mu Ziyu sped off.

Qian Momo watched as the car drove away. "A woman is in the passenger seat!"

Qian Shuishui was talking to Mu Zilin, so Qian Momo didn't see Shuishui. She quickly took out her phone and called Qian Anzhi.

Qian Anzhi glanced at his phone and said, "What the hell does Big Sister want? She's calling me."

"If you want to know what she wants, answer the call and ask her directly," Mu Zilin said plainly as he played on his phone.

Qian Anzhi helplessly answered the call. "Hello? Why are you calling me?"

In a harsh tone, Qian Momo said, "Whose car are you in?"

"What do you mean whose car are you in? What does it have to do with you?" Qian Anzhi was baffled. Why did she suddenly question him?

Qian Momo sounded very anxious. "Qian Anzhi, is that Mu Ziyu driving the car? You just need to answer me with a yes or no!" What did she want to know? Qian Momo was angry that Qian Anzhi couldn't directly respond to her.

Everyone in the car could hear the voice on the other end of the phone. Qian Anzhi became impatient and ended the call. "What an attitude! She asked me if Mu Ziyu was driving the car. What does that have to do with her?" he said, confused.

"Does she know my brother?" Mu Zilin asked.

"I don't know anyone named Qian Momo," Mu Ziyu said straightforwardly.

Shuishui turned her body sideways. "Anzhi, did you bring your toothbrush and other toiletries?"

"No," Qian Anzhi answered honestly. He only brought his school uniform and a few sets of casual clothes.

Shuishui pondered for half a minute and said, "We will buy those on our way back later. I don't have a spare toothbrush and towel."

"Oh, I'll also buy a folding bed later!" That was the important part.

Mu Zilin looked away from his phone and raised his head to look at Anzhi. "You're staying at Shuishui's house. Why don't you stay at your own house?"

"I'm staying at my sister's house." Qian Anzhi couldn't explain why he did not want to stay home because Mu Zilin and Mu Ziyu were not part of their family. He felt that it would be too embarrassing. He also thought that Mu Zilin was too opinionated.

Qian Momo glanced at her phone. It was a rare opportunity. How could she let it go? Although she didn't know why Qian Anzhi was with Mu Ziyu, she wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. She called Qian Anzhi.

Qian Anzhi wouldn't answer her call, but she called again and again.

Qian Anzhi was upset. He glanced at his phone and felt annoyed. He couldn't block Momo's number because she was still family. He decided to just answer the call. "What? We're about to eat."

"Where are you eating?" Qian Momo asked.

"We're at North Korea's BBQ. Okay. I really need to eat. If you call me again, I'm going to turn off my phone," Qian Anzhi said as he ended the call. He gazed at the meat dishes on the table. He felt good and satisfied.