Chapter 176, the familiar old Li

Shuishui grabbed two sets of simple clothes. They were soon about to leave.

Mu Ziyu stopped the two of them. "Coach Akong, where are you taking Shuishui?"

"You don't need to know. This is between me and Shuishui," Akong said as she waved her hand impatiently.

Shuishui turned to Ziyu and said, "It's okay. Coach Akong is a friend my teacher. Do what you need to do. I'm leaving first."

She was dragged out of the door and into the elevator. Just as she wanted to say something, the elevator doors had already closed.

Akong crossed her arms across her chest. "What's there to talk about? I will bring you to a good place."

She leaned against the elevator wall with a smile on her face. She didn't know what Qian Shuishui's expression would be like when they arrived. She thought that by being sly, she would be able to bully the new recruits. Qian Shuishui was Old Li's disciple. She wanted to bully Qian Shuishui because she felt challenged after their two matches.

"Uh." Shuishui was speechless. She couldn't find the courage to ask Akong to tell her more.

Downstairs, Shuishui boarded Akong's military vehicle.

It was her first time in a military vehicle, so she was a little curious about it.

"Has this military vehicle been modified?" Shuishui asked as she touched the front part of the vehicle. It was made of metal.

Akong smiled and proudly said, "I modified it myself. Isn't it amazing? Isn't it handsome?"

Shuishui discontinued the conversation because Akong had started to boast.

She worried about the people she left in her apartment. They were surely puzzled. She quickly called Qian Anzhi. "Anzhi, I might need to go out for a while."

"It's four days!"Akong interjected.

Shuishui was really stunned. "Four days? What do you mean?"

Akong still didn't explain. "You can just tell him that."

Shuishui was already in the car. She didn't know what to do, and she was a little embarrassed.

"Anzhi, I'll confirm it for you later," Shuishui said before she hung up.

Qian Anzhi wanted to say something. "Sis, wait a moment."

The call had already ended.

Qian Anzhi called again a few times. When he realized that she had ended the call, he sighed. "My sister said that she wasn't sure either, but I heard the instructor say that it was for four days."

"Okay, then we'll pack up and leave. If your sister tells you anything, give us a call then," Mu Ziyu said to Anzhi. He was worried that Shuishui would call only Qian Anzhi. He would only be able to hear about her from Anzhi.

"Okay. Leave a number," Anzhi said to Ziyu.

The three of them exchanged numbers.

After cleaning up the mess, Mu Ziyu and Mu Zilin left.

Mu Ziyu was a little concerned, but he couldn't tell his brother. Most of the time, Shuishui was more open-minded. It was not always a good trait. Mu Ziyu also hoped that Shuishui could trust him more and tell him everything.

As Shuishui sat in the car, she felt a little frustrated that she did not know where she was going.

The car was unusually quiet. No one spoke.

After more than an hour, they arrived at the outskirts of the city. Shuishui asked, "Is this the army camp?"

"Yes. Tonight, we are going join the training. I will bring you along with me for four days. I brought you along because these four days can quickly improve a person's abilities in all aspects. Participants are very limited. I am allowed to bring only four. I gave three slots to my subordinates and one to you. I've already packed everything. We can set off once we get there."

Shuishui slightly opened her mouth. "Your gift is to bring me to the training camp?"

"Yes, this training opportunity is very rare. As long as you're fifteen years old, you can participate. You're just in time. I asked Old Li about it." She thought that Shuishui would like it.

For the first time, Shuishui was so speechless. "Actually, you don't have to give me this gift."

"It's okay. I can't change the participants anymore. You don't have to decline. I believe you'll definitely like it." Akong spoke with a smile on her face. She was so happy that she hummed a tune.

Shuishui said, "Can't I not go? I actually don't want to go that much."

"You can't. Otherwise, where can I find someone to replace you? It's okay. It's just for four days. You don't have to be afraid. I'll take care of everything. Check my phone. It's a text message sent to me." She picked up her phone and tossed it to Shuishui as she gazed ahead.

She paid attention to the road, as driving in the suburbs was more complicated than driving in the city.

Shuishui read the text message. It was a message Teacher Li sent to Akong. Teacher Li asked Akong to take good care of her and to persuade her to join the army.

Teacher Li told Akong that Shuishui's safety should be her top priority.

"Is it very dangerous? This training?" Shuishui asked curiously.

"I can't say it's very dangerous because the accident rate is very low. A regiment commander supervises the activities. There won't be any problems." Akong suddenly felt that Shuishui had asked idiotic questions.

Shuishui was actually just asking casually. She thought she was allowed to ask anything.

Shuishui pondered on her situation. She was really surprised by Coach Akong's "gift." However, she had already boarded the pirate ship, and she had to get through it. She opened her bag to check the things she had packed. She only brought a few sets of clothes and still needed a few things. "Let's go to the gas station. I'll buy some things," she said to Akong.

Akong didn't refuse. "Okay."

They arrived at a small gas station. Shuishui got out of the car and walked to the small convenience store. She then grabbed a few toiletries, a few boxes of chocolates, and a box of matches. There weren't many of these things, but they were more practical. She didn't know where to go either. She simply wanted to be prepared.

As she got into the car, Akong looked at Shuishui with appreciation. "Not bad. You didn't just randomly buy anything."

Shuishui was also an honest child. She had bought a few boxed of chocolates since she knew that it would quickly eplenish lost calories. "I didn't know what to buy either, so I just randomly bought some."

"En, we're almost there," Akong said then smiled.

Shuishui looked ahead. She didn't expect it to be a good place. She had a strong mental fortitude. As they entered the camp, although it was at nighttime, she saw a few platoons jogging.

They even saluted when they saw Akong. Although they also saw Qian Shuishui and were curious, they did not ask much.

The car stopped and the two of them got off and walked.

Shuishui would always pay more attention to her surroundings when she would visit unfamiliar places. The camp felt safe and secure. Besides, it was an army camp. She did not expect that there would be an army camp just outside the city.

Akong and Shuishui walked for about ten minutes and soon arrived at a sports field that was the size of a football field. At a glance, Shuishui could tell that there were more than ten people in the middle.

Akong and Shuishui walked over to the group. A middle-aged man in casual clothes approached them. "Akong, do you know that you're half an hour late?"

"I know. Don't worry about it. Everyone's here. Where are my things?" Akong asked.

The middle-aged man pointed to one side. "Two bags. Take them and you can leave. This is the little girl you said you'd bring? She looks very young."

"She's already fifteen years old. She's Old Li's student. Don't underestimate her." When Akong mentioned Old Li, she felt annoyed. She remembered Old Li's text messages. He had been pestering her since she picked up Shuishui. "Have you arrived?" "How is Shuishui?" He was even more annoying than her mother.

The middle-aged man tried to recall as the name sounded familiar. "Old Li? You mean Li Yuan?"

"Yeah, that's why I brought her here. Otherwise, there would have been a vacant slot. She's really good. Besides, she could also use the training." Akong actually liked Shuishui, so she considered her for the training.

The middle-aged man didn't think it was a good idea and that it would affect Shuishui's studies. "Doesn't she need to go to class?"

"She's the top student in the entire grade. There's no need to worry about her studies." Of course, Akong had asked Old Li about it. She was surprised by what Old Li had told her. She did not expect Shuishui to be so good at her studies. It was rare for a girl to be good in both her studies and self-defense classes.

As for her, although she had become a coach, she could only teach self-defense techniques and various aspects of military knowledge. She had never been very studious. Before she finished high school, she had decided to become a soldier. She felt that she was fit to be a soldier.

She placed her hand on Shuishui's shoulder. "There are two backpacks over there. You choose one and put your things in it."

Akong had told Shuishui not to put very heavy things in the bag.

Shuishui went chose the lightest of the two backpacks. She put her clothes and the things she bought in it.

Because Shuishui was a guest of Coach Akong, the people around them looked at Shuishui curiously.

Shuishui silently carried her bag and walked towards Akong. "Coach Akong, can you tell me where we are going and what our activities are?"

"We are going into the wild. Of course, we have actual combat training every day." Akong was afraid that Shuishui would be afraid and would not want to go.

Shuishui did not like going out into the wild. It was too tiring for her. But she had already come here. She sighed as she thought of the trouble she had gotten herself into.

The middle-aged man smiled at Shuishui in a friendly manner. "Little Sister, what's your name?"

Shuishui simply introduced herself. "Hello. My name is Qian Shuishui."

"Then I'll just call you Shuishui. My name is Xia Zhiheng. You can just call me Instructor Xia. I haven't heard of Old Li taking in any disciples. I forgot to mention that I used to be Old Li's comrade-in-arms. I know that he moved to the city to recuperate, but I haven't had the time to meet him yet." Instructor Xia was reminiscing the past. He had not been able to catch up with Old Li for a long time.

Akong interrupted their conversation. "Old Li contacted me just a while back and asked me to help him train his student. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come to ask for my help."

Shuishui listened. Why did she feel that their relationship with Old Li was strange?

Instructor Xia looked at Shuishui with a very kind gaze. It gave Shuishui a strange feeling. Could it be that he was on good terms with her teacher?

She had not seen many guests at Teacher Li's house. He would often only have Teacher Hu and the others visit him for tea. They were unfamiliar with each other at first, but they got to know each other in the city.

Akong brought Shuishui along and introduced her to her subordinates. She asked them to take care of Shuishui when she is not around.

Shuishui first introduced herself. The others introduced themselves, and they got to know each other. They all left together and got into the car to go to their destination.

Shuishui always felt that it was a little strange to go out at night.