Chapter 181's final confirmation

Qian Anzhi also felt that it was strange. In the past, his sister had a bad temper.Still, she had suitors and admirers. He couldn't really compare what his sister was like in the past to what she was like in the present.

As Shuishui got into the car, Mu Ziyu handed her a cup of soy milk. "Hot soy milk. Drink some."

"Okay." Shuishui took the first sip. It was sweet and full of soybean flavor. She quite liked to drink soy milk. The sweetness was just right. Soon, she had drunk everything. Mu Ziyu pinched Shuishui's nose. "You drank so much. You won't be able to eat later."

"No. I'm hungry. I can eat a lot. What do you want to eat tonight? How about casserole porridge? Shuishui didn't really like to eat oily food. But because the food she had eaten in the past few days were all bland and ordinary-tasting, she felt that she needed to restore and replenish the nutrients her body had lost during the rigorous training exercises.

Mu Ziyu thought about it. "Okay. Casserole porridge it is. There are a few big food stalls nearby. There were many customers, so it must taste good there." They found a parking spot when they arrived. They got out of the car and chose a stall. Mu Ziyu let Shuishui order the dishes. He wasn't picky, but Shuishui ate a lot and was often pickier with food. He wanted her to order the dishes she liked.

Shuishui ordered a pot of crab paste porridge and a few stir-fried dishes.

"Ziyu, I need to stay up tonight to study. I'll buy some coffee before we head home. I need coffee to refresh myself." Shuishui thought of the debate competition the next day and felt a terrible headache.

"En, okay. But you don't have to stay up too long. It should be enough to read a little," Ziyu said as he touched Shuishui's head. He felt a little distressed for her.

"Don't worry. I slept in the car for a few hours. I was only worried about getting coffee until midnight. I don't want to fall asleep." Shuishui had no choice. She had to stay up all night to study.

Mu Ziyu could not say anything. Shuishui was very busy at school and had things to do every day. Mu Zilin, on the other hand, had paid more attention to his studies. He no longer went out a lot. He was probably challenged by Shuishui.

As soon as the dishes were served, Shuishui began to eat.

She composed a message for her father to inform him about the competition the next day.

Qian An was a little curious. "There's a debate competition tomorrow? Where is it?"

Shuishui replied: "I heard from the teacher that it'll be held at the convention center, but I'm not sure."

"Shuishui, eat first," Mu Ziyu said as he filled Shuishui's bowl with porridge.

Shuishui nodded and said, "I'll finish texting my father first."

"What time is it? " Qian An felt that he had not talked to Shuishui and Anzhi for a long time.

"It's at two in the afternoon. I won't be able to attend my afternoon classes, but I'm excused. Dad, are you free tomorrow?" She replied with her right hand and ate the porridge with her left hand.

"Tomorrow, Dad will go and take a look. Send me the location after you confirm it." Qian An then returned to his paperwork.

Shuishui had sent her father another message, but Qian An did not reply. Shuishui simply guessed that her father might be busy, so she put her phone away. Shuishui felt much better after she finished two bowls of porridge. "Hot porridge is still the best," she said.

"This tofu is not bad." Shuishui felt blessed to be able to eat good food again. After her experiences in the camp, she concluded that she was not fit to become a soldier or enter a military academy. Physics and science were her passions, and she wanted to pursue them. They were interesting to her, and she never found them boring.

After a long time, Shuishui finished eating. She was already full and leaned against the chair. "It's also uncomfortable to eat too much."

"You . . It's only been a few days and you've already lost weight. You've also lost a lot of color. Remember how fair and tender your skin was before," Mu Ziyu said and smiled. Shuishui's skin seemed less glowing and a shade darker. The training must have been very strict. However, he was relieved to see that she was well.

He pinched Shuishui's cheeks. She was already thin enough, but she became even thinner, which made him feel a little sad.

Shuishui smiled faintly. "It's all right. I've become stronger, not thinner. Perhaps my fat has become muscle. Although I still feel strange after the experience, these four days have indeed allowed me to learn a lot of new things that I haven't encountered before. Also, I experienced something that I didn't think I would ever experience today. We pursued two human traffickers, who escaped into the mountain. Coincidentally, our training on the mountain had already ended and we were preparing to descend the mountain. Soon after, the instructor teamed us up and ordered us to search for the two human traffickers."

It was truly a special experience. She never imagined she would be involved in such things.

"Then you met the human traffickers?" Mu Ziyu asked.

Shuishui nodded. "Yes. My partner and I coincidentally met him. Initially, we were only eavesdropping on their conversation. We soon found out that they were the suspects. We faced them head-on."

When Shuishui said this, Mu Ziyu did not agree. "You were too reckless. You weren't injured, right?"

"Yes, I was injured, but it's not serious. I was cut by the man's knife. It's not a big deal. I really can't do that anymore. It was a real battle experience," Shuishui said calmly. She did not want Mu Ziyu to make a fuss out of it.

Mu Ziyu wanted to ask where she was wounded, but he felt that Shuishui was tired and had told him a lot already. Was Shuishui also slowly accepting him into her heart? He suddenly became a little delighted and felt a little excited. However, he was still worried about the injury. "Where were you hurt?"

"My arm, but it's fine. It's just a scratch. It's been taken care of." Shuishui shrugged. Her recklessness could really cause big trouble. This time, it was a lesson for her. After the training, some of her views had slightly changed.

Mu Ziyu sat quietly and looked at Shuishui's arm. It was indeed just a slight scratch. He let out a sigh of relief. The matter was over. The most important thing was that she was fine.

Mu Ziyu would not let go of any opportunity. "I heard from Zilin that you have a debate match tomorrow. Can outsiders watch?"

Shuishui laughed. "Why are you like my dad? You can, but I don't think there's anything interesting to watch. It's just a debate match. You'll be very bored then."

He patted Shuishui's head lightly and said, "Why are you thinking so much? Where and when?"

"Tomorrow at two o'clock at the convention center. If there's a sudden change of time and venue, I'll text you guys." Shuishui believed that the debate match would be in English. If she was not good enough in the language, she would only be confused and would not understand. Joining the competition would be a waste of time.

"Okay. I'll remember it." Mu Ziyu just wanted to understand Shuishui more. If he could go to her activities, he would.

Shuishui felt good that Mu Ziyu was interested to know more about her interests.

On their way back, they dropped by a cafe to buy coffee for Shuishui. They didn't buy ready-made coffee, but instead bought coffee beans.

After he sent Shuishui home, Mu Ziyu reluctantly left.

Shuishui turned on her coffee machine to make a cup of coffee for herself. She then immersed herself in studying and tried to catch up on current events.

It was almost midnight. Qian Anzhi returned. Upon arriving, he asked excitedly, "Sis, are you asleep?"

He walked into the study. "Sis, what are you doing?"

"I'm reading up on information that I might use tomorrow." Shuishui's eyes were fixed on the computer.

Qian Anzhi placed a bag on the desk. "I bought you yang zhi sweet dew and some snacks, in case you're hungry. I'll go take a shower first."

Shuishui was still busy. "Okay."

Shuishui felt that there were too many topics to study about. Debate competitions cover a wide range of topics. She was tired.

She searched for more news articles on current events.

They would probably be useful during the competition.

After Qian Anzhi showered, he quietly walked to the door of the study. "Sis, I'm going to sleep first."

Shuishui finally raised her head to look at Qian Anzhi. "Okay. Dry your hair before you sleep."

"Okay. Sis, eat the dessert now. It won't taste good after a while." Qian Anzhi didn't disturb Shuishui. He felt that she was very busy.

Shuishui nodded, picked up the food, and opened it to eat. She was still staring at the computer screen.

She wanted to finish reading so she could go to bed earlier.

It was past three in the morning. Qian Anzhi got up to go to the bathroom. Seeing that the study was still lit, he walked to the door in a daze. "Sis, it's already three in the morning. You're still not sleeping."

"Okay. I'll go to bed in a while." Shuishui rubbed her eyes and then stretched. In the morning, she still had to drink coffee to refresh her mind.

As Qian Anzhi went back from the toilet, he saw that Shuishui had already turned off her computer and returned to her room.

He yawned, returned to his folding bed, and buried his head in sleep.

Shuishui lay in her own bed. Not long after she closed her eyes, she fell asleep.

At six thirty the next morning, the alarm clock rang. Although Shuishui was extremely unwilling to get up, she still relied on her willpower to get up. After she washed up, she felt much more awake. She made herself a cup of coffee during breakfast.

After that, she was going to wake Qian Anzhi up. He was really lazy. His alarm clock kept ringing, but he didn't budge at all.

She walked over to the windows and opened the curtains. "Get up. You're going to be late for school."

"En, okay. I'll get up." Qian Anzhi got up in a daze and then walked to the bathroom.

Shuishui smiled. Her younger brother was really cute. She turned around, walked to the kitchen, and took out the food. She ate first and then prepared to go out.

Qian Anzhi had just finished washing up when he saw his sister grab her schoolbag and head for the door. "You're too fast."

"En, I have something to do this morning. You do what you need to do." Shuishui quickly left. She had eaten a little, so she simply walked faster than usual instead of sprinting.

That morning, she had to go to the office to confirm the procedure of the debate competition.