Chapter 184: step-by-step instruction

Mu Ziyu and Qian An began to chat while Shuishui walked by their side, not intending to join their conversation.

The debate competition had ended, and their team had qualified for the next phase. Their school would be notified soon of the next steps for Shuishui's team.

Qian An was very happy. He had talked to Mu Ziyu too much.

Shuishui felt her father's happiness. Even though he was busy, he still took the time to visit her. This really touched her. "Dad, what shall we eat tonight? The three of us, let's go somewhere quieter."

She didn't want to eat anything, but she wanted to go to a quieter place.

She decided to go to a small restaurant and eat home-cooked food. Her father and Ziyu didn't object. They only wanted to let Shuishui choose. Qian An doted on Shuishui very much. He wanted Shuishui to eat whatever she liked.

Shui Shui was quite embarrassed. Everyone was accommodating her, but they would definitely let her come, so she naturally chose home-cooked food. The three of them would eat on whichever occasion was more cozy.

Qian An didn't expect Mu Ziyu and Shuishui to be dating. Anyway, he felt that Shuishui had to make friends with people like Mu Ziyu. Qian An felt that it would be beneficial for her to befriend an older person, not to mention an outstanding person such as Ziyu. He remembered that Qian Momo had previously told him that she liked Mu Ziyu. He thought he could mention it since they were dining together. "Ziyu, do you know my Momo?"

"I don't know, Uncle. What's wrong?" Mu Ziyu knew who Qian Momo was, but he didn't want to admit it. Moreover, he found her evil and really disgusting.

"I don't know her," Ziyu said. At this, Qian An no longer asked any other questions. If Mu Ziyu had said that he knew her, it would have been easier for him to continue. Since Mu Ziyu said that he did not know her, he could not say anything else about it. It seemed that Momo did not have a chance. She still liked Mu Ziyu so much. He did not know how she knew Mu Ziyu, and Momo refused to tell him.

After dinner, Qian An was supposed to send Shuishui home. However, he received a call and had to go to the office. He asked Mu Ziyu to send Shuishui home. Mu Ziyu was naturally happy to do so.

"Uncle, don't worry. I will send Shuishui home safely. You can go back to work first," Mu Ziyu said with a smile.

Qian An patted Shuishui's head. "You can't be arrogant even when you know you're really good at something. I understand. I have a lot of things to do recently, but tell me in advance about the next debate competition. I will find time to visit you. Don't forget to inform me."

"I will," Shuishui said as she hugged Qian An. "Dad, go to work."

After watching Qian An leave, Ziyu said, "Your father dotes on you very much."

"That's right. My family always thinks that my father is biased towards me. I can actually feel it. My mother never loved me, and he loves me more to make up for it. He is that kind of person. I also try to make up for it, because I always made him sad in the past." Shuishui cherished the present very much. She would live her current life well.

Shuishui got into Mu Ziyu's car. Previously, Shuishui went out to buy a few things. She didn't know what Qian Anzhi had eaten at home or if he had gone out to eat. The truth was that Qian Anzhi was still in school, so they forgot about Qian Anzhi and went to eat. After they ate, Shuishui remembered Anzhi, so she packed some desserts for him.

When they were in the car, Mu Ziyu took out a small box and handed it to Shuishui. "Open it. See if you like it."

Shuishui nodded and opened the box. It was a watch. She remembered that she had received a similar gift before. "Actually, you don't have to give me these gifts," she said to Ziyu.

"This watch is very suitable for you. It's purple and elegant. There's more." Mu Ziyu took out a large box from the back seat. "This is a simple dress. It's not overly elegant. You can wear it during the next debate."

Shuishui took the box and opened it. It was a black knee-length dress. It was very simple, but it was beautifully designed.

Shuishui was speechless. How could he give her a dress? "I personally don't wear dresses very often."

"You don't like it?" Mu Ziyu sounded a little sad.

Shuishui hurriedly shook her head. "It's not that I don't like it. I'm just not used to wearing a dress."

Shuishui looked at his expression and found it adorable. In the end, she could not help but pinch his face. "Actually, you're quite cute sometimes," she said.

Mu Ziyu did not care about what others thought, but he cared about what Shuishui thought of him. "It's good that you like it."

Shuishui smiled faintly. "I like it a little."

"Then give me a kiss?" Mu Ziyu said as he pointed at his own face.

Shuiahui pushed Mu Ziyu's face away. "Even though we're now boyfriend and girlfriend, others still see us as an uncle and an underage girl."

"Uncle?" Mu Ziyu said dejectedly.

However, Shuishui still leaned forward and kissed his face. She giggled and said, "You're definitely not an uncle. I should say that you're a talented young man."

"In your eyes, what am I?" Mu Ziyu touched his face. It was still warm. It was the first time she had kissed him. He was not anxious because Shuishui was still young. In any case, she was just like a high school student who was in love. It was pure love.

Shuishui leaned against the chair and thought for a while. "I think you're special. Actually, I didn't plan to fall in love in high school. You were the exception. I'm only in my first year of high school now, and it feels a little rushed."

"It's okay. I just want you to give me an assurance. You can take your time. I'm not in a hurry," Mu Ziyu said as he held Shuishui's face with both hands. "What I want is the sense of security that you give me."

Shuishui listened and nodded. "I understand what you mean. Let's take our time. But the semester is over, and you've graduated. You're going back to the capital with them, right?"

"Yes, but you don't have to worry. I'll be back often. I'll arrange for you to visit us during the summer vacation." Mu Ziyu had already thought it through. He would bring Shuishui to the capital during summer vacations.

Shuishui shrugged. She didn't care. Besides, who knew what the future would be like? Long-distance relationships were fragile and didn't last long.

Mu Ziyu didn't say much. He started the car and sent Shuishui home. Because Shuishui had to go to school the next day, she had to rest early that evening.

When they arrived, Shuishui got off the car and walked up to the apartment.

When Shuishui returned home, Qian Anzhi quickly went up to her. "Sis, I'm starving."

"Yeah, I packed some food for you. You must be hungry. You can order takeout or go out to eat." Shuishui looked at his pitiful appearance. There was a food shop nearby, and he must have a little money on him.

"I was going to go out to eat, but I realized that I ran out of money." Qian Anzhi awkwardly scratched his head .

He was embarrassed. He had spent all his money. He always went out to eat with his friends.

Shuishui went to her room and took out two hundred yuan. She handed it to Anzhi. "Take it. If you run out of money, give me a call. Don't be silly and don't go out all the time. You can cook your own food when you're at home, don't you think so?"

"Sis, you're too deceitful. All you have here are fans." Qian Anzhi was dissatisfied. He had tried to cook several times, only to realize that there weren't any noodles.

Shuishui smiled. "Then go and buy some noodles yourself. The fans are easy to cook. It's very convenient."

It was convenient, but eating it every day was very tiring.

However, he couldn't be picky. He picked up the dessert Shuishui had brought and started eating. "Sis, I always love eating what you buy."

"En, do you want to eat some hot food? I'll cook it for you," Shuishui said.

"No need. I don't want to eat fans." He felt that it was better to eat dessert. It was quite a lot, and it was enough.

Shuishui went back to her room, took a shower, and made herself comfortable in the study to practice her calligraphy.

Qian Anzhi took his homework and wrote beside Shuishui.

Shuishui began to supervise him. He could ask whenever he didn't understand anything. She could help with Science and English.

Qian Anzhi was working on a test paper, which was the day's homework. The teacher said that he would call one of the students to write his answers on the blackboard the next day. He felt that he would be called by the teacher because their math teacher often chose a bad student and good student to write down their answers on the blackboard.

He hated being compared to other students all the time.

"Sis, I don't understand it at all. This test paper is so difficult." Qian Anzhi scratched his head and messed up his hair. He was very frustrated.

Shuishui walked over to him and picked up the test paper. "This question isn't difficult. Do you have to finish it today?"

"Yes. Tomorrow's first and second lessons will be math lessons. The teacher will let us write down our answers on the blackboard and explain them." He was so annoyed by the thought of it.

Shuishui looked at the first question. "How about this? I'll teach you one question at a time so that you will know how to solve it."

Shuishui didn't even need to think too much. "Okay," Anzhi said.

Shuishui was a really good teacher. Although she taught the problem solving process very quickly, she explained them in great detail, allowing him to completely understand the equations. She even wrote down notes.

"Actually, these equations are pretty basic. You can easily understand them when you get the basic concept. You will also understand other similar equations. Don't think it's difficult. Just try to understand them. If you don't understand, ask me again." Shuishui looked at Qian Anzhi. She thought that he was quite smart because he easily understood what she said. It was easy to teach him.

"Sister, if you say it like this, of course I'll understand." Qian Anzhi looked at the first page. It was full of notes. He felt a sense of accomplishment.

He turned to the last page. "There are five questions at the back. It's a bit too many."

"It's okay." Shuishui continued to help him answer.

Shuishui explained in great detail, one step at a time. "There are some definitions that you must remember. For example, one of the most basic ones is the angle of an equilateral triangle."

"Yes, I know." Qian Anzhi was a little embarrassed because he didn't even know many of the basics.

Shuishui guided him as he tried to solve the questions. The last five equations took him an hour to finish, but Qian Anzhi had finally understood the basic concept of the equations.

"Okay. Do it again from the beginning. Why don't you print a new one and answer it all from the beginning? This will help you memorize how to solve it." Shuishui's learning method was memorization. She had told Qian Anzhi and Mu Zilin the same thing—that they had to memorize it.