Chapter 212 bad woman representative

That night, they ate German braised pig's trotters. They were bigger than Shuishui's fists. Fortunately, they had not ordered too much. Otherwise, they would be unable to finish it.

Shuishui liked the dish, including the mash potatoes. They also enjoyed the beef tendon. They became too full after a while because all the dishes they had ordered were meat dishes.

Mu Ziyu took care of Shuishui the whole time and wasn't bothered by Mu Zilin. Mu Zilin also kept to himself and minded his own business. He felt bored and realized that he was really a third wheel. He noticed how his brother watched over Shuishui while she ate, and he even cut her food. They simply behaved like any couple would.

They quietly continued to eat the pig trotters. Ziyu and Shuishui felt that next time, they shouldn't bring Mu Zilin along. In fact, they felt that it would have been better if he didn't know that they were dating. Since he already knew, Shuishui and Ziyu felt conflicted. It was like they were eating by themselves. It wasn't fun at all.

Shuishui pushed Mu Ziyu. "Go take care of your brother. I can do it myself."

"He's a big boy. Why should I take care of him?" Mu Ziyu asked.


"You don't need to take care of me. I'm not three years old," Mu Zilin said as he rolled his eyes.

Mu Ziyu smiled and said, "See for yourself."

Shuishui felt that Mu Ziyu had said that on purpose. She reached out and nudged his chest. "I don't need you to take care of me either."

"It's my duty to take care of you, and I like to watch you eat." Mu Ziyu loved to watch Shuishui eat because she ate like a little hamster. She ate very elegantly never wolfed down her food. However, seeing her smile as she ate warmed his heart. He disliked eating with other women because he felt that they were a little pretentious. He had met many women who ate very little and would say that they didn't want to eat anymore because they wanted to lose weight.

He had heard his other male friends tell the girls, "You're not fat. Why do you want to lose weight?"

Then, the women would defend themselves, and Ziyu simply found it too pretentious. He didn't like girls who were like that. Shuishui was the kind who didn't care about what she ate. He had never heard her say that she wanted to lose weight, and she had never pretended to be someone else. For Mu Ziyu, she was already very ladylike in her own way.

Shuishui would wipe her mouth whenever she felt that her lips were too oily. She drank some water and stopped eating when she felt full. Although she could still eat more, she knew she had to restrain herself.

Mu Ziyu did not say anything. He knew that Shuishui was already full. "Would you like a glass of Hami melon juice?"

Shuishui blinked. "I want to drink pear juice."

"Zilin, what would you like to drink?" Mu Ziyu asked his younger brother.

Mu Zilin thought for a moment and said, "Watermelon juice."

They ordered three glasses of fruit juice.

Mu Zilin burped. He was full. "It was such a comforting meal. These kinds of food cannot be eaten too often. My body won't be able to take too much of it. The food we ordered were high in calories. Shuishui, let's go for a night run later."

"Sure." Shuishui nodded with a smile. Exercising would be good for her health.

Mu Zilin had already developed an aversion to the food in that restaurant. Everything was delicious, but they were also too greasy. Perhaps he would eat there again after a long time. He ate a few pieces of watermelon to get rid of the greasiness in his mouth.

Shuishui looked at her phone. Her father had sent her a text message. He was asking how she had been the past few days. She did not think too much about it and replied, "I'm all right. Uncle Jiang is very good to me. Dad, take care of yourself. I will take care of myself here. I miss you."

As she was replying to her father, the corners of her mouth unconsciously curled into a smile. Her father was extremely busy, but she believed that everything would turn out well. Her father could handle risky investments and had enough experience to handle things. He was also a brave man, so she was confident that he would be able to overcome the difficulties he faced.

She gathered her emotions. "I still want to go home," she said. The smell of the foods they ate lingered on her clothes, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Shuishui, didn't you promise to stay at our house tonight?" Mu Zilin looked at Shuishui. He was unhappy that Shuishui wouldn't keep her word.

Shuishui was a little determined. "Of course I have to go back. I don't have clothes at your house. My clothes smell bad, and I am a little uncomfortable."

Mu Zilin made a quick decision. "Then we'll send you back home first. After you shower, you can go with us to our house."

Shuishui placed her hand on her forehead. "Don't be so persistent. I can go there tomorrow."

Mu Zilin was not giving it up. "Your uncle has already agreed. Besides, if you stay at our place, won't you have more time to be with my brother?"

Shuishui frowned and felt a little awkward. "Uh."

"Go back and get your clothes. We'll wait for you at the door," Mu Ziyu said a bit forcefully. Mu Ziyu didn't want her to go just because she wanted to. He didn't want to give her up any time, especially because they didn't have much time left together. He wanted to get to know her better. He would do his best to be with Shuishui during her remaining days at the capital.

Shuishui could only nod. "All right."

Mu Zilin put his arm around Shuishui's shoulder. Mu Ziyu saw it, and he quickly removed Zilin's arm. He was not pleased with it. Zilin was unhappy that he couldn't even touch the shoulder of Shuishui, who was a very close friend to him. Shuishui looked at Mu Ziyu. He was a possessive man, but he respected her very much. She really liked Ziyu. She glanced at Ziyu and hugged his arm.

Mu Ziyu looked at Shuishui and smiled. He lowered his head and whispered into Shuishui's ear. "I've actually prepared clothes for you. They're in the car. I just don't know if they will fit you."

Shuishui's face instantly darkened. She let go of Mu Ziyu's arm, but Mu Ziyu tightly grabbed her hand. "Let's go," Ziyu said.

Shuishui could not break free, so she gave up. Ziyu's breath lingered near her ear and it tingled. She was not embarrassed, because she wasn't young anymore, but she was speechless. She could not really figure out what he meant. After all, she was a girl. She felt something different when he whispered in her ear.

Mu Zilin observed their interaction as a couple. He felt that his brother was quite overbearing. He saw Shuishui trying to break free, but he held on tightly. He did not expect his brother to behave that way in a relationship. They actually complemented each other. His brother had a gentle and refined temperament, while Shuishui gave off a gentle and quiet temperament. Mu Zilin really liked her new hairstyle. As a boy, he found it very attractive. He felt that he would easily fall in love with a girl who looked like that. After all, he had known Shuishui for so long. Despite her hairstyle change, she was still the Shuishui he knew.

In the past, Shuishui had so many suitors. Zilin felt that if those suitors could see her current look, they would be even more attracted towards her. His own brother had fallen head over heels in love with Shuishui. He was clearly smitten. He initially thought that they were compatible, but the more he thought about it, the more did it seem wrong. Of course, he could not say his thoughts out loud. He kept them to himself.

"I'll go and get the car. You guys wait for me here." Mu Ziyu walked to the parking lot.

Mu Zilin stood beside Shuishui and waited with her.

As they waited at the entrance of the restaurant, Shuishui saw the noblewoman from the banquet approaching them. Shuishui looked up at her and said, "Hello, Auntie Sun."

Auntie Sun was accompanied by two children. One was a girl around seventeen or eighteen years old, and the other was a boy around ten years old. Auntie Sun's eyes lit up when she saw Shusihui. However, she remembered that she had brought two children with her. "Shuishui, we're here for dinner too. Have you finished eating?"

Shuishui nodded and said, "Yes."

Auntie Sun looked at Mu Zilin. "And this is?"

"This is my friend, Mu Zilin." Shuishui gave a simple introduction and did not say much.

Mu Zilin knew Auntie Sun. "Auntie Sun, it's me, Zilin. We met during the winter break last year."

"That's right. It's been a year. I barely recognized you. You've grown a lot taller." Auntie Sun remembered that she had met him at the Mu family's New Year's party. She wondered why Mu Zilin and Shuishui were together. Although she really wanted to ask, the situation did not allow it. "Xiao Xu, this is your Brother Mu and Sister Qian. Xiao Xiao, you're almost the same age. You can even hang out together."

The girl snorted coldly, "Mom, hurry up. I'm hungry."

Shuishui looked at the girl then smiled and said, "Auntie Sun, we're leaving. Let's chat some other time."

"Okay. Let's chat some other time." Auntie Sun smiled awkwardly and brought the two children in.

Shuishui looked at Auntie Sun as she walked in. "Her daughter is quite big."

Zilin laughed and said, "Quite big? That's not her biological daughter. She is her husband's second wife. That boy is really her son." Earlier, when they walked out of the restaurant, Mu Zilin was smiling. He immediately looked disdainful when he saw that Auntie Sun was walking towards them.

Shuishui frowned. 'Second marriage?' she thought.

"You know her, but don't interact with her too much. She did unspeakable things to get to the top. The family doesn't like her. After she gave birth to a son, the family reluctantly accepted her. Although Chastity Youyou called her Mother, she didn't mean it. She hated Auntie Sun more than anyone else. However, Auntie Sun has always been very gentle. She never hit or scolded her. Now, Chastity Youyou is also spoiled by Auntie Sun. That girl only pretends to be nice to her," Zilin said in a disgusted tone. He did not like such people.

"You know a lot," Shuishui said lightly.

It was dark, so Mu Zilin couldn't clearly see Shuishui's expression. He said, "People talked about it a lot before. I heard a little. I heard that Auntie Sun had caused harm to lots of people. I don't know what she did exactly. People said that she got pregnant once and had a child. I don't know if it's true or not. It was said that she abandoned the child in an orphanage. She's not really a good person."

Mu Zilin was once brought along by his mother to a gathering of other noblewomen. At that time, he sat by the corner out of boredom. They were talking about Auntie Sun, and he had heard a lot of things.

It made him realize that women really loved to gossip.

As they got into the car, Mu Zilin realized that something was wrong. "Shuishui, why aren't you saying anything? Oh, right, you don't like to gossip."

"No. I'm just surprised. When did Zilin become so gossipy?" Shuishui laughed instead.

Mu Zilin scoffed and said, "I was just telling you." Mu Zilin stopped talking about it. After all, it was not good to speak ill of an elder.

Shuishui, however, was actually bothered. She had heard everything he said. If Auntie Sun was just an ordinary stranger, she would not mind. However, the woman was related to her.

A bad woman? Shuishui did not really think that she was a good person. But Shuishui was stunned by the fact that she had managed to get rid of her child without anyone knowing. In fact, she somehow admired her boldness.

Mu Ziyu noticed the change in Shuishui's mood. She was relatively calm, but she looked cold and empty.