Chapter 218 needed to be reasonable

Shuishui glared. Fortunately, he was not in front of her. "When did you become so glib?"

"I've always been like this, but only to you." Ziyu was in the study. He was curious whether Shuishui was hungry. "Are you hungry? Do you still want mutton soup?"

"No, thank you. We can enjoy mutton soup together one day. It tastes good, but I'd feel better if go with you." It was already getting late, and she didn't want Ziyu to go out at that hour. She did not want to trouble him. "In the next few days, Uncle Jiang will be more strict. Everything will be fine in the future," she said.

"I'm very happy to hear that you want to have dinner with me. Shuishui, don't think too much about it. My family's matters are actually quite complicated, but my family can't control me and my decisions. My parents will support me, because they like you very much." Mu Ziyu's parents had actually hoped that Shuishui and Zilin would end up together in the future. However, their parents were relatively quiet about it and let them take their own course.

Although Zilin and Shuishui were on good terms and close friends, they had never considered being romantically related. It was impossible. Many couples had started off as very good friends, and they ended up together because they understood each other's quirks and personalities. For Shuishui and Zilin, that was not the case.

Ziyu did not want Zilin and Shuishui to end up together. They could remain friends, but they could be nothing more beyond that. Ever since he started dating Shuishui, he disliked bringing Mu Zilin along. Zilin was definitely a big third wheel. Zilin knew that Shuishui had a boyfriend, but he simply had no idea who it was. Zilin was actually worried that Ziyu was Shuishui's boyfriend. He felt that it would be very awkward.

"It doesn't matter. We're the ones in the relationship. Society is more open-minded now, so there's no problem. Anyway, I want to get a haircut. You mentioned before that you know a good salon. Can you bring me there sometime?" Shuishui said. She really wanted to get a haircut. She had endured having long hair for half a year. This winter vacation, it would be troublesome to wash her long hair, so she wanted to shorten it and to eliminate all her split ends.

Shuishui touched her hair. Although it was long, she liked black, soft hair, and not straw-like hair. She wanted to have a haircut so she could keep her hair black. She touched the hair on the top of her head and the hair by her ears. She noticed that the color and luster were different.

"Tomorrow afternoon, I'll take you there. I'll ask the designer to design a hairstyle for you." Ziyu had told Shuishui about the salon before, but he hadn't taken her there yet. It seemed that she really wanted a haircut. She wanted to cut her waist-length hair shorter.

"Any hairstyle would be fine, as long as it's short. I'll wash up first." Shuishui wanted to say that she was going to hang up, but Mu Ziyu said, "I'll wait for you."

"Hmm." Shuishui leisurely washed up and returned to her phone. Mu Ziyu was still connected to the call.

"Ziyu, I'm done." She put on her headphones and turned on her computer to browse through the latest news.

"Shuishui, do you want to try German braised pig trotters? It is a combination of eastern and western cuisines. The restaurant that serves it is newly opened, and it is owned by a friend of mine. If you don't want to try it, you can try the food from old Beijing. There are a lot of people there. Let's see if you'll like it." Ziyu knew Shuishui well. He knew that she loved to eat, so he wanted to find the perfect restaurant to bring her to.

After a while, Mu Ziyu thought that Shuishui wasn't interested.

Shuishui's suddenly said, "Eh, I want to try it too."

Ziyu laughed and said, "As expected of my cute Shuishui. Tomorrow night, you get to try the German braised pork trotters. The day after that, you get to try cuisine from old Beijing. Home-cooked dishes are really good." He felt that Shuishui was confused about where to go and what to try first.

Shuishui loved to eat. When she heard that she had two choices, she was conflicted. Ziyu didn't say that she could only choose one. She was excited that she would get to try both.

She was already hungry. "Don't talk about food because I might get hungry. It's not good to eat at night."

Ziyu laughed. "I will stop talking about food. Anyway, I can just dream about my Shui Bao when I go to sleep," he teased. He found Shuishui adorable. He was not sure how she would react.

Shuishui was speechless. She was really someone who liked to eat. She felt that any bad day could be made better with a good meal or a good dish. Eating was her way of relaxing. "I'm not talking about eating in my dreams. I'm talking about eating delicious food. I feel better when I eat. Sometimes, when I'm feeling inexplicably unhappy, I sit down to a table of delicious food, and that can change my mood."

"If you're angry with me and I prepared a table full of delicious food for you, wouldn't that make it easy for you to forgive me?" Ziyu asked. He felt that he would have to figure out if such things were all right with her. He knew that in the future, he would have to deal with her anger in one way or another.

"You're thinking too much. However, it depends on what made me angry in the first place. If it's a matter of principle, I won't forgive you so easily. However, it's useless to think about it now because we're all right. We'll cross that bridge when we get there." Shuishui turned off the computer. She lay on the bed with her earphones wound around her hands.

She closed her eyes and continued to talk to Ziyu. She was not sleepy, but she felt that she could fall asleep anytime.

Mu Ziyu stayed on the phone with Shuishui until she fell asleep. After saying good night, he hung up the phone. The corners of his mouth curled into a gentle smile. He faintly felt that their relationship was more important than anything else.

Shuishui did not even know that she had fallen asleep. The next day, Uncle Jiang would meet with Mu Ziyu and her.

Mu Ziyu brought Mu Zilin along. Jiang Yuan didn't bring Jiang Li along because he had promised to go out and play with his friends.

In the car, Jiang Yuan reminded Shuishui not to intervene. "Shuishui, when the time comes, don't speak up for him. Just listen. Don't worry. I know my limits and will not act recklessly. You have to trust me, understand?"

"En, okay. But Uncle Jiang, don't make things too difficult for Ziyu. After all, he didn't do anything wrong. Moreover, our relationship was built on mutual understanding, and he highly respects you, which is why he agreed to meet with you." Shuishui glanced at Uncle Jiang and noticed that he was smiling. She had a feeling that Jiang Yuan would make things difficult for Mu Ziyu.

"Don't worry, your uncle knows his limits the most!" Jiang Yuan chuckled.

She didn't believe him.

Shuishui didn't care anymore and decided not to worry too much about it. After all, Jiang Yuan was an elder, and their relationship was a little complicated. She didn't want to meddle.

They soon arrived at a restaurant with a large private room. Mu Ziyu brought Mu Zilin. Jiang Yuan saw that Ziyu had brought someone else, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he spoke kindly to them.

Mu Ziyu viewed the meeting with Jiang Yuan with a practical mindset. He was simply wary because he knew that Jiang Yuan was not supportive of his relationship with Shuishui.

"Hello, Uncle Jiang. We have met before, but I didn't get the chance to formally greet you," Ziyu said. He had to be polite to Jiang Yuan, who was many years his senior.

Mu Zilin also hurriedly came forward and said, "Hello, Uncle."

Mu Zilin sat next to Shushui. "Have you had fun here in Beijing? These next few days, I'll take you to some places you haven't been to. I won't bring anyone else."

Shuishui was very willing to go out for a walk. "Uh, sure. I'd love to. I want to learn more about the capital and to see more of it."

Zilin laughed. He was excited. "I've already planned it. You can stay at our house. My mom has already prepared a room for you. You can stay there when you come to visit." Mu Zilin wanted to hang out with Shuishui. Back then, they went to so many places together. It was rare for them to be at the capital at the same time, so Zilin thought that they had to make the most of it.

Jiang Yuan looked at the two children. It seemed that Zilin and Shuishui were really close. "You can stay, but you can't stay for too long," he told Shuishui.

"Okay." Shuishui smiled and nodded.

Mu Zilin winked at Shuishui. "It's been a long time since I've gone wild. I'll plan the itinerary. It's been a long time since I've gone to watch a car race. We can also go to the Ice Palace. City A doesn't have that."

Mu Zilin suddenly realized that there were many places they could visit. Mu Ziyu wasn't very happy when he heard Zilin's plans. Mu Zilin wanted to go and take Shuishui out every day.

Jiang Yuan didn't say anything. It wasn't safe to watch a car race. He asked, "What did you guys play before?"

"When we entered high school, we stopped going out. But before that, when we were still in middle school, we went out to watch car races. Such events were very lively. Quite a lot of people went to watch those races. We also went out to drink. Anyway, it was quite fun. We went to bars, gaming centers, and other activity areas. Those were good times." Mu Zilin missed the past very much. He was very carefree then, and he didn't really care much about school activities and homework.

It sounded like such places weren't safe for young adults, but Jiang Yuan didn't care about the past. He turned to Ziyu and said, "Ziyu—can I call you that?"

Mu Ziyu nodded. "Of course." Ziyu thought that it was proper for an elder to call him that.

"Let's talk privately later. What do you think?" Uncle Jiang said as he smiled at Mu Ziyu. Looking at Ziyu from where he sat, Jiang Yuan noticed that he was indeed a good-looking person. He was as handsome as he was in the past. But for Jiang Yuan, looks were not everything. He would do whatever he was supposed to do, especially because he was already partly responsible for Shuishui. She could be considered his daughter. He didn't want his friend's daughter to make the same mistake.

Mu Ziyu had expected Jiang Yuan to want to speak with him privately. "Okay."

Mu Zilin remained oblivious to everything and kept talking to Shuishui. "Shuishui, we can sign up for the challenge together. There are many fun things to do during this winter vacation."

Shuishui was also open-minded and excited about it. Since she was there at the capital, she would grab the opportunity and enjoy herself. "All the fun things to do! We should go before you think of other things to do!"

Shuishui didn't want to be too cautious and end up being a boring friend. She felt that she had to say yes to opportunities and accept invitations to have fun.

"Great. Then I'll make the arrangements. I'm more familiar with this place. There are many prizes at stake for the activities." Mu Zilin was excited. With Shuishui, he could do anything. She was even more daring than him and was more open to new experiences.

After they had ordered their dishes, Shuishui went out to take a look at the vegetable garden. Mu Zilin followed behind her.

Mu Ziyu and Jiang Yuan were left in the room. Jiang Yuan also grabbed the chance to talk to Mu Ziyu. He only wanted Mu Ziyu to do one thing—leave Shuishui to save her from getting hurt in the future.

How could Mu Ziyu be happy if he broke up with Shuishui? He tried to reason with Jiang Yuan.