Chapter 226 was very efficient

Jiang Yuan stared at Shuishui's work on the screen and said, "It's pretty good. What do you think is good about this company? How much more profit can we make?"

"It's estimated to fluctuate by 5%. That's what the data shows. We need to calculate the exact number again." Shuishui only came to that conclusion based on the formula. She was quite familiar with making models, so she was very good at it. She even applied some principles, and the model was the output.

Jiang Yuan nodded. "Impressive. Save the documents so we can go and eat. Come back in the afternoon to recheck the data."

Secretary Huang was really surprised when she saw that Shuishui had finished working on the document. She thought that Shuishui was just messing around, and she didn't expect that she would be able to do it so well.

Jiang Yuan thought for a while before they went out. "Have you learned this before? It looks like you're very familiar with it."

"The software has a foundation, and some of the formulas are ready-made and can be applied to the data." Shuishui found it difficult to explain. In fact, she knew how to do it because she had worked on similar equations in her previous life.

"I originally wanted you to study about it, but it looks like you already know how to do it. Moreover, I see that your English is pretty good. Your father was right. I originally thought he was exaggerating. Do you know how often your father talks about you? He really thinks so highly of you." Jiang Yuan remembered how Qian An would boast about his daughter.

Shuishui raised her head. "What did my father say about me?"

"Your father had said that you were good in all aspects. He said that your academic performance was exceptional. He had also mentioned how you ranked first among all the first-year high school students. He was so proud. I asked him which among your talents and abilities made him proudest. He said he was most proud of the fact that you could speak and understand the English language very well and that you are fond of reading English books. I have seen with my own eyes and have proven that you really are good," Uncle Jiang said. Qian An really wasn't bragging. Shuishui was truly an excellent student and a commendable child. He thought about his own child and wondered why he wasn't as exceptional when Shuishui was only a few years older than him. One of his children showed potential and could be independent. The other one, however, was only interested in playing games. He was not sensible at all, and Jiang Yuan wondered if it was too late for his children to catch up to Shuishui. Shuishui was an independent young lady, and her parents never worried too much about her because they knew she was responsible.

Shuishui nodded. Her father did love to talk about her to other people because he was proud of her. She was very happy that she made her father proud. She believed that all children had to aspire to make their parents proud.

"Anyway, try not to tell your father too much about your biological mother. You've met her, but I'm not going to tell you who she is as a person. I want to ask you how you feel about the whole matter and what you actually think of her." Jiang Yuan wanted to know what Shuishui thought of the whole affair. He valued her opinion.

Shuishui recalled how she felt and said, "Actually, I don't really know. But if you want to know how I feel about it, I just think that the reason why she paid attention to me and asked about my background was because she was happy. She was curious about me, but she was happy. However, the happiness she displayed was clearly the different kind. It was like she had mixed emotions about it. Perhaps she felt like she would be able to express her emotions every time she saw me. Anyway, I haven't interacted with her that much, and I still can't make any conclusions about her."

Uncle Jiang was amused with Shuishui's eloquent answer and said, "You're like a little *****. Since we last saw that woman, I've asked a friend of mine about her. I find out that she can't have any more children, and she had to stabilize her position to defeat three other concubines. Actually, she entered a good marriage. It's a business marriage. After all, that daughter of hers isn't her own child, and she doesn't really have a good relationship with her husband. She's probably worried that when that child comes of age, her husband will do something bad to her. Her boy is still young, so her husband has to keep her around to take care of the boy. I don't like to speak ill of others, but I think you're very sensible and mature to understand these things. I am not really hesitant to tell you these things because I can see how mature you are. I think that mother of yours will soon want to acknowledge you as her daughter." Jiang Yuan still hoped that Shuishui would not get too close to that woman.

Shuishui remembered what Mu Zilin had said to her before. She asked, "Uncle, can you tell me about my father and my mother?"

"Yes, of course. Let's wait until we reach the restaurant." Jiang Yuan felt that it would be difficult to talk about such a topic on the road.

When they arrived at the hot pot restaurant, they each ordered a pot that they liked. Shuishui ordered a spicy hot pot. They each sat at the table's sides. There were quite a lot of people at the restaurant, but there was ample space between the tables. It was a bit noisy too.

After they placed their orders, Jiang Yuan and Shuishui talked about it again.

Shuishui learned a lot from her conversation with Uncle Jiang. When their talk was about to end, Shuishui said, "You told me not to tell my father. Does that mean that my father doesn't know that my mother married someone else? Does he still think that she went abroad?"

"That's right. After all, the capital is far from the city," Uncle Jiang said openly. There was nothing more to hide.

Shuishui nodded. "Then what if my mother wants to fight for my custody? Will she succeed?"

She was underage, and she had to consider it. Although she didn't think that the woman would fight for her custody, it was a good idea to consider the possibilities.

"Don't worry about that. I am your current guardian, and if she wants to fight for your custody, she will have to provide a large amount of materials. Besides, you're already sixteen years old, so you have the right to speak up for yourself. After all, she didn't raise you. If she wants to be legally considered as your guardian, it will be very difficult for her." Jiang Yuan realized that Shuishui was very introspective. She had thought of the consequences and the possibilities.

Shuishui nodded and began to eat the hot pot quietly.

"Come and visit our house during the holidays in the future. I will take you to different tourist spots here," Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

Shuishui did not directly agree. She only smiled a few times in response. After the meal, he brought Qian Shuishui back to the office and pointed at the sofa. He said, "If you want to rest, you can lie down there. There is a blanket in the small cabinet there." He sat on the chair, ready to check the document Shuishui had worked on that morning. He still needed to take a closer look to find out what exactly was going on.

Shuishui did not hesitate to take out the blanket and a large towel. She laid it out on the sofa. Then, she crept under the blanket and lay down. Shuishui took out her phone to set her alarm and then drifted off to sleep.

She was a little tired from focusing too hard on the document earlier that morning.

Jiang Yuan looked at how Shuishui worked through the file and was even more impressed. Other than ranking the data, she applied all the formulas. It was also amazing that she made a model and interpreted the data.

He then saved the document and sent it to his subordinates, who continued to polish it. He yawned and looked at Shuishui, who was sleeping on the sofa. He went out and asked his secretary to pour him a cup of coffee.

A female employee approached Jiang Yuan and handed him a document. "Director Jiang, this is a list of the twenty interns. The first three are those who performed well. The ones marked in blue are those who are very diligent, although they are not considered very competent."

Jiang Yuan opened the document and browsed through it. It was a performance evaluation of the twenty interns, who had been with them for the past three months.

Shuishui had also gotten up at that time. She put the blanket away and went to the bathroom to rinse her mouth. She wanted to go to the office outside to work, because Uncle Jiang's office had only one computer.

Coincidentally, she saw someone handing documents to Uncle Jiang. "Uncle Jiang, I'll go to Secretary Huang's office first."

"Wait. This is for you. These are performance evaluation results. Based on the data and on the qualifications of each person on the list, choose five people who are good assets and explain why." He directly handed the document to Shuishui.

Shuishui accepted the documents and asked, "Is this a promotion?"

"Yes, they are all interns. Choose five whom you think deserve to be promoted." Uncle Jiang felt dizzy when he looked at the results because he felt that they were all equally qualified.

Shuishui nodded and brought the document to Secretary Huang's office. However, the employee who handed the document to Jiang Yuan felt that it was inappropriate. "Director Jiang, is it appropriate for her to assess the interns?"

"There's nothing bad about it. Come back at four o'clock to get the results. Go back to work," Uncle Jiang said. He waved his hand to send her away. He felt that there was no need for other employees to question his decision on such matters.

Every year, he knew that some interns relied on their connections to get ahead of other more talented candidates. He knew they were generally unqualified, but he turned a blind eye.

He wanted to see how Shuishui would handle it. It could also be considered a test for her.

Shuishui flipped through the document. Their qualifications were stated, along with the significant tasks that were assigned to them in the office. Each department evaluated each of the twenty interns. She saw that one of the evaluations was especially exaggerated. She also came upon a simple comment which read: "Work hard."

However, many of the supervisors gave average evaluations. She read the evaluation of one intern. It said that she often left early, which was a very bad habit. She ignored this and moved on to the other candidates. Three interns were tagged as outstanding, but she had already cut two of them on the basis of poor attendance. Because interns were not really paid well enough, most were not willing to work overtime. She also cut off the two because of their inefficiency, which she based on the amount of work they had completed in the span of three months.

She quickly concluded that eight of the interns were pretty good. She decided to learn more about the eight interns. She asked Secretary Huang for their job descriptions and the tasks that had been assigned to them. She looked at them briefly and finally selected five people. All five people all had their own different abilities. What they had in common was their diligence. Most of them had good attendance records and even occasionally worked overtime. The quality of their work was not bad either. She wrote down her justifications on why she chose the five interns. She did not know if she had done it right, but she came up with the list of interns to promote based on the facts and the data presented to her. She felt that Uncle Jiang would not blame her for doing so.

When she finished, she handed the document and the list to Uncle Jiang.

Jiang Yuan looked at the list of five people and read Shuishui's justifications. "En, not bad. You even read their job descriptions."

"I judged them based on the quality of their outputs. Some interns had excellent evaluations, but when I checked, their outputs were really average. Their evaluations weren't commensurate to how they actually performed and delivered. Moreover, they also have overtime records, which shows that they are responsible for their work. Many of the managers gave exaggerated evaluations. Clearly, they had their favorites. They wrongly assessed some of the interns, using their personalities as the main reason why they are not being endorsed." Shuishui had read the comments and realized that many were false. Although she wasn't sure, she felt that the managers had their biases. She was finally able to confirm the truthfulness and validity of the evaluations when she saw their outputs and their efficiency as interns.

"Then let's hire these five people. There's nothing else to do now. You can rest for a while." He had nothing else to tell Shuishui. He realized that she was indeed very efficient with her tasks.