Chapter 265 high-value gifts?

Li Xue did not have a good life in City A. She did not contact her former friends because she could not bear their strange gazes. Even if they did not say anything out loud, she felt that they were judging her. Her daughter reported to work, but she was not willing to go back to work after only a few days. She only liked to go out and have fun.

Momo, her eldest daughter, had changed a lot. She was not as obedient as before and would quarrel with her. Momo always asked for money and would even steal her own money. Once, when she went out to buy vegetables, she realized that her money was gone. She was very embarrassed. She only found out that Momo had taken the money when she confronted her. She only said that she took it because she needed to buy something. They did not have much money left, and Momo had everything that she needed. She had many other unnecessary purchases.

One day, when Qian Momo arrived, Li Xue waved at her eldest daughter. "You're back. Prepare and pack your luggage. We'll fly to the capital on Sunday. If it's possible, we can settle down in the capital in the future."

Qian Momo put down her clothes. She was shocked with the sudden change of plans. "Mom, why are we leaving? We're fine here."

She pondered on the thought of moving to the capital and said, "All right, let's go to the capital. It's pretty good there."

She thought of the things that had happened in the past few days and felt that it was not bad to leave. She said, "Shuishui and Anzhi are over there, and I feel that Uncle Jiang treats Shuishui very well. He even brings Shuishui anywhere. We can also ask for Uncle Jiang's help, right?"

Uncle Jiang was quite rich, so she assumed that he was living in a big house.

Li Xue's face instantly darkened. "Ever since your father and I divorced, all of your father's friends have cut off ties with me. I have considered going to the capital because I have a friend there from whom we can ask for help. She is helping us find a house. If we sell this apartment, we can buy a house in the suburbs and live there for the time being. The people there basically don't know us. We can start from scratch. You don't have to worry. Just calm down and go to work. Don't be like this anymore. This is not the past. Are you going to sit around and eat nothing?"

"Mom, what are you talking about? I am waiting for my three million. What are you worried about? Besides, this apartment is in a good location. We still have some money. You can also sell your jewelry so you have cash to spend. You will also have a lot of money." She paused and pondered over the fact that there were many good men in Beijing. "Mom, do you still remember that Mu Ziyu? He's in the capital now, and he's dating Shuishui!" She was very unhappy. She couldn't accept the fact that the person she admired most was in a relationship with her only younger sister.

Li Xue grabbed Qian Momo. "What did you say? Shuishui has a boyfriend?"

"Yes, I saw them together once." Qian Momo looked at her mother. Ever since the accident, her mother still dressed herself up. She was disappointed that her mother sold her things without asking for her permission.

Li Xue quieted down. "We'll see when the time comes. Anzhi said he would book a hotel room for me. We'll go over and fix up the house first. I've already put up this apartment for sale. I've entrusted someone to help us sell it. Someone will come to look at the house tomorrow. Pack up your things and don't expose your valuables. They might get stolen."

"Okay. I got it, Mom. I've already looked at the house in the capital. I think it's convenient to buy a car." Qian Momo had a fearless attitude. She was very confident because she felt that she still had a lot of money. Even though the money wasn't in her hands yet, it didn't cross her mind that she would be having a hard time in the future if she didn't handle her finances well.

In fact, Qian Momo's personality was very similar to Li Xue's. They were both selfish.

Li Xue thought of telling her two brothers that she was going to leave. They couldn't help her, and yet they wanted to borrow money from her. She had no money to lend them. If she lent them whatever remaining money they had, she and Momo would be in deep trouble.

The Li brothers had invested a lot of effort and their own money in their efforts to have many of Qian An's assets transferred to them. Because the company went bankrupt, everything went down the drain, and they couldn't get anything back. Qian An's house, which they could have gotten for themselves, was handed over as collateral because it was still in Qian An's name. They were also extremely short of money, so they asked for help from Li Xue. They felt that she wouldn't abandon them. When they did go to her, they were disappointed to find out that she couldn't and wouldn't help them.

On Sunday, Shuishui and He Xiaoying went to the fat girl's birthday party. Qian Anzhi, meanwhile, took a taxi to pick up his mother at the airport. Although he didn't want to go, he had no choice.

Shuishui had conveniently bought a gift on Saturday. She bought a crystal music box which she felt the girl would like. She bought it from an antique shop. It had a vintage design and looked very elegant. She had opened the box and saw a female figure made of crystal. However, because the drive was broken, it was sold at a very cheap price. It only cost twenty five yuan. The seller told Shuishui that it was just an old music box. It was made by a famous teacher. Shuishui was told that if it were still working, it would have been sold at a very much higher price. No one could repair it, even those from the factory that made it. It was relatively worthless, since it was a broken music box.

While in the shop, Shuishui tinkered with it for a while before she decided to buy it. She bought some tools and went home to open the music box.

She knew how a music box operated. That was why she was so bold to repair it with her own hands. When she opened it, she found that many parts inside were broken, so she tried to rearrange the internal structure of the music box with knowledge she had learned from her previous life. She needed to find a way for the gears to move. The music box was new to begin with, but she was told that the shop staff was too careless in handling it and dropped it.

She had received two photos of the birthday celebrant. She placed the photos in a small frame inside music box. The photos would rotate along with the gears that played the music.

On their way to the party, He Xiaoying smiled and asked, "Shuishui, what gift did you bring for the celebrant?"

"I bought her a music box," Shuishui answered casually.

"That's pretty good. I bought her a CD. I heard that she likes this particular singer, so I asked my brother to help me buy this. It will be sold out in a few days." He Xiaoying had put in a lot of effort. It was her first time attending a friend's birthday party. She wanted to be recognized by them.

"Actually, it's good that you're here." Shuishui only spent a few yuan on the gift, but it was of high value because she was able to repair it.

There was a small tradition wherein the celebrant would open her presents in front of whoever gave it to her. Soon, they arrived at Xiao Wei's house, which was a two-story high-end apartment in the city center.

Both of them were dressed more simply, but it was a birthday party after all. They had put in a little bit of effort to look good. He Xiaoying had on a blue dress, which she wore with a pair of high heels. She even put on a little makeup to make herself look a lot more beautiful.

Shuishui wore a pure-colored shirt and a long skirt. The skirt didn't look anything extraordinary because it looked a little rustic. On Shuishui, however, it looked especially beautiful. Her entire person gave off a comfortable and intellectual feeling. She was a beautiful person, and she had a charming personality as well. She stood out among the other girls without even trying.

He Xiaoying noticed Shuishui's choice of clothes. It was simple, but she looked great in her outfit. She felt that Shuishui had a kind of aura that others did not have. She could not describe it, and it was different from other people she knew. Fortunately, they had a harmonious relationship with their classmates. There were no big arguments, and the girls were nice towards each other.

Xiao Wei brought them to the big balcony outside. There was a big table with snacks and fruits. "Come. The others are almost here. You're just in time. If you hadn't come, I would have called and pestered you."

The two smiled as they walked in. They saw a few classmates, but the others were people they didn't know.

People had a habit of sitting next to acquaintances. They sat down and started chatting with the others.

The other girls took the initiative to talk to her. "Shuishui, sit here."

Shuishui pulled He Xiaoying over. "You guys are so early," she said.

One of the girls laughed and said, "We've been here before, so we're quite familiar with the place. Xiao Wei is very happy today. Do you see the boy sitting across from us? He's the boy that Xiao Wei likes. Over there is Xiao Wei's brother, Ling Junwei." They introduced Shuishui and He Xiaoying to Ling Junwei.

The other girls were not fond of He Xiaoying, but there was something about Shuishui that made them like her very much. She came across as a generally good and soft-spoken person.

Shuishui nodded with a faint smile. "Thank you for telling us. It can be considered a precaution."

Everyone was gathered together. Ling Junwei looked at the group of girls. They were his sister's friends, and they seemed to be from her class. Surely, there could be no beautiful girls in a science class? At first, he was a little disappointed, but Shuishui caught his attention. He found her quite beautiful. He noticed that she spoke very elegantly. It was clear that she was from a good family. "You don't have to be too restrained. We've already ordered the pizza and fried chicken. They'll be sent over in a while. You can have some snacks or fruits," he said to them.

Ling Junwei was not an eye-catching man. Although he wasn't particularly handsome, he had his own charms.

In another table sat Ling Junwei's friends.

Ling Weiwei had not invited all of her friends. There were many of them whom she didn't like because they often ridiculed her. She was happy to have her classmates instead. She felt that she could just get together with her other friends some other time if they asked about the party.

"Come, grab some drinks."

They waited for the birthday girl to sit down, then they took out their presents and let the birthday girl open them.

The boys were more casual, so the celebrant opened their presents first.

Ling Weiwei's brother gave her a set of gloves and a scarf. "You can use them in the winter."

"Thank you, Brother."

The other boys gave her a few accessories, dolls, stuffed toys, and trinkets.

It was soon time for her to open the girls' presents. Shuishui's gift was the last one to be opened because she sat in the corner. Ling Weiwei's parents sat in the living room and looked at the group of children with smiles on their faces.

When it was Qian Shuishui's turn, she took out her present and handed it to Ling Weiwei. "This is a music box. It has a vintage design. I hope you'll like it."

Ling Weiwei picked up the music box and opened it. "Wow! This music box is so special. I've never seen one like it before."

She stared at it in surprise. She then saw her photo, which rotated and changed to another photo. "Oh my god. There's even a photo of me inside." Shuishui's gift was very interesting.

Ling Weiwei's father walked over. "Weiwei, let me take a look at that."

Ling Weiwei found it a little strange that her father made the effort to ask for the music box.

Ling Weiwei's father picked up the music box and looked at the engravings on the back. He knew that it was a very expensive piece of art. He wondered how the giver got her hands on the music box. It didn't seem like a gift for a child. It was too expensive. However, he decided to keep quiet for the meantime. "It's a very special music box," he said plainly.

He felt that it was not good to accept such an expensive gift without giving anything in return.

Father Ling was a little conflicted. He sat back down in the living room. His wife pulled him back and asked, "What's wrong?"

With a concerned expression, Father Ling said softly, "Weiwei has a classmate who gave her a very expensive gift. It cost at least a few thousand yuan. I wonder how she bought it. Weiwei must repay her classmate."

"Ah?" Mother Ling was a little surprised.

"The master who made that has already passed away, and his creations have also risen in value. I wondered why the music box looked very familiar. I took a look and confirmed that it was one of the creations of that old master." Father Ling felt that it was really inappropriate for students to give such expensive items to each other.

Shuishui had no idea that the music box would make Father Ling think so much. She knew that the workmanship of the music box was very high-end, but she only spent twenty five yuan to buy it, so she did not care too much.

Ling Weiwei expressed her gratefulness for Shuishui's gift. "Shuishui, thank you. I like this gift very much."

Shuishui smiled. "I'm glad that you like it."

Seeing that Xiao Wei was so happy, Shuishui saw another business opportunity. For the meantime, she chose not to think too much about it. Instead, she mingled with the others.

Father Ling pulled Ling Weiwei aside to whisper something to her. "That friend who gave you the music box just now . . . Maybe you can give her a gift or treat her to a meal to express your gratitude."

"Ah? Why?" Ling Weiwei looked at her father. She found it a little strange.

"It's natural for you to receive gifts on your birthday, but the value of the gift she gave you is not low. You can't even buy it for a few thousand yuan. As a classmate or a friend, although she doesn't mind giving you such a valuable gift, you have to express your gratitude. Besides, this classmate of yours is so generous, so you shouldn't be stingy, right? I taught you to not simply accept what others give you and to occasionally repay what is given to you." Father Ling was a businessman. He felt that Ling Weiwei's classmate was not just a regular girl. It was clear that she came from an illustrious family.

Ling Weiwei was surprised. "A few thousand yuan?" It was so expensive. She and Shuishui were simply classmates. They weren't very close. They have only eaten together a few times. She was surprised that Shuishui gave her something so valuable.

"Well, your father's eyesight has good eyesight. I can tell which items are expensive." Father Ling looked at his daughter's stunned expression. She was obviously shocked. Father Ling actually found it funny that his daughter had many wealthy friends in her circle. It was rare for them to be so generous.

"Yes, I know. Also, Qian Shuishui is really amazing. She won first prize in the math competition. She has a good personality too. Even if you hadn't told me anything about her gift, I still like her." If her former friends had bought her an expensive gift, they would have bragged about how much they had spent. However, Qian Shuishui didn't say anything. She gave the present like any other friend would.

When Ling Weiwei returned to the group of girls, the way she looked at Shuishui changed.

Shuishui found it a little strange. After a while, she asked, "Why? Do I have something on my face?"

Ling Weiwei shook her head and smiled. "No."

Shuishui simply smiled back at her.

Ling Weiwei looked at the cake. 'For this year, I wish I would slim down,' she thought. She made her wish and blew out the candles.