Chapter 291: Bicycle Training

There were quite a number of people who came to report to university on the first day. There were several students carrying their luggage and bags into the dormitories. Shuishui saw that there were also luxury cars entering the campus grounds. She also wanted to buy her own car as soon as she became an *****. She could go wherever she wanted and there would be no need to trouble others for her errands.

"Shuishui, what are you looking at?" Mu Ziyu noticed that Shuishui had been looking outside the entire time.

"I'm watching the others driving. I want to become an ***** as soon as possible. I also want to drive." She was thinking about how to make things more convenient for herself. She would spend four years in university, and she still needed to wait another year before she could drive or buy her own car.

Mu Ziyu did not want Shuishui to have a car, because that would lessen her dependence on him.

However, he could not say anything out loud nor refute her.

When Mu Ziyu and Shuishui arrived, they got out of the car together. "Do you know which way to go?" Ziyu asked.

"Yes, I've been here before. I think I know where to go. Of course, we can just ask around. Anyway, there are seniors who will come out to welcome new students," Shuishui answered.

Mu Ziyu looked around as he walked beside Shuishui. He had been there before, but he wasn't very familiar with the campus. The environment was good. Shuishui would be spending four years in that university. He would have to familiarize himself with the place and determine which buildings Shuishui would frequent.

They arrived at an office where there were already people lining up. They stood at the end of the line. Shuishui took out some candies and handed them to Ziyu. She said, "At this rate, it will take about ten minutes before we get entertained."

"Yes. Eat less candies. You can eat more chocolate instead. Chocolates have higher calorie content and can make you fat." Ziyu looked at Shuishui's small body and hoped that she would gain more weight to look healthier.

Shuishui laughed and said, "I always eat beef at Teacher Li's house. They say it will make my body stronger." Shuishui often ate quite a lot at Teacher Li's. Teacher Li would always finish eating ahead of her, then he would watch her eat. At first, she was uncomfortable, but she learned to ignore her teacher and would continue eating.

Mu Ziyu patted Shuishui's shoulder. "All right. Don't think too much. Take it slow. You won't gain weight overnight. It's fine as long as you continue to eat healthy and maintain a healthy and ideal weight. The food Teacher Li prepares for you is good for your body as well."

Shuishui nodded her head. Ziyu thought she looked very cute.

Mu Ziyu chuckled. "Sometimes, you look like a little white rabbit. In fact, you're a big bad wolf."

"I don't really like the adjective 'big bad wolf.' I like pigs. I can pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger," she replied with a smile.

"You're also my little pig," Ziyu said in a low voice then laughed. He stroked Shuishui's head.

Other people around them were actually watching them.

"New students," someone said, looking at Shuishui and Ziyu.

"The man is handsome, and the woman is beautiful. They look really good together," another person said.

"Are they both new students?"

It was Shuishui's turn, but Mu Ziyu did not go in. Instead, he waited outside for Shuishui and took out his phone to check his messages.

Mu Ziyu caught the attention of some of the students. Two of them mustered up their courage and approached him. The other girl said, "Senior, can I have your penguin?"

Mu Ziyu raised his head and looked at her. He courteously answered, "I'm sorry. I'm not a student of this school. I'm just here to accompany my girlfriend."

"Oh, I see. Then I won't bother you anymore," the girl replied and walked away with her friend. They quickly left because they felt a little embarrassed. They were surprised. Not only was the man not a student in that university, but he also had a girlfriend. It was clear to them that the man did not want to be bothered because he directly said he had a girlfriend. They envied whoever his girlfriend was and thought she was really lucky to have such a gem of a boyfriend.

Shuishui went in, reported her name, and took out her ID card. The teacher helped her with the registration in front of the computer. He was a little surprised when Shuishui told him that she wanted to take a double-major program. Most students would choose double majors but with one easier major. Both Shuishui's chosen majors were notoriously difficult, especially the pharmacy program.

The teacher saw that Shuishui's card was already signed by one of the professors. He understood that the professor had made the arrangements for Shuishui. He scrolled down the screen to view her scores in the college entrance exam. He saw her score, and there was a special note that indicated that she was the top scorer in science for that year. The teacher looked at Shuishui, finding it hard to believe that the top scorer in science was such a beautiful little girl. "Qian Shuishui, the class schedule is out. You have to go to the library to collect your books. Take this class schedule and student ID card. Just a reminder—once you lose this card, you have to pay fifty yuan to get another. Also, the majors you have decided to take are more complicated ones. I suggest you meet with your teacher frequently. I will print out your teacher's number together with your class schedule. Good luck."

University teachers and professors always treated their top students well.

"Thank you, Teacher. I got it. I'll go get my books now." She smiled as she grabbed her stuff. She was very efficient. She glanced at her class schedule. It was not bad. Her classes would start at nine o'clock on Monday to Wednesday and were scheduled to end at three o'clock in the afternoon. On Friday, she had a class at ten o'clock. She had no classes on other days. Classes were held once every two weeks. She liked her schedule because it was very convenient.

As Shuishui walked out, Mu Ziyu took a look at Shuishui's class schedule. He took a photo of it with his phone. "You have quite a lot of classes," he said.

Shuishui was very satisfied. "It's not bad. I like the schedule," she said.

Mu Ziyu did not say much. He looked at Shuishui's student ID and asked, "Did you take this at the last minute?"

"Yes. When I went in, the teacher asked me to sit down and then took a photo of me. After that, he started to ask some questions. This was immediately printed out. Now, we need to go to the library to get my books." Shuishui thought for a moment and said, "I don't know where it is. Let's ask someone."


"May I know how to get to the library?" Shuishui asked someone who seemed to be familiar with the place.

The young man said, "Are you a freshman? The library is right in front of us. After passing through that corridor, you will be able to see the library." He saw that the freshman was with a good-looking young man. He did not continue to strike up a conversation with her. He was not interested in a girl who was already taken. He felt like he was not as good-looking as he companion, and he did not have the confidence to snatch her away from him.

They walked to the library and claimed Shuishui's books. Only then did they discover that Shuishui had six books, and each of them was very thick. Mu Ziyu held the books in his arms and looked at the one at the top of the pile. It was a book about basic pharmacy. "Have you changed your major?" he asked.

"That's right. It's not bad to be a pharmacist." Shuishui revealed a smile. She also felt like society needed more pharmacists.

Mu Ziyu looked at Shuishui's mischievous look. "You're so mischievous," he said.

"I'm not mischievous. I just suddenly changed my mind. Perhaps it's time I learned something new." She had studied physics and liked it very much. She just felt like it was about time she entered a different field.

Mu Ziyu did not understand what Shuishui really meant. He simply thought she was interested in taking up different fields. Liking or showing a preference for a certain field was subjective. It was really up to Shuishui. He also wanted to give her some advice, but he kept quiet when he realized that the degrees he planned on suggesting were far from what Shuishui had pursued.

Shuishui walked empty-handed and felt a little embarrassed. She turned to Mu Ziyu and said, "Let me help you carry them. Those books are very thick and heavy."

"No need," Ziyu answered.

Shuishui did not insist. She just walked in front and looked around. "Let's go home for lunch. I'll cook lunch for you," she said.

"Okay," Ziyu said. He preferred to eat at home. It was warm and comfortable. Moreover, he was occasionally surprised by her cooking skills.

"It's too far to walk to school. I'm considering buying a bicycle. Won't it be more convenient? " Shuishui asked.

"I can send you to school. I report to work at ten o'clock. I'll pick you up at your house before nine. I can then drop you off at school before I go to the office." Ziyu was not sure about letting Shuishui use a bicycle. He felt it wasn't safe.

Shuishui didn't think it was a good idea. She didn't want to bother him every day. "It's better to prepare a bicycle. What would I do if you're not available? I think it will be more convenient if I had a bike. I can also use that as my exercise. That way, Teacher Li won't find any excuse to scold me for being lethargic."

"That's true," Ziyu answered. He had heard that Teacher Li always asked Shuishui to jog over to his house during their training days. He did not allow Shuishui to take a cab. Although she would train on the treadmill at home every day, Teacher Li insisted on her running to his place.

Ziyu remembered that Zilin had a bicycle. "I'll deliver Zilin's bicycle to your house. He has only used it once. Besides, he's already in third year. He no longer has the time to use it." Zilin had kept the bicycle in a corner of the house. His family knew that he was dating someone, but they also noticed that his grades had improved. They decided not to say anything when they saw that being in a relationship had not hindered him from focusing on his studies.

"That's fine. Actually, I will only be using it for a year. When I'm eighteen and get my driver's license, I won't need it anymore. I'll give Zilin a call later. It would be better if I myself borrowed it from him." Shuishui and Zilin were good friends, so she didn't feel shy about borrowing from him.

"Sure. You can call him instead," Ziyu said. He knew that Shuishui and Zilin had always been very open with each other.

As soon as they got into the car, Shuishui called Mu Zilin. They talked for a few minutes. She turned to Ziyu and said, "He said that he wants to bring the bike to me and that he will bring it to my house at noon."

Zilin was quite an impatient person.

Mu Ziyu couldn't help but laugh. "It seems that he has lost interest in the bicycle. Ever since he started dating his girlfriend, he has been spending more time with her than on exercising or riding that bike."

"I think it's not bad that he has changed. I'm just afraid that he has become too infatuated." Shuishui was a little worried. While she was talking on the phone with Zilin, she heard a female voice in the background. The girl was asking Zilin to buy drinks for her. She tried to recall how Zilin's girlfriend looked like, but she couldn't really remember. The girl had not really made an impression on her.