Chapter 298, Zi Lin

Murong Xi looked at Shuishui. It was clear to her that Ziyu's girlfriend was not only younger than her but also prettier than her. She felt very insecure. Murong Xi, however, was not willing to back down. "Hello. My name is Murong Xi. So you are Ziyu's girlfriend. This is the first time I've met you."

Shuishui looked over and calmly replied, "Hello, my name is Qian Shuishui."

Could this woman be the one that Ziyu had mentioned last time? She remembered what Ziyu said about the Murong family and his uncle intervening in his affairs.

Shuishui knew that Mu Ziyu did his best to make the woman understand that he was not interested. Shuishui felt that there would be no problem between them if the woman understood and knew her place.

"We're going to eat later at a nearby restaurant. The food there is pretty good. Do you want to come along?" Murong Xi asked.

Mu Ziyu answered, "No thanks. We'll go out to eat. She wants to eat pasta today. If you don't need anything else, we'll go ahead."

Mu Ziyu pulled Shuishui aside. Mu Ziyu looked at Murong Xi's mother and said, "Auntie, we'll be leaving first."

"All right. I won't disturb you two lovebirds." Murong Xi's mother knew and understood the whole situation. She could tell that Mu Ziyu was not interested in her daughter. She also noticed how coldly Ziyu looked at her daughter. That implied that he did not even regard her as a friend. What a failure. What had her daughter done in the past?

When Mu Ziyu left, Murong Xi stomped her feet and said, "Mom, look."

"What are you being grumpy about? Look at you. You've been pursuing him for quite a while, yet he doesn't even treat you as a friend." She did not want to say anything else. She was disappointed in her daughter. Her daughter was not stupid, but she was very insensible.

Murong Xi did not understand why her mother was suddenly a little angry. She looked at her fondly and asked, "Mother?"

She insisted further and said, "Mother, what do you want to say?" After a long while, her mother finally said, "Do you know that I hate people who don't meet my expectations? I'm so disappointed in you. Even if you didn't end up as a couple, you could have been friends with him. If he had treated you as a friend, you could have had a better chance of earning his affection. You've been running after him without even making an effort to befriend him first. If you had been more humble, he could have thought of you as a better person."

Murong Xi realized that perhaps what her mother said was true. She had been doing everything to pursue Mu Ziyu, even going so far as disregarding her dignity to impose herself. However, Mu Ziyu completely disregarded her. Was it because he didn't have any feelings for her? She felt that she had been too reckless in the beginning. "Mom, I'll go out first."

She left in a hurry and didn't even bother to wait for her mother to finish speaking.

Qian Shuishui, meanwhile, was staring at Mu Ziyu's side profile. He was still as calm as ever, but he did look like he was hard to woo.

Mu Ziyu felt that Shuishui was staring at him. He turned his head to look at her. "Shuishui, what's wrong?"

Shuishui quickly shook her head. "It's nothing."

He let go of Shuishui's hand and put his arm around her shoulder. "Would you like to eat Japanese ramen?"

"It's okay. I just want to eat some noodles anyway," Shuishui said.

"All right. Let's go eat," Mu Ziyu said.

Shuishui searched for restaurants that she had never been to and that had high ratings. "There's one around here. It has good reviews, but it's a little far from here."

"It doesn't matter. We can go there," Ziyu said.

Shuishui navigated to it. On their way, she leaned on the side to rest.

Mu Ziyu continued to drive quietly. He allowed Shuishui to just rest.

Meanwhile, Mu Zilin and Wen Huijing were quarreling. Wen Huijing was angry because a girl had given Zilin a love letter. Zilin was stunned, and the letter was already in his hands. Before he could return it, the girl had already left. Wen Huijing was furious when she saw it. She quarreled with Zilin. It was the first time they had actually argued. Wen Huijing did not even give him a chance to explain. He became furious himself.

During the evening self-study session, Wen Huijing and her little sister ignored Zilin.

Mu Zilin approached her to try and make amends, but she turned around and left.

Zilin then sent Shuishui a text message, "Huijing is angry with me because she saw a girl give me a love letter. I didn't directly reject it."

Shuishui read the text message, and she found it very interesting. She turned to Ziyu and said, "Zilin and his girlfriend fought because she saw him receive a love letter."

"Didn't he explain to her?" Mu Ziyu asked.

Shushuii shrugged. "I don't know either. But he seems to be in a hurry. I don't think he was able to explain. I don't think she gave him a chance."

"Okay," Ziyu said. He didn't really care about it. After all, Mu Zilin was still young, and Ziyu felt that his relationship with that girl wouldn't last. The future was uncertain, especially because they were young and still immature.

Shuishui understood why Ziyu was very nonchalant about it.

She thought for a moment and drafted a text to Zilin. She replied: "Let her calm down. Maybe she saw you receiving the love letter. Maybe she was shocked."

Shuishui tried to look at their situation rationally. Even if they were boyfriend and girlfriend, Wen Huijing wouldn't get angry for no reason.

Mu Zilin replied immediately: "Is this really okay?"

"It should be okay. Didn't you say that she's a very sensible girl? Just wait for tomorrow. Continue to buy her breakfast. Don't say anything to her first, and just see if she eats. If she doesn't eat, then you can take the initiative and try to explain yourself. If she doesn't want to listen, then there's nothing we can do. I think she's just feeling angry for now. She should be able to calm down the next day. She's not really pampered. Maybe she cares too much about you." Shuishui wasn't sure because she didn't really know Wen Huijing that much.

Mu Zilin saw that it was indeed so. "She's not that kind of delicate girl. She has quite a troubled family. Because of that, she had matured early."

"Uh." Shuishui was speechless. She felt that boys who were in love were always hot-headed.

"It's true. She often works part-time to support her family. Besides, we've been together for quite a while. This is the first time we've argued. I don't know how to coax her now. In the past, I would send my girlfriends small gifts to cheer them up, but she always told me that she doesn't like material things. If I send her gifts, she might think that I think she's a vain girl. That'll be troublesome." Zilin was troubled.

Shuishui didn't quite believe that Wen Huijing was not the materialistic type, but since Mu Zilin thought so, she didn't say too much. "Then just give her breakfast tomorrow and explain properly. A sensible woman will listen to your explanation calmly."

Mu Zilin could only hope so.

Since Wen Huijing had been telling Zilin that she wasn't a materialistic type of girl, Mu Zilin had no intention of buying her anything to cheer her up. He only bought her breakfast the next day as usual. She was very angry because he didn't think of buying her something else. For her, breakfast was useless.

She did not eat the breakfast Zilin bought for her. Instead, she gave it to her friend. "You can eat that."

Wen Huijing's friend looked at Mu Zilin. "Is that okay?"

Wen Huijing had tossed the food Zilin bought to her friend. "You can go and eat that. Don't worry," she said.

Mu Zilin went forward and said, "Huijing, are you still angry? I really did not entertain that woman. She just threw the love letter to me and ran away. I did not open the letter. I immediately threw it away. Didn't you see it? I didn't disturb you the whole night so you could calm down. You should know that it wasn't my fault. Furthermore, I didn't say anything when you were confessed to."

He felt that Wen Huijing was being unreasonable, but because he liked her, he decided to tolerate it. She was usually very sensible. This time, for some unknown reason, it seemed like she was causing trouble.

Mu Zilin's tone was a little angry. "Then what do you want me to do so that you won't be angry anymore?"

Wen Huijing was suddenly at a loss for words. She suddenly didn't know what to say. She couldn't possibly tell Zilin that she wanted him to buy her gifts. She didn't want him to think that she was a materialistic girl. "You won't think about it yourself? So amazing," she blurted out.

"I know. I should have reacted faster then. How about we go to the movies tonight? After the movie, I'll send you home, or I can accompany you to the bookstore to buy books," Zilin said.

Wen Huijing wasn't contented and didn't want to agree, but she couldn't explicitly say that she wanted him to buy her gifts. If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have said so much about not wanting material things.

"All right. Don't be angry anymore. We'll watch a movie tonight. A new movie has been released recently," Zilin said as he held Wen Huijing's hand. There was nothing to be angry about. That was all there was to it. He wondered how his brother and Shuishui dealth with their problems. They had never had such arguments. Perhaps it was because they were more mature than him and Wen Huijing.

He coaxed Wen Huijing, and soon she seemed to feel better. "That's good. In the future, don't randomly accept love letters from those girls. Even if they hand you letters, you can't just accept them," she said.

"Okay. I swear there won't be a next time, okay?" Zilin said. Wen Huijing then touched her belly to try and show Zilin that she was hungry.

Mu Zilin didn't notice it, and he happily returned to his seat.

Wen Huijing looked at Mu Zilin. She was secretly angry that he wasn't romantic at all. She was annoyed that he didn't see her touching her belly. She wanted him to know that she was hungry. She had given the breakfast he brought her to her friend just to spite Mu Zilin. She didn't expect him to really think that she wasn't hungry.

Mu Zilin, meanwhile, really thought that she wasn't hungry.

During lunch, Wen Huijing started to get angry again. Mu Zilin didn't know why. He asked, but Wen Huijing refused to give him any reason. She stopped eating after eating a little. Mu Zilin looked at Wen Huijing and asked, "You ate so little. Are you okay?"

"I don't have much of an appetite," she answered coldly. She just didn't want to eat. She was so angry that she no longer felt the need to eat. She was angry that Zilin couldn't understand.

Mu Zilin saw that she hadn't eaten much, so he went to buy milk tea and chocolate packets for her during lunch break. "You should eat something. Otherwise, you'll get weak by the afternoon," he said as he handed them to her.

When she saw what Zilin bought her, she scoffed and silently accepted them, because she regretted not eating a lot.