Chapter 286 was showing off happily

"Don't be in such a hurry. After all, we're neighbors. Come in and have a cup of afternoon tea." Master Hua leaned against the door and revealed a bewitching smile.

Shuishui felt really unlucky. She didn't expect that he was her new neighbor. "Thank you for inviting me, but I'm just here to deliver something to my new neighbor."

"Where is it then?" He narrowed his eyes and looked at what Shuishui brought.

Shuishui handed him a small bag. "It's just a small gift. I don't have to pay my respects. I'll go back first."

"I've accepted your gift, so I can't let you go back empty-handed. Since you're not going to have afternoon tea, I'll give you a gift in return. I wonder if you can come in with me to get it?" he asked back.

Shuishui shook her head. "You don't have to be so polite. Anyway, I'm going."

She didn't want to get too involved with Young Master Hua. He wasn't a good person. She didn't even know how to describe him. She had a bad impression of him because he had once gotten her involved in something.

"Then should I pay you a visit later?" he asked with a smile.

Shuishui stopped. "There's no need. You don't have to come."

"Then at least let me return the gift." He looked at Shuishui.

Shuishui looked at Young Master Hua. She didn't like him, nor did she want him to meet her younger brother. "All right. I'll go get it with you."

"All right. Come in. It's a new house. It's still relatively spacious. Don't mind it." He extended his hand to welcome Shuishui.

Upon entering the house, Shuishui noticed the dark interior. It suited Young Master Hua's temperament. Young Master Hua took out a wrapped bag from the table. "Congratulations, top scorer in science," he said as he handed it to her.

Shuishui was shocked, but she did not bother to ask him how he found out. She took the gift, thanked him, and left.

Young Master Hua held her arm as she walked away. "Have a cup of flower tea? I have some snacks here."

Shuishui quickened her pace and tried to get away. "No thanks. I just came by to give the gift. We'll talk again when we have time."

Young master Hua held on to Shuishui, but Shuishui grabbed his wrist and shook him off. She turned around and waved goodbye. "Goodbye."

'It would be best if I never see him again,' she thought to herself.

She went out and looked at the wrapped gift in her hand. She didn't know what it was. When she returned home, Qian Anzhi saw Shuishui holding a gift in her hand. "Sis, did the neighbor give you a gift too?" he asked.

"Yes, sort of." Shuishui nodded.

She didn't know how to explain it, so she simply said yes.

Qian Anzhi opened the gift and saw that it was an exquisite signature bracelet. "Sis, why did the neighbor give you this bracelet? It's so expensive."

Shuishui picked up the gift and looked at it. Indeed, she didn't think it was a valuable gift. After all, Young Master Hua had no reason to give her anything expensive. She felt uneasy. "I'll return it," she said.

She couldn't accept such a gift. She walked back quickly towards Young Master Hua's house and rang the doorbell. No one came to open the door. Did he go out? She couldn't just leave the item at the door because it might get stolen. If she did and it ended up being stolen, it would be on her conscience.

She returned home and put the item on the table. "He's not home anymore, so let's wait until tomorrow. Anzhi, you return it tomorrow to the neighbor next door. We can't accept such a valuable gift."

Shuishui couldn't accept such a valuable gift, especially because it was from Young Master Hua. She didn't know what his intentions were. Little did Shuishui know that Young Master Hua was inside when Shuishui returned to his house. He knew that Shuishui would return the gift, so he ignored her knocks on purpose.

Qian Anzhi looked at his sister. He opened the gift again and found that there was actually a greeting card. He took it out and looked at it. It read: "Shuishui, congratulations on passing the college entrance exam. This is a small token of my appreciation. I hope you will accept this."

"Sister, do you know this neighbor?" Qian Anzhi felt it was very strange that their neighbor knew his sister's name. He even knew about how his sister had topped the college entrance exam.

Shuishui nodded. "I can say that I know him, but I've only met him a few times. I'm not familiar with him, so you don't have to get to know him too much. He isn't a good person, so you should stay away from him."

Shuishui didn't know how to describe Young Master Hua. She also couldn't tell how bad he really was as a person because she didn't really know him that much. She only knew that she had met misfortune whenever he was around or near her.

Shuishui looked at Qian Anzhi. "Don't be fooled by him. Don't talk too much with him. If he invites you for tea or anything, you have to refuse. Don't accept it."

"Why can't I accept it? Did something happen? Sister?" Qian Anzhi was very curious. He was very curious how his sister happened to know the neighbor who had just moved to the area.

"Why are you talking too much?" She didn't want to talk about Young Master Hua because there was really nothing to talk about. Qian Anzhi was still young, so he wouldn't understand. She simply wanted to avoid trouble. She felt very uncomfortable that he would give her such an expensive gift without stating clearly what his motives were.

"Okay. It's time to study," Shuishui said. She was too lazy to say more and began to revert their attention to reviewing.

Jiang Li and Qian Anzhi were very obedient. After a day of reviewing, they had learned quite a lot. They understood many lessons that they used to find complicated and difficult, and they suddenly realized that it was all quite easy. After solving the practice exercises Shuishui gave them, they felt more confident that they were becoming more familiar with solving the equations.

Shuishui noticed that the boys were starting to act confident. Shuishui said, "You are still far from it. These are just the basics. When you are done with the basics, we will go deeper and start to solve more complex equations. This is how they will be ingrained in your memory. We still have to work hard. Knowledge of the basics won't assure you of good grades."

"Sis, these things aren't easy. Actually, learning these things is already an achievement for us. I feel like we've really improved. Sis, maybe it's you who's expecting too much." Qian Anzhi felt that Qian Shuishui had high expectations of them.

Jiang Li nodded. "En, I think so too."

"All right. Don't talk nonsense. Get ready to go out. Uncle Jiang said that we should take a car, and he'll take the twins with him." Shuishui looked at Auntie Jiang.

Auntie Jiang asked, "Then should I drive?"

"Mom, stop fooling around. How many years has it been since you got your driver's license?" Jiang Li discouraged his mother.

Auntie Jiang pondered and said, "It's only been five or six years. It's not that long."

When Shuishui heard that Auntie Jiang hadn't driven that long, she decided that they really had to take a taxi. "Auntie, let's grab a cab. It will be more convenient. If we bring a car, we might find it difficult to look for a vacant parking space. Also, Auntie, there are only a few of us. It'll be more convenient to hire a cab."

Auntie Jiang finally gave up on the idea of driving. "All right. It will be indeed troublesome if I go back and look for the car keys."

Shuishui had booked a car on her phone. When the car arrived, they set off for the restaurant.

While waiting, Auntie Jiang pulled Shuishui upstairs and said, "Auntie will help you look for an outfit."


Shuishui opened her wardrobe cabinet and showed Auntie Jiang her clothes. Auntie Jiang said, "It seems like you don't have enough clothes. You're about to go to university, so you should get more clothes. When you return from your trip, I will take you shopping. University students have a lot of gatherings, so you need to buy several small gowns. Also, when you go out to attend gatherings with your classmates, you should wear more mature clothes. You're quite young, but since you're going to university, you have to act more mature and better."

Shuishui nodded. "Okay."

Shuishui felt that she indeed needed to change some of her clothes. She would need new clothes for social gathering. She liked how she dressed in her previous life because it suited her personality better.

Shuishui put on a long dress, and Auntie Jiang braided her hair. She tied it up and put on a pearl hairpin. "It's very pretty. Your face is small, and this hairstyle complements your personality," Auntie Jiang said.

Shuishui looked at herself in the mirror. "It's pretty good."

"Yeah. Your hair looks good even when it's not tied up, but it looks very neat and tidy now and suits the dress." Auntie Jiang was very satisfied with Shuishui's overall appearance. Shuishui was indeed beautiful, obedient, and very sensible.

She patted Shuishui's head and said, "I don't have a daughter, so I treat you like one. I know that sometimes I force you to do things that you don't like. Just tell me when there are things that you don't want to do. I will always understand."

Shuishui smiled. "Auntie, it's all right. Actually, I don't hate it. If there's something that I really don't want to do, I will say it out loud." Shuishui was a frank and outspoken person anyway. She wouldn't be able to hold her tongue and would express her dislike if she felt that it was necessary.

"That's good. Let's go," Auntie Jiang said.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Shuishui looked around and saw a group of people she didn't know. They were all Jiang Yuan's business friends. Jiang Yuan introduced Shuishui and Auntie Jiang to a group of noblewomen, and they chatted for a while. Jiang Li felt bored, so he pulled Qian Anzhi to the side, and they started playing mobile games on their phones.

Shuishui stood beside Auntie Jiang. After a while, she walked over to Uncle Jiang's side. Uncle Jiang introduced Shuishui to his friends. Very proudly, he said, "This is my goddaughter. She took the college entrance exam this year and is the top scorer in science."

One of Jiang Yuan's friends looked at Shuishui. "It's not easy to top the science test. And she's a girl. Very impressive," he said.

"I've heard of your goddaughter before. At that time, you were still bragging to me that your goddaughter won two competitions in her second year of high school. She's just a sophomore, right?" another of his friends said.

Jiang Yuan touched his belly and said, "Yes, and I didn't even know that she had also applied to take the college entrance exam. She only wanted to give it a try, but she ended up passing and being the top scorer in science. I was really surprised because I didn't expect her to end up with such a high score. I have a top scorer here with me." Jiang Yuan was very proud. The other men were showing off their son's achievements, and it was his turn to show off Shuishui's achievements.

Shuishui smiled faintly. She knew that Uncle Jiang was feeding his own ego. Anyway, nothing that he had said was a lie. It was true that she did well in the exam, and Uncle Jiang wanted to tell the whole world about it.

Jiang Yuan laughed happily. "This child occasionally tutors Xiao Li and Anzhi. I don't have to worry about their studies."