Chapter 281 the Ninth Master said: I am not married, also... ...

"This... "

Guan Xi blinked and hesitated. "The program team has prepared lunch, and the cameraman is following them. They will take pictures of you, sister Lin. It may not be convenient. "

"No need. " Xiao Jiuyan refused directly.

Lin Wanwei does not seem to hear this rejection words, directly asked behind the program team staff.

"I invite a Yan and Xi Xi to dinner, won't take up too much time, no matter. " Lin Wan Beautiful Smile, Pale Red Lips very beautiful.

The staff members who had come over to the program team were also hesitant.

They had originally planned to film a life-like couple getting along. Naturally, it was fine if they did not have lunch at a place designated by the program team.

However, they definitely had to cut in the interaction between the couple.

This woman, who could call Xiao Jiuye by his name and called him Ah Yan, was obviously not an ordinary person.

They could not afford to offend her.

They could not make a decision at the moment.

One of the staff members said, "please wait a moment, Miss. I'll ask. "

The staff member walked to the side and made a phone call.

The staff member contacted the director, reported to him, and said a few words.

Then he turned back.

Then he said, "okay. Then we won't follow you from now on. We'll continue filming after you finish your lunch. "

Lin Wanwei smiled and looked at Guan Xi and Xiao Jiuyan. "Your program team has agreed. Let's go, Xiao Xixi. Sister Lin will treat you to a meal. "

"Oh. " Since the Program Team had agreed, Guan Xi naturally wouldn't say anything.


On the top floor of Senlai Hotel, there was a restaurant.

On the top floor of a five-star Platinum Hotel, the restaurant's style was naturally not too low.

Those who came here to eat were either rich or noble.

The waiter brought the three dining guests to a window seat and respectfully handed them the menu.

Lin Wanwei held the menu with her slender fingers and said, "Xiao Xi, the food here is not bad. Although it may not be comparable to the Xiao Family's chef, it's okay to come here once in a while to eat. "

"Oh. " Guan Xi looked at the menu.

Then, she was stunned.

What the hell was this scribble.

Last time, it was in French. This time, apart from French, there was also Japanese.

Wouldn't this make people eat properly? ! !

Damn it.

"Xiao Xi, see what you like to eat. Order directly. "

Lin Wanwei smiled sweetly and acted like an elder. "There's no need to be polite with your sister Lin. "

"Oh, " Guan Xi replied softly.

She wanted to cry.

If she wanted to order, she had to understand it first.

With a Red Face, Guan Xi randomly flipped through the menu, thinking that if she couldn't understand it, she could just order it.

With this thought in mind, the menu in her little hand was suddenly taken away.

She looked over in a daze.

She saw Master Jiu holding the menu and ordering a few dishes towards the waiter standing at the side.

An incomprehensible tone slowly came out from Master Jiu's thin lips, looking exceptionally charming.

Seeing that Xiao Jiuyan had ordered for Guan Xi, Lin Wanwei also ordered a few dishes with the waiter.

She said that she was a regular customer here, and she was indeed very familiar with this restaurant. Her Beautiful Red Lips opened and closed as she reported a few dishes. Her beautiful eyes looked at Xiao Jiuyan and said with a smile, "Jiuyan, I've ordered for you. "

Xiao Jiuyan frowned coldly. "WANWEI... "

Lin wanwei smiled and interrupted Xiao Jiuyan. "I also asked the kitchen to give you less seasoning. You haven't been well these years, so the chefs of the Xiao Mansion will pay attention to these things. If the chefs outside don't specifically tell them, they won't pay attention to these things. "

Xiao Jiuyan's beautiful face was expressionless, as if he was indifferent to what Lin Wanwei said.

Lin Wanwei was neither angry nor did she respond to Xiao Jiuyan.

Instead, she looked at Guan Xi and said, "Xiao Xi, AH YAN has been in poor health since a few years ago, and he should be careful in his diet. If you and ah Yan are eating outside, you must pay attention to your diet. It is necessary to have less oil and salt, understand? "

Guan Xi blinked."... Oh."

"and... "

"Wanwei. "

Lin Wanwei wanted to say something, but Xiao Jiuyan coldly interrupted her. "enough. "

"Okay. "

Lin Wanwei showed a hint of regret on her face. "Ah Yan, you don't want me to say anymore, so I won't say anymore. "

That was the end of the topic. Before the meal was served, Lin Wanwei found another topic to talk about.

She mentioned a few things about the cooperation between the two companies.

However, it was all Lin Wanwei's words, and Xiao Jiuyan responded coldly.

Guan Xi thought that since the meal had not been served and she had been recording the program all morning, she was in a hurry.

She stood up and said, "Master Jiu, I'm going to the WASHROOM. "

"okay, " Xiao Jiuyan replied.

Guan Xi asked the waiter who was standing at the side and asked for the location of the WASHROOM.

Her small steps were quite hurried.

She walked towards the washroom.

Lin Wanwei's Beautiful Eyes Followed Guan Xi's small figure.

She saw Guan Xi disappear around the corner.

She suddenly asked, "Ah Yan, why did you marry her? "

Her voice was still soft and beautiful, but there was a hint of resentment in it.

Xiao Jiuyan's dark eyes did not look at Lin Wanwei. He said plainly, "I can marry her if I want to. "

"I can marry her if I want to. "

Lin wanwei smiled. This smile was very short, but it soon disappeared "Ah Yan, you clearly know that I love you... I like you. We grew up together. You didn't even tell me you were getting married. You just quietly married a woman and came home. Have you ever thought about my feelings? "

Xiao Jiuyan's gaze finally landed on Lin Wanwei. He frowned. "Why should I think about your feelings? "

"because we... "

Xiao jiuyan interrupted Lin Wanwei. There was no fluctuation in his cold and gorgeous voice. He only calmly stated the facts. "Wanwei, it's true that our two families knew each other and grew up together, but I have never had any feelings for you. "

"But at that time, our two families wanted us to get engaged. Ah Yan, you didn't object, did you? Didn't you object because you liked me? " Lin Wanwei's beautiful eyes were sorrowful.

Xiao Jiuyan's tone paused.

He seemed to be thinking. After thinking for a while, he remembered this matter.

"You mean about the engagement? "

Xiao Jiuyan's beautiful brows furrowed and his tone was indifferent. "At that time, the elders of the two families did mention it. I was in the army and didn't pay attention to it. It wasn't a promise. "

When Lin Wanwei heard this, her face suddenly turned Pale.

"Moreover... "

Xiao Jiuyan's well-defined long fingers tapped lightly on the wheelchair and then said, "the engagement between the two families didn't happen for long before something happened to me. Your Lin family came over very quickly and said that the engagement didn't count, didn't they? "

When the noble man said this, there was no expression on his face.

But it was as if he was laughing.

Lin Wanwei's face was pale, but she felt embarrassed. She opened and closed her lips with delicate lipstick

"Ah Yan, I can explain this. It was my family's idea. I. . . It wasn't my idea. I've always liked you since I was young. "

"really? "

Xiao Jiuyan's tone was very indifferent. Lin Wanwei's words didn't stir up any emotions in him. "So what if you like me, Wanwei? I'm already married now. "

"If you're not married... " Lin Wanwei asked anxiously.

"If I'm not married... "