Chapter 295 received the cleaning order from the ninth master

Tong Fei said this last sentence and left the shop with a terrible expression.

Guan Xi looked at Tong Fei's back as she left. The cold expression on her face faded, and she put on a sweet smile. She waved her hand and said, "goodbye, sister-in-law. "

Tong Fei did not turn her head back.

The former eldest daughter of the Tong family.

She also had a graceful and gentle appearance.

Because of a love that was snatched by force but had no expectations, she became a jealous shrew.


She waited for Tong Fei and her nanny to leave.

Guan Xi heard Lin Wanwei ask, "Xi Xi, who's that? "

"Ah? " Guan Xi was stunned.

Oh No.

She had forgotten that sister Lin was still here. She was actually discussing Guan Yihan and the Guan family with Tong Fei.

What the F * Ck.

Sister Lin and JIU ye Qing Mei Zhu Ma!

If sister Lin heard what she said just now, would she think of something?

"Hmm... " Guan Xi hesitated for a moment. Her little head turned and came up with an imperfect excuse. "That was the wife of one of my cousins. I accidentally offended her previously, so she hasn't liked me very much. "

"I see. "

Lin wanwei smiled gently. "Our XIXI is so cute. If someone doesn't like you, it's definitely her fault. "

Guan Xi smiled dryly.

She wasn't money, so how could everyone like her.

But no matter what she thought, seeing that Lin Wanwei's expression was normal, Guan Xi heaved a sigh of relief.

It should be... ... She didn't hear it, right ...


The shop assistant quickly brought out two sets of the underwear that Guan Silly Xi wanted.

"Xibao, try these two sets of underwear. "

Guan Xi was afraid that Lin Wanwei would know what she had bought. When the shop assistant came over, she quickly went up to greet her.

Guan Xi said hurriedly, "no need to try it on. Just take this one. Do you have a bag? Pack it up. "

The shop assistant said, "Don't you want to try it on? If it doesn't fit... "

"If it doesn't fit, can I bring it over to exchange for it? "

Although she didn't want sister Lin to see her buying it, the things in this shop were really expensive. If she couldn't wear it back and couldn't return it, then Guan Xi really couldn't bear to part with it.

The shop assistant said, "as long as the label isn't cut off, it won't affect the second sale. "

"Then I'll go back and try again, " Guan Xi said very decisively.

She paid the bill, paid the money, and put it in the bag.

Guan Xi completed a series of actions in one go.

She even signed autographs for a few of the shop assistants who recognized her.

"Sister Lin, I've already bought my things. Then I'll go back first. " Guan Xi was afraid that Lin Wanwei would ask her what she had bought.

How was she going to answer.

Did she say that she was buying lingerie to Seduce Master Jiu?

How shameful!

Lin wanwei smiled gently. "Alright. Goodbye, Xi Xi. "


Guan Xi left the brand shop.

Lin Wanwei was going to buy something, but she didn't buy anything.

She followed her out.

As soon as she went out, Lin Wanwei took out her phone and made a call.

The call went through and she gave a short order to the person on the other end. "Help me with something. Gu Wenxi from the Gu family, investigate... Guan Xi from 'city-toppling beauty' . This is Gu Wenxi's stage name. What do you want to investigate? Investigate everything. Investigate anything you find. "

She hung up the phone.

Lin Wanwei was still concerned about what that woman had just said.

Wait until your identity is... ...

What did she mean when she stopped abruptly before she could finish her sentence?


After Guan Xi finished shopping, she went to a few more shops.

It was a little late because she had other things to do, so she told Bai Xiaomi to go back first.

She went to the cleaning club in the Old City district.

Every time she went to the cleaning club, the Old City district's dilapidated house didn't have a good environment either.

Guan Xi always wanted to complain.

Tang Yu was so rich, why didn't he change his office?

Of course, Guan Xi had asked Tang Yu this question before.

Then, she felt that Tang Yu's answer was very pretentious.

"hiding in the city. "

Hiding in the city! ! ! !

"Yue Yue. " Guan Xi entered the cleaning club, but there was no one in the hall in front.

When she entered the hall in the back, she saw Tang Yue.

Tang Yue was sitting in front of a computer, and the computer screen was shining on her handsome face.

Tang Yue's fingers were typing rapidly on the keyboard. Her movements were dazzling, and there were cracking sounds.

As soon as Guan Xi entered, Tang Yue noticed it.

"Sister Xi Xi. " Tang Yue stopped what she was doing and shouted happily, "you're here. "

"Yes. " Guan Xi asked, "Are you busy? "

"The next job is to hack the security facilities of a hotel. It's a piece of cake. Brother, Xi Xi is here. " Tang Yue immediately shouted in an excited tone, "come out quickly. "

It was like a secret agent who tipped them off.

Guan Xi:"..."

She handed the thing in her hand to Tang Yue. "Here, this is for you. Open it and play with it. "

Tang Yue took it and opened it. Inside was a bag of electronic products.

As a hacker, it was necessary to hone her skills.

Usually, she would open, assemble, and modify these things.

This gift was very suitable for Tang Yue.

Tang Yue thanked her happily. "thank you, sister Xixi. "

"You're welcome. "

"Brother! "

Seeing that Tang Yu hadn't come out yet, Tang Yue shouted in the direction of the inside again, raising her volume by another degree. "Sister Xixi is here. Did you hear that? "

There was still no response.

Tang Yue got up and was about to call for Tang Yu.

Sister Xixi was finally here. What if she ran away later.

She would make her brother so awkward that he wouldn't even have a place to cry.

Guan Xi saw that Tang Yue was about to get up and quickly said, "Tang Yu is in the basement? I'll go look for him. "

"Okay. Then sister Xixi, you go down and look for brother yourself. " Tang Yue agreed very decisively.

Today, when hero brother went out, only brother was downstairs.

If sister Xixi went down, wouldn't she be alone in a room with her brother.



Guan Xi didn't notice what Tang Yue was thinking.

She walked past Tang Yue and pushed open two doors.

An entrance to the basement was revealed.

Guan Xi went down the stairs without any hesitation.

She went down about five to six meters.

A small door appeared in front of Guan Xi.

Guan Xi pushed it open. It was a huge field as big as a football field.

There were all kinds of training equipment inside. One of the walls was filled with all kinds of machines.

In the middle of the field, there was a boxing ring.

Bang Bang Bang!

The thin and slender youth was half-naked with boxing gloves on his hands. Meng lie was punching the sandbag in front of him.

The sound of the fist and the sandbag colliding was like an explosion, making a huge and terrifying sound.

"Tang Yu! "

Guan Xi shouted.

Tang Yu did not look at him, but he punched the sandbag heavily.


The sandbag was hit by a strong force and bounced up to the ceiling. The steel bars that were holding the sandbag broke and the sandbag quickly fell to the ground.

The sand scattered all over the ground.

Tang Yu glanced at the Sandbag and looked at Guan Xi. "What are you doing here? "

"Can't I come if I have nothing to do? " Guan Xi was used to Tang Yu's cold attitude. She smiled and said, "I'm back to see my old friend. "

Tang Yu took a towel from the side and wiped his sweat. He said in a mocking tone, "I don't have a friend like you. "

"Okay. " Guan Xi shrugged.

"If you have something to say, say it. " Tang Yu was very direct.

Guan Xi came to find Tang Yu because she had something to say, but she was a little embarrassed to be asked so directly after saying so many beautiful words just now.

She stuttered and asked, "I want to ask, who took the cleaning order from Master Jiu? "