Chapter 65: Master Jiu said: "Gu Wenxi, look at me. "

"Master... Master Jiu!"

Guan Xi stuttered, "Uhm... you... you're done washing up."

Guan Xi wanted to slap herself. Why was she babbling nonsense?

She sounded like an utter moron. Of course, he was done. He was already out of the bathroom!

Xiao Jiuyan looked at the clothes in her arms and said calmly, "You can go take a shower now."

She gulped.

Why did she feel that Xiao Jiuyan wanted her to hurry up?

He looked like the proverbial big bad wolf waiting for his prey. A big bad wolf waiting for her.

She wanted to say something but decided against it at the last second.

What could she say?

The only thing she could do was take a shower.

She was really dreading sharing a bed with her husband tonight!

She did not have the guts.

"Alright, Master Jiu. I'm going to take a shower now."

Guan Xi cowardly scurried off to the bathroom, her clothes clutched tightly in her arms.

Xiao Jiuyan watched his wife enter the bathroom like a deserter who had abandoned just abandoned his armor.

His eyes narrowed as he stared at the closed bathroom door, a smirk appearing on his lips.


In the bathroom, Guan Xi decided to take a bath instead.

After soaking in the huge tub for a while, her skin began to wrinkle.

She was going to die.

Guan Xi wanted to wail.

She knew that something was going to happen tonight. It wasn't just a paranoia. With the sixth sense she had honed from being a city cleaner for so many years and her woman intuition, she was always pretty much spot-on.

She didn't know what to do.

This shouldn't have been her duty!

Her plan was being derailed by these changes!


What should she do?

Was she really going to turn from a simple, innocent girl into a mature young woman at 18?




Xiao Jiuyan was casually reading a financial magazine that was placed on the bedside table.

There was no movement in the bathroom, and it was obvious that his wife was just trying to delay coming out at this point.

Xiao Jiuyan did not mind, though.

He knew that his wife was timid when it comes to... ***** matters.

She was quite innocent.

Instead of demanding for her to come out, he simply continued flipping through his magazine.

Finally, the bathroom door opened.

Guan Xi came out of the bathroom. She had her long black hair tied into a bun and she was wearing a pajama set. Since she had started sleeping with Xiao Jiuyan, she had been opting for pajama sets instead of her usual nightgowns.

She looked so innocent and alluring.

Xiao Jiuyan stared at her.

"Come here," he ordered.

Guan Xi shrank back a little.

After a moment, she steeled herself and slowly walked to Xiao Jiuyan.

Her small eyes were darting everywhere, not daring to look Xiao Jiuyan in the eye.

Xiao Jiuyan's handsome face was cold as he continued to stare at his wife.

"Gu Wenxi, look at me."