Chapter 337 Did Not Care About Guan Xi at all

After all, the Xiao family was not an ordinary wealthy family.

Apart from doing business, they were also involved in politics. They were a top-notch wealthy family.

As for the entertainment circle, it had always been disgraced by these top-notch wealthy families.

The celebrities in that circle, in front of the public, in private, in front of the dignitaries, businessmen, and celebrities, were still clearly marked prices. They were no different from a commodity that was waiting to be sold at a price.

If Ninth Master Xiao doted on Guan Xi, then he should not have let her enter the entertainment circle. Instead, he should have protected her well.

But if ninth master Xiao Did Not Dote on Guan Xi, why would he let her enter the entertainment industry He would definitely order her to be banned. The Gu family was only a small family in Tong city. If their daughter entered the Xiao family, they could not do anything to ninth master Xiao.

And if ninth Master Xiao Did Not Allow Guan Xi to enter the entertainment industry, even if he locked her up, no one would dare to say anything. But ninth master Xiao just had to let Guan Xi enter the entertainment industry.

When Guan Xi was rumored to have a backer scandal, ninth master Xiao personally came forward to clarify it.

This caused an uproar in the upper-class society.

After a pause, Gu said, "maybe she came from an orphanage. She had a hard time in the past. She must have learned how to read people and Fawn over ninth master. "

"Mommy, are you saying that ninth master Xiao is treating her well? "

Gu Wenxi's heart was beating wildly. She suppressed the joy in her heart and asked, "she's doing well in the Xiao family, isn't she? "

"She should be doing well. "

Gu replied casually. She really did not care at all about how Guan Xi was doing in the Xiao family.

However, when ninth master Xiao announced his marriage to Guan Xi, it was very beneficial to the Gu family.

Usually, many people who looked down on the Gu family knew that their daughter was married to ninth master, so they came to befriend her.

In the past few months, the Gu family had also benefited a lot from ninth master.

Thinking about it, Guan Xi, who was brought back from the orphanage, was still useful.

Gu said, "Xi'er, although Guan Xi is your biological sister and mother knows that you are soft-hearted, she did not grow up with you after all. Who knows if she will be unhappy about marrying ninth master Xiao for you? She has already gotten enough. Xi'er, you don't have to think too much about her. You have to know that you are the eldest daughter of the Gu family. You have a different identity than her, who was brought back from the orphanage. "

Gu Wenxi obviously knew that Guan Xi had a different identity from her.

At that time, she knew that Guan Xi had a face that looked exactly like hers. If it wasn't for the fact that ninth master Xiao had proposed marriage to the Gu family, she would have needed someone to replace her.

When she thought of an orphan who looked exactly like her, she felt so disgusted that she wanted to throw up and scratch her face.

Women didn't like to wear the same clothes, let alone face-to-face?

But when she thought of this, Gu Wenxi's tone was still gentle and full of worry. "Mommy, Guan Xi is my sister. She won't. "

"Xi'er, don't think too much of her, " Gu said "You're still young. You'll understand in the future. I'm calling you this time not to say anything else. It's because the weather has become cold recently. You have to add more clothes there and cover yourself with more blankets when you sleep at night, understand? "

"I understand, MOMMY! " Gu Wenxi drawled coquettishly.

"It's good that you understand. " Gu smiled. "Don't call mommy in a few days to say that you have a cold. "

"I won't, Mommy. "

"Okay, I have an appointment with Mrs. Wang for afternoon tea. I'll hang up now, " Gu said and hung up the phone.