Chapter 354 you're not Gu Wenxi, you're Guan Xi

"Akira family's contract-keeper. I know. "

Guan Xi was curious why Tang Yu would mention Akira family's contract-keeper at this time. "How could I not know? Akira family's contract-keeper has sold for a high price internationally. He's strong, loyal, and famous, but why did you suddenly mention this? "

After a pause, before Tang Yu could answer, Guan Xi remembered something first. "Are you trying to say that the cleaning website's contract with Master Jiu is from Akira family? Does it have anything to do with this? "

But as soon as she said that, Guan Xi started thinking again.

The 30 million USD contract from the Akira family was accepted by the Akira family.

She had been on tenterhooks for a long time. After all, it was just as she had told Tang Yu.

The Akira family's contract-keeper had a long reputation internationally and was not to be trifled with.

But the one who tried to kill the Akira family in the Longhu Mountain Club the last time was from the PIXIU cleaning society. They were not from the Akira family at all.

"Yes, your matter has something to do with the Akira family. "

Guan Xi was still thinking when Tang Yu spoke on the other end of the phone. "Do you know that the Akira family's contract-keeper will follow the master's orders 100% ? "

"I know. "

Wasn't that the reason why the contract-keeper was sold at such a high price?

Tang Yu said, "Guan Xi, what if I say that you are the contract-keeper of Akira family? "

His clear and youthful voice did not have the slightest fluctuation in his tone.

Guan Xi's heart skipped a beat. She said, "Tang Yu, don't joke around. I am the contract-keeper of Akira family. It's impossible, okay? How can I listen to anyone's orders... "

Her words came to an abrupt end.


Of course, she wouldn't listen to anyone else's orders.

But... ... How did she get the idea to kill 9th master at night ? ?

Guan Xi's heart suddenly felt a chill. The chill had caught her off guard, so much so that she felt goosebumps all over her body when it was not very cold.

Guan Xi smiled dryly and said, "Tang Yu, you're joking, right? What Guardian of the Akira family? It has nothing to do with me, right? "

Her voice trembled slightly.

Tang Yu heard it and sighed silently. He said lightly, "yes, I'm joking. You have nothing to do with Akira family. I'm just making an analogy. "

"Tang Yu, you scared me to death... " Guan Xi heard his words and heaved a sigh of relief.

What was he doing?

He was talking about Akira family keeping the contract.

How could she be the kind of person who didn't have any emotions or feelings and was being sold as an item.

It couldn't be.

But just as she let out a sigh of relief, she became nervous again. "Tang Yu, then tell me, what exactly happened when I wanted to make a move on 9th master tonight? "

Tang Yu said, "maybe you wanted to kill him in the first place. "

Guan Xi:"..."

Guan Xi: "How is that possible? He's my husband. "

Tang Yu said expressionlessly, "it's just your fake husband. Maybe you have no feelings for him in the first place, so you subconsciously want to kill him. "

"impossible. " Guan Xi suddenly raised her voice.

Tang Yu asked calmly, "how is that possible? "

Guan Xi stammered, "I... I told you, 9th master is my husband now. How... How could I want to kill him? I'm not sick enough to make a move on the people around me. "


She wanted to be a good person!

If there was no need, she didn't want anyone else to die in her hands.

When Tang Yu heard this, he sneered and said with a Hint of Mockery, "Guan Xi, don't forget your identity. You Are Guan Xi, not that so-called Gu Wenxi. You can't be Gu Wenxi for the rest of your life. Do you still want to live with Xiao Jiuyan for the rest of your life? "

"No... can't I? "

Guan Xi felt a little guilty and retorted, "I'm getting along well with master Jiu now. Master Jiu isn't such a bad person. It's... It's good to be with him. "

Her voice became softer and softer.

Perhaps she didn't even realize that when she said this, she sounded as shy as a little girl when she was in love.

"It's not impossible. "

Tang Yue was silent for a moment before she said, "but a fake is still a fake, and it will be exposed sooner or later. Who is 9th Master of the Xiao Family? You can keep it a secret for the rest of your life. What will 9th Master Xiao do when he finds out? "

Guan Xi fell silent as well.

She bit her lip and said, "then I'll know. We'll talk about it later. "

There were some things that would have happened if it hadn't happened.

Guan Xi didn't want to think about it now, or she didn't dare to think about it.

If 9th master knew that she wasn't Gu Wenxi, but Guan Xi...

If he knew that she had lied to him on the first day as his wife, what would his reaction be?

Angry? Angry?

He would just tell her to get lost and then ask Gu Wenxi for help.

She didn't dare to think about these questions, or perhaps she had thought about it before, but she never dared to think about it too deeply. She just barely touched on this question and forced herself to stop thinking about it.

Speaking of which, she still didn't know why 9th master married Gu Wenxi.

Guan Xi did not want to discuss this issue anymore.

It was all Tang Yu's fault for suddenly bringing up such an uncomfortable topic.

"Tang Yu, let's not talk about this anymore. "

Guan Xi frowned and asked, "I want to ask now, do you know what's going on with me? "

Tang Yu said straightforwardly, "I don't know. "

Guan Xi:"..."so desperate.

She asked again, "If you don't know the reason, is there any way to remedy it? "

"separate, " Tang Yu said.

Guan Xi:"... Huh? SEPARATE BEDS?"

She was considering the feasibility of this suggestion.

MMM, go tell 9th master that they should separate beds.

It didn't seem like it was impossible for her to return to her original room to sleep.

But how was she going to Tell 9th master that? There was no reason at all.

Guan Xi was still thinking hard about what reason she should use if she wanted to separate beds with 9th Master when she heard Tang Yu say coldly, "not separate beds, separate beds. "

He Knew What Guan Xi was thinking and knew what she was thinking. "If you only sleep in separate rooms with 9th Master Xiao, can you guarantee that you won't tear down the door? "

Guan Xi:"... ��"

Guan Xi was displeased. "Tang Yu, am I that violent? "

Tang Yu said, "you're not? "

Well, Guan Xi couldn't refute this rhetorical question.

"I'll think about it again. That's all for now, Tang Yu. I'm still outside. I'm hanging up now. "

After she finished speaking, Xiao Bai's fingers pressed the end of the call.


At the cleaning house.

Tang Yu couldn't help but frown when he heard the phone being hung up.

Tang Yue saw it and asked curiously, "brother, you're frowning? Didn't you call sister Xixi? You're always in a good mood after calling sister Xixi. Why do you look unhappy this time? "

Tang Yu glanced at Tang Yue. "Do your job. "

"My job will be done very soon. "

Tang Yue was talking to Tang Yu. Her fingers nimbly looked at the keyboard and did not affect her work at all. "brother, what did you say to Xixi on the phone? Why are you so serious? "