Chapter 356 his small fortune!

As the short man said this, he sized up Guan Xi with a lecherous look in his eyes. What did he mean by not finishing his sentence? It was obvious.

The tall man frowned and berated, "second brother, behave yourself. We're here to work for third master. After we're done, we'll take the money and leave. Don't cause trouble. With money, we can have any woman we want. "

When the short man heard this.. He said, "boss, there are so many women. This is that ninth master Xiao's woman. She looks so delicate. I just want to have a taste and see if that woman who calls the wind and calls the rain feels different from other women. "

As he spoke, he stared at the side of Guan Xi's unconscious face. She had already covered her face with a mask, but he could still tell from her features that she was beautiful.

"You just can't control the two ounces of meat under you. "

The tall man scolded in a low voice, "you also know that this is the ninth master's woman. Now that you've tied her up and given her to the third master, no matter how the third master deals with her, it has nothing to do with us. Do you really think that the third master would dare to anger the ninth Master Xiao "If you touch this woman, do you want to be pursued by the ninth master Xiao for the rest of your life? "

The short man obviously did not think as much as the tall man.

After listening to his analysis, he could not help but feel afraid.

"Big Brother, I don't dare to, " the short man replied submissively.

He looked at Guan Xi a few more times. No matter how much he thought, he temporarily suppressed his dirty thoughts.

Compared to playing with women, it seemed that life was more important.

The two men, one on each side, led Guan Xi out of the women's restroom.

The door of the women's restroom opened, and a customer from the mall wanted to come in and use the restroom.

Seeing two men carrying a woman out of the restroom, as if something had happened, he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

However, one of the men who was carrying the woman glared at him fiercely. "What are you looking at? "

People were afraid of trouble.

The female customer was yelled at, so she quickly retracted her gaze and walked into the women's restroom with her head lowered.

It was said that there would occasionally be people fighting in this kind of restroom.

The two men and one woman just now, were they together?

But that woman seemed to be unconscious. Could she have been drugged and raped.

The female customer picked up her phone from her bag and was about to call the police.

But her hand stopped after pressing two 1's.

Forget it. In this day and age, it was better to avoid trouble.

The two men just now did not look like good people.

She... ... Better not meddle in other people's business ...


There were many people in the mall. It was very eye-catching for the tall and short man to get a living person like Guan Xi out of the mall.

But in this mall, the bathroom was right next to the stairs and the elevator.

The tall man and the Short Man Carried Guan Xi and did not choose to take the elevator. Instead, they chose to take the stairs that almost no one took.

The journey to the underground parking lot of the mall was smooth.

In the dim underground parking lot, they stuffed the Soft Guan Xi into the back seat of the car.

The short man sat in the driver's seat, and the tall man was about to sit in the passenger seat when suddenly, a buzzing phone vibrated in the narrow car.

"second brother, is that your phone? " The tall man was impatient. "Why is your phone still on when you're doing something? Turn it off first. "

"I turned it off, " the short man said as he took out his phone.

He remembered that he had turned off his phone on the way to the mall. It wouldn't vibrate.

The short man took out his phone. Sure enough, his phone was silent. No one called.

"Big Brother, it's not my phone. "

The tall man's phone was in his hand. He was going to contact third master in a while.

The two of them looked at the backseat of the car. After listening carefully, they realized that the phone in Guan Xi's bag was ringing.

The Tall Man reached for Guan Xi's Bag and took out Guan Xi's phone. He looked at the caller ID.


Without thinking, the tall man hung up the phone, turned it off, and stuffed it back into his bag.

He told the short man, "start the car. "

"Yes, boss. "

The short man inserted the keys into the car, started the car, and stepped on the accelerator.

An inconspicuous Black Volkswagen sedan slowly drove out of the underground parking lot.


Shopping Mall, Children's clothing store.

Bai Xiaomi was waiting for Guan Xi.

It had been more than twenty minutes since Xi Xi said she was going to the bathroom, and she hadn't come back yet. She had been gone for too long.

She waited and waited, but Guan Xi still hadn't come back. Bai Xiaomi called Guan Xi

There was clearly a notification tone on her phone, but it suddenly turned busy.

Bai Xiaomi looked at her phone and wondered if there was something wrong with her phone, so she called Guan Xi again.

This time, her phone was turned off.


The Black Volkswagen drove along with the traffic on the road.

The car drove for about forty minutes.

During that time, it turned left and right and finally stopped.

The tall man was on the phone. "Third Master, we're here. Yes, we've brought the goods too... No one saw us, and no one followed us. Shall we go in now? ... Alright, then we'll bring her over right away. "

The tall man hung up the phone and instructed the short man, "drive the car in directly. "

"Okay. " The short man heard this and started the car again.

In front of the Black Volkswagen was a huge, dilapidated warehouse.

The Door of the warehouse was rusted. It was originally tightly shut, but at this moment, it suddenly opened slowly. A man dressed in a black suit like a bodyguard walked out and said, "come in. "

The two doors of the warehouse were opened, and the short man slowly drove in.

After entering the warehouse, the tall man got out of the car and coughed twice.

This was a warehouse that had not been used for a long time.

Only a medium-sized skylight was opened at the top of the warehouse. Visible dust floated in the air.

In the warehouse, besides the bodyguard who opened the door just now, there were a few other burly bodyguards. In the middle stood Xiao Lao San.

Xiao Lao San was holding a cane with his left hand. His right hand was hanging, and his index finger was wrapped in White Gauze.

When Xiao Laosan saw the tall man, he immediately walked over and asked, "where is she? "

"She's in the car, third master. "

When the tall man saw Xiao Laosan, he immediately lost his authority as a commander in front of the short man and became obsequious. "I'll bring her out for you to see. "

"Okay. "

Xiao Laosan nodded.

The tall man immediately went to the backseat of the car and Moved Guan Xi out of the backseat.

After moving her out, he placed Guan Xi flat on the ground and reached out to remove the mask on her face.

Under the mask was a small, round face the size of a palm.

A smooth and full forehead, slender eyebrows, and Pink Lips.

With her eyes closed, it was hard to tell if it was the arrogance she had when she pointed at him and shouted, "Stinky old man, what do you want to do to my ninth master? ".

This stinky woman, with Xiao Jiuyan present last time, actually pointed at his nose and cursed, and even broke his fingers.