Chapter 98 study hard 2


His lips were by her ear, tickling her.

She was so uncomfortable that she wanted to squirm away. He was so close.

He was bombarding her senses.

She pulled the trigger in a daze.


She fired a shot.

The gun was small, the size of her palm. It also had little to no recoil which meant it's not as powerful and lethal as a regular gun.

The target was only five meters away from Guan Xi.

Logically speaking, with Guan Xi's strength and skill, even if she had fired with her eyes closed, she should have hit the target.

However, the shot did not hit the target at all. It did not even touch the edge of the target board!


She honestly could not believe that she was the one who fired the gun.

"Relax, you're too stiff," Xiao Jiuyan tod her.

He leaned forward heavily and grabbed her waist with one hand.

"Silly Madam, why are you so nervous?"

He whispered against her ear. From his voice, it seemed that he was enjoying her predicament.

Guan Xi's beautiful eyes widened.

She was not nervous at all.

She threw a furtive glance around her, worried that others might have heard him.

Xiao Jingming stood silently at the side, watching studiously as Xiao Jiuyan taught Guan Xi how to shoot.

The bodyguards and servants stood behind him, impassive.

The servants of the Xiao family were utter professionals whenever they were in the company of Xiao Jiuyan.

She was relieved that no one heard him, but she couldn't fully relax.

Because she felt... him behind her.

Xiao Jiuyan seemed to be...

Guan Xi wanted to cry.

'He's supposed to just teach me how to shoot!'

She wanted to get away from him.

"Master Jiu, can I stop practicing now?" Guan Xi asked weakly.

"Weren't you the one who asked me to teach you how to shoot?" he retorted indifferently.

"Yeah," she agreed, instantly terrified.

She wasn't expecting for their lesson to turn into... this!

If she had known that this would happen, she would've stayed far away from him.

"Then continue."

Xiao Jiuyan spoke to her calmly.

He wrapped his hand around Guan Xi's hand and said, "Keep your arms leveled and straight. Relax and breathe."

Although his advise made sense, she still couldn't help but feel like there was another meaning behind his words.

Guan Xi pursed her lips and tried to ignore him behind her.

She took a deep breath and tried to pull her focus.


She fired a shot.

It hit the bull's-eye.

She just needed to ignore the feel and scent of the infuriating man behind her.

She turned to her husband.

"Master Jiu, is that enough?"

Guan Xi did not expect that his face would be so close to hers so when she turned around haphazardly, her lips accidentally touched his.