Chapter 386 the ninth master said, "Madam, I will never give you much. "

Xiao Jingming walked toward the housekeeper.

Xiao Jingming saw that Guan Xi was stunned.

He handed the clothes to Guan Xi and said, "Guan Xi, take it. "

After knowing that she was not gu Wenxi, Xiao Jingming did not even call her "aunt" anymore.

Guan Xi pursed her lips and took the bag.

The housekeeper went out to pick up the ninth master and soon pushed him in.

Guan Xi looked over.

The ninth master was sitting in a wheelchair. He had just come back from work and probably had an important meeting today. The man was wearing a black standard three-piece suit. His dark hair was combed upside down, and he had an evil, handsome, and beautiful face. He looked indifferent the moment he saw Guan Xi His face softened a little, with a hint of gentleness

"Madam, " Xiao Jiuyan said. He looked at Guan Xi and her chubby little face, and his lips were a little white.

His heart ached, and his voice was gorgeous, cold, and gentle. "Did you have fun shopping today? "

Guan Xi was holding a paper bag in her hand. She looked at Xiao Jiuyan and his face.

She was scared.

She was a liar, and the time to lie to Master Jiu was coming.

Guan Xi had a lot on her mind, and her lips were a little white. In Xiao Jiuyan's dark eyes, it was his little wife who still remembered what he had said to hurt her.

Xiao Jingming looked at Guan Xi and then at Xiao Jiuyan.

He knew about Ninth Uncle and Guan Xi, so he couldn't help but say, "ninth uncle, I went shopping with my aunt today. She was very happy. You don't have to worry. "

Xiao Jiuyan frowned slightly and looked at Xiao Jingming with deep eyes. Then he looked at the paper bag in Guan Xi's hand and asked, "really? "

Guan Xi lowered her head and looked at her toes. She whispered, "well, I went out today... and I was very happy. I bought some clothes that I like. "

Xiao Jiuyan said, "Madam, bring them over for me to see. "

Guan Xi raised her little head and looked at ninth master.

Xiao Jiuyan looked at Guan Xi, a man who had always had a cold and handsome face. His dark eyes were gentle as he said, "you won't let me see? ''

"No, no. "

As she said this, she took small steps with the bag in her hand and walked toward ninth master.

Housekeeper Xiang was very perceptive. He immediately said, "Little Madam, you and ninth master are in the Living Room. Uncle Xiang will go and see the dishes prepared in the kitchen tonight. Eldest Young Master, what do you want to eat tonight? Go with Uncle Xiang and tell aunt Wang. "

Xiao Jingming said, "whatever. Aunt Wang's dishes are all delicious. I'm not picky. "

"Then please come with me, eldest young master. " Housekeeper Xiang smiled amiably and held Xiao Jingming's arm at the same time.

Although Uncle Xiang was not young, his body was still strong. With a move of his hand, he pulled Xiao Jingming out of the living room.

Xiao Jingming was pulled by housekeeper Xiang and had no choice but to go to the kitchen.

Before leaving the living room, he turned his head and glanced at Ninth Uncle and Guan Xi.

Ninth uncle was in a wheelchair, and Guan Xi was standing next to ninth uncle.

Ninth uncle was handsome and cold, while Guan Xi was pretty and cute. They were a good match.

Xiao Jingming's eyes flickered. He looked away and followed Butler Xiang to the kitchen.


Butler Xiang and Xiao Jingming left. The other servants in the living room also had good eyesight.

They stayed far away and didn't disturb the young mistress and ninth master's relationship.

Guan Xi handed the paper bag to Xiao Jiuyan. There were only two bags.

Xiao Jiuyan took it and took out a pink checkered dress from the paper bag.

His little wife seemed to have not grown up yet. She seemed to have always liked the pink and tender colors that little girls liked.

The other one was a black half-length dress.

Xiao Jiuyan looked at it and put the two clothes back into the bag. He raised his eyes slightly and looked at Guan Xi with his deep and dark eyes. "Madam, you went out for so long this afternoon, and you only bought two? "

Guan Xi's white fingers were stretched until her knuckles turned white. She said softly, "I didn't see anything that I liked. "

Xiao Jiuyan said, "if you don't like it, then customize it. You can make whatever you like. "

Guan Xi bit her lip and said softly, "no need, master Jiu. There are many clothes in the cloakroom that I haven't worn once. Today, I'm just... going out for a walk. "

Xiao Jiuyan raised his hand and gently stroked her little face. He said in a low voice, "Madam, I'll never give you much. "

These words were originally love words.

Any woman who heard them would be moved.

Guan Xi was the same.

But she couldn't answer.

What was she going to say?

Was Master Jiu going to give her, or the Real Gu Wenxi?

She didn't dare to think about it.

Guan Xi pursed her lips and turned her face away slightly. Her small face left Xiao Jiuyan's big hand, leaving him empty-handed.

Xiao Jiuyan's eyes darkened slightly, and he slowly withdrew his hand.


The two of them were in the living room.

Xiao Jiuyan was in a wheelchair. Guan Xi handed two pieces of clothes to the maid, who was going to wash them.

She Sat on the Sofa with her legs together and her little white hand resting on her thigh.

She didn't communicate with Master Jiu.

Xiao Jiuyan looked at her pale face and thought of Shi Budai's words

His sister-in-law was angry. Xiao, why don't you make a romantic candlelit dinner and have her at night? Women and men are the same. Once you're satisfied, you'll be forgiven.

Shi Budai's suggestion was unreliable.

But if it was romantic, it might work.


He went to the housekeeper to look at the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Soon, it was time for dinner.

The atmosphere in the restaurant hadn't changed much from the day before. It was even worse.

In the morning, Guan Xi pretended that she couldn't eat, but now she really couldn't eat because she had something on her mind.

Xiao Jingming hadn't found out Guan Xi's identity in the morning, so he could still say a few words. Now that he knew the truth, he was silent even after eating.

Xiao Jiuyan glanced at the Bowl in front of Guan Xi, but the food inside was basically untouched.

He frowned and said with his thin lips, "madam, you eat so little? Eat more. "

Guan Xi held the chopsticks in her white hands. She responded in a low voice, not daring to look at ninth master at all.

She picked up a vegetable with the chopsticks, put it into her small mouth, and chewed slowly.

Xiao Jiuyan's eyebrows tightened, and then he slowly loosened them. He said in a cold voice, "silly madam, even if you're angry with me, you shouldn't have stopped eating. It's your own body that's hurt. You're sincerely making my heart ache. "

Guan Xi's hand that was holding the chopsticks paused.

She bit her lip, and her eyes were a little sore.

Ninth Master was so gentle.

In fact, even if Xiao Jingming hadn't seen her and Gu Wenxi appear at the same time today, she had wanted to rely on this kidnapping by Third Xiao to force ninth master to say "I love you" to her. Perhaps she would have surrendered first.

How could she let such a gentle ninth master worry about her all the time?

"No... No, " Guan Xi said in a sour tone. "I just... "


Just as Guan Xi said this, a chaotic noise came from the living room outside the restaurant.

Along with the sharp cries of the woman, there was also the voice of the Xiao Family's bodyguard

"where is Xiao Jiuyan? Xiao Jiuyan! Xiao Jiuyan! Give back our third brother's life! "

"Third Madam Xiao, this is the Xiao residence. Please restrain yourself. "



It sounded like glass was being broken.