Chapter 117 the ninth master has nothing to do with her

Housekeeper Xiang was a little surprised that Guan Xi would ask him if the ninth master was back at this time.

Usually, the young mistress was afraid of the ninth master and would ask if the ninth master was back. That was to say, she was afraid of being punished if she returned home late.

Now that the mistress was at home, she still came to ask. This was the first time for her.

Moreover, this tone seemed to be waiting for the ninth master to return home.

Housekeeper Xiang smiled and said, "young mistress, the ninth master is not back yet. "

"Oh. " Guan Xi's small tone was a little disappointed. Even she herself did not realize it. "Did the ninth master say when he would be back? "

"Well... "

Housekeeper Xiang said, "little madam, as servants, we can't ask about ninth master's schedule. If you want to know when ninth master will be back, you are ninth master's wife. Just give him a call and ask. "

Housekeeper Xiang's suggestion was very thoughtful.

A wife who was waiting for her husband to return late, giving her husband a call. What a harmonious and intimate couple.

If Little Madam gave ninth master a call, ninth master would be happy too, right.

Guan Xi did not think so. Giving ninth master a call was a headache for her.

Pursing Her Lips, Guan Xi shook her head and stammered, "I don't think I should call 9th master. 9th Master might be busy. I... I don't have anything to do with 9th Master. Uncle Xiang, I'll go back to my room and sleep. "

After she said that, she ran upstairs to her room.

Butler Xiang Looked at Guan Xi's slender back and felt a little sorry that the little mistress did not call 9th master.

However, the little mistress was already concerned about 9th Master, who had returned late. This was an improvement.

Today, the relationship between 9th Master and the little mistress was steadily warming up!


The ninth master was still not back yet. Guan Xi's heart was filled with a knot in her chest, and she unexpectedly felt extremely uncomfortable.

She returned to her room, took a shower, changed into her pajamas, and lay down on the bed.

The big bed that she shared with the ninth master had been shared by the two of them during this period of time.

If it was possible, she would always occupy a corner, but most of the time, she would be held in the arms of the strong man.

At first, she was not used to it, but now, she actually became used to it.

Guan Xi lay on the bed, and the lights in the room were bright.

Her jet-black eyes were wide open as she stared at the snow-white ceiling.

After an unknown amount of time, ninth master did not return... ...

Guan Xi looked at the time. It was a little past twelve!

She continued to stare at the ceiling. After a while, ninth master still did not return... ...

Damn it!

Why isn't ninth master back yet? Could it be that he wants to stay out all night today?

When she realized this, Guan Xi's heart felt even more stifled.

Whatever, she wanted to sleep. She... ... She did not care if ninth master came back or not ...

Even if ninth master did not come back, it was... ... It was none of her business who he was with outside ...

It had nothing to do with her at all.

Guan Xi made up her mind. She pulled the quilt with her little white hand and covered her head.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door and the voice of Housekeeper Xiang

"Little Madam, are you asleep? Ninth MASTER IS BACK! "

Ninth Master is back?

When Guan Xi heard that, she jumped up from the bed and ran to open the door barefooted.

UH, she seemed to be too impatient.

Guan Xi trotted to the door and bit her lower lip with her teeth. She rubbed her face with her hand before gently opening the door. Her eyes were drowsy and her tone was sleepy

"Uncle Xiang, what's going on? "

As she spoke, she even yawned elegantly at the right time. She did not look like a little resentful woman who was waiting for her husband to not come home at night.

Ninth Master had not returned. She had slept well just now.

She had not been unable to sleep all this time!