Chapter 395 Guan Xi raised her head: Hubby

Xiao Jiuyan curled his lips into a smile. At this moment, the satisfied man was exceptionally charming and sexy.

The man's warm breath sprayed on her face. The strong, strong, and unique aura of a man mixed with a faint tobacco smell was very dazzling.

He whispered softly again, saying such words that would make people blush and their hearts beat.

The usually cold and aloof ninth master was not serious when he was alone with her. There was no one else who was quiet on the outside but flirtatious on the inside.

But all of these were not as good as what ninth master said: Your husband.


Ninth Master was her husband.

Although Guan Xi did not answer.

But she still whispered in her heart:

Okay, husband!


After old Madam Xiao, Fourth Xiao, Zhang Meirong, Xiao Zhihui, and Xiao Zixin were "sent" out of Xiao Mansion.

They drove back to the villa where old Madam Xiao lived.

Today, they went to Xiao Mansion to look for Xiao Jiuyan. Initially, they wanted to interrogate him, but they did not expect to end up in a bad situation.

Old Lady Xiao and Xiao Laosi sat in Lin Wanwei's car while Zhang Meirong's family sat in another car.

"Old Lady, we're here. " Lin Wanwei sent Old Lady Xiao to the villa and said with a gentle smile.

She got out of the car and opened the door for Old Lady Xiao. Xiao Laosi got out of the car from the other side.

"Wanwei, you're a good child. You sent me there and even sent me back today. "

Old Lady Xiao was very pleased with Lin Wanwei's thoughtfulness. She held Lin Wanwei's hand and said, "I made a fool of myself at Jiuyan's place today. "

"It's nothing. " Lin Wanwei lowered her eyes slightly and said, "Ah Yan is probably in a rage. Old Lady, you and AH YAN are family. There's no overnight feud between a family. "

When Xiao Laosi heard this, he snorted coldly, "a family? He, Xiao Jiuyan, is probably too arrogant and doesn't treat us as a family. In his eyes, we're nothing. For the sake of that woman called Gu Wenxi, he actually dared to lay his hands on Xiao Laosi. "

Xiao Laosi.

Speaking of Xiao Laosi.

Old Lady Xiao felt her heart clench.

She was the second wife of old master Xiao. Old Master Xiao cheated on her during marriage and forced Xiao Jiuyan's biological grandmother to die. She was also involved in this. Her biological children were Xiao Lao San and Xiao Lao Si, and Xiao Jiuyan's father and brother.. Had died long ago.

She had thought that Xiao Jiuyan only valued the army and long Xiao, as long as he dealt with that idiot Xiao Jingming.

Who would have thought that after he was paralyzed, he would return from the army and take over the Xiao family with a thunderous momentum.

No, it should be said that when he was still in the Xiao family, they thought that they could control the Xiao family. At that time, the Xiao family was already in Xiao Jiuyan's control.

They had originally wanted to get rid of Xiao Jiuyan and Xiao Jingming.

Now, the two of them were still fine, but one of her sons had died. How could old lady Xiao not hate them.

"Shut up. "

Old Lady Xiao Scolded Fourth Xiao, "if you didn't give third Xiao an idea, he wouldn't have died in front of Xiao Jiuyan's gun. "

Fourth Xiao's face froze and he didn't say anything.

Lin Wanwei stood by the side, her beautiful eyes twinkling. She said, "Old Lady, I have something to do at home, so I'll go back first. "

"Okay, okay. " Old Lady Xiao said, "the Xiao Family made you look ugly today. Wanwei, don't take offense. "

Lin Wanwei shook her head, smiled, and said gently, "I won't. "

Lin Wanwei said goodbye to Old Lady Xiao, got into the car, and started the engine to leave.

At this time, Zhang Meirong's car had just arrived.

Xiao Zhihui's car hadn't even stopped when Zhang Meirong opened the car door and rushed out. She ran toward Xiao Laosi like a mad hen and started fighting with him.

"Xiao Laosi, you pay for our third brother's life. "

"Laosi is courting death by kidnapping Xiao Jiuyan's wife. What has it got to do with me? "

"Xiao Laosi... my Laosi is dead, and you don't have any guilt at all. He is your brother. If you just instigate him to court death and leave us alone, what should we do? "

"I instigated him What did I instigate It was he who was unwilling to let Xiao Jiuyan's wife break his fingers and did the stupid thing of kidnapping her. He touched Xiao Jiuyan's reverse scale. His death has nothing to do with me,"Xiao Laosi shouted as he struggled with Zhang Meirong.

When Zhang Meirong saw Xiao Laosi shirking his responsibility, she became even more agitated. Her eyes turned red and her movements became sharper. She grabbed Xiao Laosi's face with both hands

"Xiao Laosi, you murderer, you will die with our Laosi. "

"AIYO! " Xiao Laosi screamed when his face was grabbed. "The murderer is Xiao Jiuyan. What does it have to do with me! "

Lin Wanwei's soft and fair hands held the steering wheel as the car slowly drove away from the villa.

Through the rearview mirror, she looked at Zhang Meirong and his family fighting at the villa's entrance. It was a mess.

Her beautiful red lips curled into a smile that she did not know what it meant.

Even these messy people from the Xiao Family wanted to harm AH YAN?

It was really funny.

But very soon, the corners of Lin Wanwei's lips curled up again.

She thought of how Xiao Jiuyan had protected Guan Xi back at the Xiao Residence.

Every word could not be separated from Guan Xi.

Did Ah Yan really like his wife that much?

A hint of gloominess flashed across Lin Wanwei's eyes. She stepped on the accelerator and the car sped away.

Ah Yan, AH YAN!


Lin Wanwei left.

At the entrance of Old Lady Xiao's villa.

Zhang Meirong's family and fourth Xiao were still fighting.

Old Lady Xiao was holding a crutch in her hand. She knocked the crutch hard on the floor and said in an old and cold voice, "stop. "

Zhang Meirong acted as if she did not hear it. The family of three was still fighting with Fourth Xiao.

The servants in the villa knew that their master had returned and came out to welcome him. Old Lady Xiao's expression did not look good. She pointed at the people who were fighting and said,

"You guys go up and pull them away. "

"Yes, old Madam. "

A few servants went up and spent a lot of effort to pull Zhang Meirong's family and fourth Xiao away.

At this time, Zhang Meirong's makeup was ruined and her hair was scattered. Xiao Zixin and Xiao Zhihui were not much better.

The most embarrassed one was fourth Xiao. At his age, he was still being beaten up by three people. His face was scratched by a woman's fingernails, and his body was also beaten up by Xiao Zhihui a few times. His entire body hurt.

Zhang Meirong was still screaming and scolding sharply when she was pulled away. The driver was like a shrew scolding the street. All kinds of genitals were out, and the words were very dirty.

[ thanks for the subscription. There will be an update of 70,000 on a certain day next month. We will wait for the editor's specific notice, so the next update will be 4,000 daily. Muah Muah. ]