Chapter 404 what the ninth master liked... ...

Gu Zhengbo raised his hand and wiped his forehead.

Only then did he realize that his palms were sweaty, and his back was also wet with sweat.

Based on what Guan Xi said just now, Xiao Laosan was actually killed by her when she kidnapped her?

Gu Zhengbo did not dare to think whether Guan Xi was kidnapped and accidentally killed Xiao Laosan in an emergency or something else.

He could only recall the way Guan Xi looked at him just now.

It was cold and emotionless, as if she was looking at a lifeless object.

It must be an illusion.

Gu Zhengbo came back to his senses and comforted himself.

She was just a girl who had just come of age, what kind of terrifying aura could she have?


Guan Xi walked into the Xiao Mansion.

She was a little upset.

She was too emotional just now and didn't control herself well, so she dissed Gu Zhengbo like that.

But it was also because Gu Zhengbo spoke too much.

Yes, she was brought back by the orphanage. It was normal that her father didn't love her and her Mother didn't love her.

However, they were too disgusting. They gave all the good things to Gu Wenxi, and all the bad things came from her, Guan Xi.

Even clay people had their own temperaments. Moreover, Guan Xi felt that besides being a bit of a drama Queen, she was also not a good-tempered person.

Now that Gu Wenxi wanted to switch back, she was just afraid that ninth master would find out, but in the end, she couldn't hide it.

It was useless to be afraid, so she was no longer afraid.

If they were to fall out, so be it. Guan Xi didn't care anymore.


Guan Xi returned to the Xiao Residence.

It was not good to feel bad in her heart. It was already the second day of the week's deadline, and the time would soon be up.

Thinking of telling the Ninth Master the Truth, Guan Xi was still panicking.

Guan Xi returned to her room for a while. She hugged the blanket, and her body was filled with the strong aura of the ninth master.

The Ninth Master, the Ninth Master!

These two words seemed to be branded on Guan Xi's heart.

She closed her eyes, and the image of the ninth master's perfect cold face appeared in her little head. She could not fall asleep at all.

After lying down for an unknown amount of time, Guan Xi looked at the watch on her delicate wrist.

It was five o'clock in the afternoon. Guan Xi suddenly thought of something and jumped up from the bed.

She took small steps and ran downstairs to the kitchen.

The kitchen was preparing dinner.

The dinner menu was usually drawn up by aunt Wang. Aunt Wang was the cook, and there were two helpers.

"Aunt Wang, " Guan Xi walked into the kitchen and called out sweetly.

Aunt Wang was in her forties this year, and her short and fat face was always smiling.

Seeing Guan Xi enter the kitchen, she sighed. "Little Madam, why are you in the kitchen? What do you want to eat tonight? Tell Aunt Wang, aunt Wang will cook it for you. "

"I want sweet and sour fish tonight. " Aunt Wang asked, and Guan Xi reported the menu.

"okay, sweet and Sour Fish, right? " Aunt Wang said with a smile. "Add more sugar. "

"Okay. " Guan Xi nodded. She liked sweet fish, and aunt Wang remembered it.

Eh, no, she didn't come to say what to eat.

"Aunt Wang, about that... " Guan Xi looked at aunt Wang and wanted to say something, but she hesitated. "about that... "

Aunt Wang saw that the young mistress was not going to say anything, so she asked curiously, "young mistress, what's wrong? What do you want to say? "

Guan Xi's white fingers twisted, and her white ears were a little red. She said Awkwardly, "What are you going to cook for ninth master tonight? What does ninth master like? Can you teach me? "

"young mistress, are you going to cook for Ninth Master? " Aunt Wang's voice was surprised.

Guan Xi's ears turned red and spread to her fair and tender neck.

It was okay for her to play with knives and guns.

But she really didn't know how to cook in the kitchen.

She remembered that a long time ago, ninth master asked her to Cook Porridge in the morning. She cooked it under aunt Wang's guidance. Ninth Master ate it all without saying anything.

However, that bastard Xiao Jingming directly told her who made the porridge and why it tasted so strange.

It exposed the fact that she was a terrible cook.

But now, she really wanted to cook a meal for Ninth Master.

"Well, I want to... Cook a meal for Ninth Master. "

Guan Xi looked at aunt Wang with her big black eyes and asked in a low voice, "after all, I'm ninth master's wife. I want ninth master to eat a meal that I personally made. "

Aunt Wang was a little surprised by Guan Xi's choice of words.

What did the little lady mean by wanting ninth master to eat a meal that she personally made.

The little lady and ninth master were already married. There was still plenty of time in the future.

There was no rush to cook.

But since the little lady took the initiative to offer to cook for Ninth Master, Aunt Wang naturally would not refuse.

Everyone in the Xiao family was happy to see that the young mistress and ninth master had a good relationship.

Aunt Wang Chuckled and said, "young mistress, if you want to cook for ninth master, that would be great. Has the mistress ever cooked before? "

"Yes, I've cooked before. " Guan Xi had helped Huang Caihua in the Guan family before. The food she cooked was edible, but the taste was really not that good.

Aunt Wang said, "it's better to have some experience than to have no experience at all. Madam, today we'll cook some simple and light dishes. Ninth Master is eating light now, with less salt and oil. Tonight, we'll make porridge for ninth master and add a few side dishes. "

Guan Xi nodded as she listened. "Okay. "


It was almost seven o'clock in the evening.

Guan Xi worked in the kitchen for more than an hour before she finally made a casserole porridge and two dishes.

The dishes were the simplest fried poached eggs and stir-fried San Xian.

A poached egg. Guan Xi used more than ten eggs. At first, they were either burnt or tasted very strange. There was no way they could be golden like aunt Wang's usual dishes until she beat the twelfth egg Only then did Guan Xi manage to make an egg that was barely appetizing.

The stir-fried San Xian went smoothly. It was potatoes, eggplant, and green peppers, especially the part that dealt with the ingredients. Guan Xi took a knife and cut the three dishes into shreds.

Her knife skills were excellent. The shredded potatoes were almost the same length and thickness as the ones cut by a machine.

Under the guidance of Aunt Wang, Guan Xi tried the stir-fried San Xian after it was done. It tasted much worse than the one aunt Wang made.

Guan Xi looked at the stir-fried San Xian in front of her. Her round little face fell. "Aunt Wang, why is the taste of the dishes I made so much worse than yours? "

Aunt Wang also tried the taste of Guan Xi's dishes.

She took a bite and praised, "Little Madam, you rarely cook. I've been cooking for nearly thirty years, and it's all because of my experience. How can you compare me with this? Little Madam, your dishes are already pretty good. Ninth Master will like it. "

"really? " Guan Xi did not believe it.

She did not think ninth master would like it.

The difference between the level of her dishes and aunt Wang's dishes was the difference between bronze and kings.

It could not be compared.

If she had to choose, she would definitely choose not to eat her own dishes.

Guan Xi pursed her lips and hesitated whether she should let ninth master eat the dishes she made for dinner.

"Aunt Wang, it's still not too late... why don't you cook two more dishes for ninth master? " Guan Xi looked at aunt Wang. After weighing the pros and cons, she still felt that the dishes she made could not be seen by others ...

Aunt Wang smiled. "Madam, how can the dishes you personally made be the same? I Trust Aunt Wang. Ninth Master will like it after eating it tonight. "

Guan Xi looked at aunt Wang suspiciously and asked hesitantly, "really? "