Chapter 415 Guan Xi was in a trance: You two know Each Other?

Guan Xi thought that this man knew that she was an artist. She smiled and waved her hand. "You're too polite. You can just call Me Guan Xi. "

"Miss Xi is Miss Xi, " the Butler said meaningfully. "We can't call you by your name. "

"But this is very strange... " Guan Xi opened her mouth.

She had been called Little Madam many times in the Xiao family. At first, she was not used to it, but now she was used to it.

However, the Butler uncle in front of her called her Miss Xi, so she was not used to it.

"Guan Xi, let's go. " Mu Yixun walked in front in her high heels and said, "ignore him. "

"Oh, okay! "

Mu Yixun was calling her. Guan Xi bowed to the middle-aged man and quickly followed.

As they walked, she looked at the top floor that she had never been to before.

The soft wool carpet and the soft lighting on both sides of the corridor.

There was a painting hanging on the wall.

As they walked, Guan Xi saw a painting. She glanced at it and stopped in her tracks.

"This painting... "

Mu Yixun stopped and saw that Guan Xi's gaze was on the painting. She glanced at the painting and explained calmly, "moonlight in the forest, an authentic painting of Versailles Bunchen from country y from the last century. "

"This painting is an authentic painting? " Guan Xi's eyes were filled with surprise.

Versailles Bunchen was a famous painter from the last century. Some people even gave him the title of the greatest painter of the 20th century. This moonlight in the forest was his final work. This painting had been exhibited before, but it was quickly lost Now, it was all fake on the market.

It was said that such a painting was worth as much as one billion yuan.

There was a price but no market!

And now, such an authentic painting actually appeared in an entertainment company like the Emperor of Shang.

Guan Xi looked at the other paintings hanging in the corridor. They were all the paintings of various masters that could be seen on the market.

She asked hesitantly, "Yixun, are these other paintings also authentic... right? "

"Yes. "

Guan Xi was surprised and surprised. "All of them? ! "

If they were all authentic, she didn't dare to imagine how much the paintings hanging in the corridor on this floor were worth.

As one of the top three entertainment companies in the entertainment industry, Shang Huang Entertainment had such deep financial resources.

"Yes. " Mu Yixun said plainly, "young master likes them. "

Guan Xi was stunned for a moment when she heard this word. "Young Master? "

What era was this? There was still such a name?

Mu Yixun didn't answer anymore. She continued walking forward and said, "Guan Xi, hurry up. "

Guan Xi hurriedly glanced at the paintings on the wall, retracted her gaze, and followed.

At the end of the corridor, there was a meticulously carved Nanmu door.

Mu Yixun raised her hand and knocked on the door. "Young Master, I've brought Guan Xi here. "

No one answered. In the next second, someone opened the door.

Guan Xi followed behind Mu Yixun. The moment the door opened.

She could smell a faint fragrance coming from the room.

It was not strong, but it smelled good.

Mu Yixun glanced at the two people who opened the door. They were two men who had kept their promise.

Guan Xi followed behind Mu Yixun. She smiled at the two people and thanked them.

At this moment, a gentle male voice sounded, "Xixi, you don't have to thank them. They don't know what you're talking about. "

The voice was so familiar that Guan Xi was stunned for a few seconds before she could react.

She turned her head and looked at the source of the voice. The man's gentle face was reflected in her eyes. "Guan Yihan? "

Why did she see Guan Yihan here.

"It's me, Xixi. " Guan Yihan looked at Guan Xi with a gentle smile on his lips.

Mu Yixun did not pay attention to Guan Yihan and Guan Xi's questions. She asked Guan Yihan, "where's young master? ''

Guan Yihan pointed to the cubicle and said, "young master is in the inner room. He will be out soon. "

Mu Yixun and Guan Yihan's attitudes were too familiar. It was obvious that they had known each other for a long time.

Guan Xi's mind was a little muddled at this moment.

She looked at Mu Yixun and then at Guan Yihan. After a long while, she heard her own voice ask, "you two... Know Each Other? "

Guan Yihan did not speak.

Mu Yixun's beautiful face was still cold. "We know each other. "

Know Each Other?

Guan Xi was suddenly enlightened.

She suddenly remembered that she had apologized to Mu Yixun in her lounge just now, saying that she was sorry that she had made a scandal.

Mu Yixun said that it was not your fault, and that there was no need for you to apologize.

Since Mu Yixun knew Guan Yihan, did Mu Yixun already know that Guan Xi and Gu Wenxi were two different people, and that the person in the video was Gu Wenxi?

Guan Xi thought so and asked the same question.

"Yixun, so you knew a long time ago that there was someone who looked like me? " Guan Xi asked.

"Yes. " Mu Yixun's face was indifferent and did not deny it.

Guan Xi opened her little pink mouth."..."


There was nothing to say.

It did not seem like it was a big deal for her manager to know about her identity.


Anyway, she was going to tell 9th master about her real identity soon. It did not matter who knew.

"... I'm sorry."

Guan Xi still felt that she should apologize. "I did not tell you about this at the beginning. Otherwise, you would not have to clean up the scandal on the Internet today. "

Even if Yixun knew about it, that was what Yixun herself knew.

Gu Wenxi was an uncontrollable factor. If she didn't say anything, it would make Mu Yixun's job more difficult.

Mu Yixun said the same thing, "it's not your fault. "

Guan Xi smiled.

Although Yixun said it wasn't her fault, it was the truth that she had hidden before.

"Who is the young master that you're talking about? " After talking about Gu Wenxi, Guan Xi suddenly remembered the young master that Guan Yihan and Mu Yixun had mentioned.

Guan Yihan looked at Guan Xi with a soft gaze. When he mentioned the man, he said in a respectful tone, "the young master is the young master. Xixi, the young master will come out soon. "

Guan Yihan rarely spoke in this tone. Guan Xi and Guan Yihan looked at each other. Guan Yihan looked at Guan Xi with a burning gaze.

Guan Xi looked away unnaturally. "Oh. "

She was curious about this young master, but she felt a little uneasy.

Young Master?

She seemed to have heard this address somewhere before.

EMMMM... ... It seemed like Tang Yu had mentioned something about young master ...

Ah, AH, AH, I can't remember.

"Little Cutie, are you asking me? "

At this moment, a devilish voice sounded from behind Guan Xi.

Guan Xi had her back to the owner of the voice and had yet to see the person. However, Mu Yixun and Guan Yihan immediately stood up straight and bowed respectfully towards the direction of the voice

"young master. "

Guan Xi turned around and saw the person.

Her eyes widened slightly. "It's you. "

The man in front of her was wearing a pair of black low-waisted jeans. His upper body was naked, revealing a honey-like skin color. The lines of his lower abdomen were smooth. His slightly curly hair was a little messy. There was water at the end of his hair, giving him a decadent sense of beauty.

His eyes were especially blue, like the mysterious Aegean Sea, deep and charming.

Akira Mato's lips curled into a devilish smile. He looked at Guan Xi and stepped on the soft carpet with his bare feet. His charming voice said, "little cutie, we meet again. "