Chapter 145, the Newbie that he had been supporting

"that one was not bad. "

Li Hongru's ugly face looked a little better. "But it just barely reached the standard. Let's see. "

The person who had performed very well just now had just reached the standard?

The producer thought about it and did not say anything more to Director Li. Instead, he asked the woman sitting at the other end, "teacher Yun he, what do you think about that Xia Mei just now? "

Yun He was the author of the original novel, "city-toppling One" . If Yun he felt that it was good, then director Li would definitely have nothing to say.

"nothing much. " The woman called Yun he pushed up her black-rimmed glasses and replied.

The producer:"..."

Alright, one standard was higher than the other. It was great!

The producer was helpless. Director Li was a big director, so he had to listen to the casting director. As for teacher Yun he, when she was selling the copyright of "city-toppling one" , she had signed a contract to select the actors to be her eyes. It was not too outstanding, but at least they had to be passable.

In the current industry, there were a lot of very good big IP addresses.

The original story was written very well. If it was filmed as a live-action television series or moved onto the big screen, it would be a tragic sight.

The producer sighed in his heart. He could only hope that the quality of the people who came to audition next would be better.

"Yes, the next person is... " the producer flipped through the information in his hands.

Guan Xi?

It was a very strange name. Then, he looked at the entertainment company that she belonged to. It was actually Emperor Shang, the entertainment company that belonged to him?

The producer frowned. The company had sent people over, but this time, they didn't say anything. What did they mean?

He looked at the photos on the documents. It was a very beautiful and cute little girl with a round little face that was very likable.

Her appearance didn't look any worse than the previous few auditions, but when he looked at the performance work column, he didn't see it.

Why would the company's higher-ups recommend this girl to audition?

A newcomer that they wanted to support?

But he hadn't heard of her.

Many thoughts flashed through the producer's mind, but he couldn't figure it out.

But there was no need to think too much. Since the company hadn't told him, he could just watch the audition from the side.

They seemed to have four auditions sitting here, but in fact, only director Li and teacher Yun he had the right to speak.

He, the producer, and the other assistant director were just sitting there as a formality.

"Hello, all the auditioneers. " At this moment, the sixth audition came through the door of the audition room. His tone was very polite and soft.

The producer looked over and said, "come in. "


Guan Xi walked into the audition room and stood at the door. The two workers behind her closed the door.

She entered the room and politely greeted them. At the same time, she discreetly looked at her surroundings.

There were four auditioneers.

In the middle of the room sat an old man in his fifties with graying sideburns. This was Director Li Hongru, Whom Guan Xi had previously done her homework and had seen on Baidu.

On the right sat two men in their early 30s.

On the left sat a woman with thick Bobo hair and black-rimmed glasses.

"Come in. " Guan Xi heard the man next to Director Li Hongru open his mouth. She walked over with a smile on her face.

The audition room was very big. Just this place alone was more than 100 square meters.

Guan Xi stood in front of the four people. She was neither too far nor too close to them. She began to introduce herself. "Hello, audition instructors. My Name Is Guan Xi. I'm 18 years old this year. I'm a newcomer signed by Shang Huang Entertainment. I want to audition for Princess Yuyao... "

Before she could finish her sentence, director Li interrupted her impatiently. "There's no need to introduce yourself. Let's just start the audition. Have you read the script? "

[ Lord nine will be out the day after tomorrow. Everyone, hold on a little longer. ]

Lord Nine: Heh!

DUMB NO2: I was wrong. Please whip me with a small whip!