Chapter 162 there was no way Lord Jiu would send her flowers!

Xiao Jiuyan:"..."

The dishes were served in less than two minutes after they were ordered.

Guan Xi had been training in the Gu family for a short period of time, so she could maintain her elegant movements. She took small bites and told Lord Jiu about the audition today.

After a few words, a young and handsome violinist came over to play the violin.

Guan Xi:"..."

The sound of the violin was beautiful and melodious.

After the song was over, the violinist bowed and left.

Guan Xi looked at the delicacies in front of her, the soft lights in the dining room, and the candles on the dining table.

She thought, delicious food, beautiful scenery, beautiful women, and music. If there were more red roses, she would think that she was on a date with master Jiu.

Just as she thought this, another waiter came over with a huge bouquet of roses in his hands.

Yes, it was huge in the literal sense. It looked like there were 999 of them.

Other than the fact that the roses were blue and not red, it was exactly what Guan Xi had thought.

The waiter took the bouquet of roses and walked up to Guan Xi. He said respectfully, "Miss Gu Wenxi, this bouquet of blue enchantress was given to you by Master Jiu! Congratulations on your successful audition today! "

Guan Xi's first reaction was to be stunned.

Master Jiu had been prepared and said that he believed her.

Her second reaction was to look at Master Jiu with surprise and uncertainty in her eyes. She asked hesitantly, "Master Jiu, did you give this to me? "

What was she thinking? With ninth master's iron and straight personality, how could he have thought of giving her flowers?


Xiao Jiuyan did not answer. He put down the knife and fork in his hand and said elegantly, "you don't accept flowers? "

Guan Xi came back to her senses and looked guiltily at the waiter who was holding the big bouquet. She quickly stood up and took it. "thank you. Thank you for your trouble. "

"You're welcome. "

The waiter handed the Bouquet to Guan Xi. He was worried that Guan Xi would not be able to hold it. "This bouquet is a little heavy. Let me help you hold it. "

"No need. " Guan Xi smiled brightly at the waiter. "I can do it myself. "

The bouquet of 999 roses was quite heavy, and the waiter could not hold it steadily.

Guan Xi took it directly as if it was weightless. However, her small body was almost submerged in the Sea of flowers, and only a small head could be seen.

The waiter finished his task of sending flowers and quickly left, leaving the two guests alone.

"ninth master, thank you for sending me flowers! "

Guan Xi held the flowers in her hands, and her small face was filled with a big smile.

She was somewhat happy, but also somewhat happy.

It was the first time she received flowers from ninth master, and it meant a lot.

"It wasn't from me. " Suddenly, he heard the man's indifferent voice.

"Ah? " Guan Xi was stunned and didn't come back to her senses. "that little brother said that Master Jiu gave me flowers, isn't that true? "

She really heard that sentence.

Xiao Jiuyan's Dark Eyes were on Guan Xi's face. Behind the huge bouquet of flowers, the girl who was so happy when she received the flowers just now widened her eyes and looked at him expectantly.

Xiao Jiuyan frowned slightly and looked away. "I only told Special Assistant Li to have dinner with you tonight. I don't know about the flowers. "

The cold and aloof man pushed aside the fact that he had asked Li Tezhu to pick the gifts that young girls liked in the afternoon.

Guan Xi understood what he meant.

It meant that Li Tezhu knew that she was going to have dinner with Master Jiu, so he was very considerate to send flowers to master Jiu for her.

Guan Xi was disappointed. She held the big bouquet, but strangely, she felt that this was master Jiu's normal style.

[ the Fifth Watch ends ]

[ on the third day of the PK, master Jiu and Xixi still need everyone's help. Don't hold back and read more. Only then can you get on base. Please give me a recommendation ticket. I love you all ]