No. 437 Zhang Xixi, master Jiu won't be mad at you anymore

"Xixi, are you going to the office today? "

After Breakfast, Bai Xiaomi asked Guan Xi, "did Yixun arrange a job for you? "

Guan Xi shook her little head. "No. "

Yixun was probably helping her solve the scandal caused by Gu Wenxi.

She didn't arrange a job for her.

"Xixi, when are you going to find Master Jiu? Later or in the afternoon? " Bai Xiaomi asked. "Or do you want to watch TV? "

Actually, Xixi was not in a good mood. Bai Xiaomi thought she could go shopping to relax.

But now that the Internet was filled with gossip about Xixi, it would be troublesome to be recognized if she went shopping. It was better to stay at home.

Guan Xi thought for a moment and said, "just watch TV for a while. "

"okay. " Bai Xiaomi took the remote control and turned on the TV.

She randomly set up a channel and played it.

The TV was on. Guan Xi watched TV and browsed her phone. She couldn't calm down no matter what she did.

She opened the contact list on her phone. The first number was master Jiu. She was wondering if she should call him... ...

Whitey's fingers trembled. There were a few times when she was about to press the call button, but she stopped.

"Xixi, Xixi, look, is this 9th master? "

Suddenly, Bai Xiaomi Patted Guan Xi's shoulder excitedly.

Guan Xi looked up at the TV. The content on the screen was very familiar. It was the variety show that she had appeared on pomegranate station's "happy together" .

The TV in Xiaomi's apartment was a digital TV. She had just casually opened the program list to watch it, but she didn't expect it to be her first time appearing on a variety show.

She glanced at the TV screen. It was playing the game when Ma Qianru hit her face with a rubber band.

At that time, she had been bullied, and Master Jiu was still protecting her.

What about now?

Guan Xi's expression was a little gloomy, but when faced with Bai Xiaomi, she forced herself to ask, "what Master Jiu? "

Bai Xiaomi pressed the back button, and the TV screen paused when it reached a certain point.

She ran to the front of the TV, pointed at a contour of the audience stage, and said, "Xixi, this is master Jiu, right? "

At that time, the light on the audience stage was not very bright. Bai Xiaomi looked like him just now, but she was not very sure.

Guan Xi looked at the place where Bai Xiaomi was pointing, and her eyes lit up.

Bai Xiaomi was not very sure, but she had been with master Jiu for a few months and had done things that were even more intimate.

With just a glance, the dim light and the tall and straight outline of a Pine Tree, Guan Xi could recognize that this person was definitely master Jiu.

In the picture, master Jiu was holding a Support Card, "Guan Xi ? Yuyao. ".

With a serious face and holding the support card with both hands, he really looked like a fan.

Guan Xi looked at the television screen. She blinked and her eyes were slightly red.

That day on the stage, when she saw the back of someone, she thought it was master Jiu.

She denied it herself. How could master Jiu go back to watch her variety show.

But Master Jiu really went!

There was also Yan Xiajiu and the variety show "hello, Hubby! " ... ...

Guan Xi bit her lower lip with her teeth and suddenly laughed.

"Xiaomi, I'm going to look for Master Jiu. "

Bai Xiaomi asked, "Now? "

"Yes. " Guan Xi nodded heavily. "Right now. "

"Okay. " Bai Xiaomi encouraged Guan Xi. "Go. "

Guan Xi went into her room, put on her shoes, and washed her face. She rubbed her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror. She felt that it was okay, so she was ready to go out.

Before going out, she put on a hat and a mask.

"Hey, Xixi, wait a minute. "

Guan Xi opened the door and was ready to leave, but was stopped by Bai Xiaomi.

She stopped and looked at Bai Xiaomi. "What's wrong? "

"Hey, Xixi, look, the negative news about you yesterday has been trended on Weibo. It was on the trending list just now. I saw it on the trending list just now... "

Bai Xiaomi searched for a few more big V's who had posted on Weibo yesterday, and now the Weibo post was gone.

Bai Xiaomi looked at Guan Xi and said with a smile, "Xixi, someone will deal with this matter. "

Guan Xi looked at Bai Xiaomi and thought of something. "It's Master Jiu? ! "

"It must be master Jiu. " Bai Xiaomi was very happy for Guan Xi. "Xixi, hurry up and find Master Jiu. Master Jiu will help you deal with this matter. I'm sure he won't be angry with you anymore. Just explain the matter and everything will be fine. "

"Okay. " Guan Xi's round little face revealed a brilliant smile.

The cloudy mood from yesterday to today had turned sunny!


At around 10 o'clock in the morning, Guan Xi was ready to go out to find Master Jiu.

Before going out, the girl who had always been able to not put on makeup and never put on makeup, even lent Bai Xiaomi some makeup and put on some simple makeup for herself.

"Xiaomi, can I really do this? " Guan Xi stood in front of the mirror, looking left and right.

Bai Xiaomi nodded. "Yes, yes, you can. You'll look very good. You'll definitely charm master Jiu to death. You'll look much better than Gu Wenxi. "

Guan Xi:"... Xiaomi, I look the same as Gu Wenxi."

"Even if we look the same, the core is different. "

Bai Xiaomi felt that Gu Wenxi couldn't be compared to her Xi Xi at all. "temperament, let's look at temperament! "


Guan Xi pursed her lips and said weakly, "Gu Wenxi knows how to behave. Temperament... It seems that all men like to be soft and Moan! "

Speaking of which, she went to the Xiao family in the beginning and played Gu Wenxi as a soft and delicate little white flower.

In the later stages, she was too light-headed and directly exposed her true nature.

In terms of temperament... ... She definitely couldn't be considered a demure and elegant lady ...

However, it was hard to say. Maybe men liked her, who was more lively and cute!

"Alright, Xixi, don't worry about it anymore. Are you going to find master Jiu or not? " Bai Xiaomi was speechless.

When Xixi saw master Jiu helping her in the variety show just now, wasn't she very happy?

Why was she being so slow-witted now.

Bai Xiaomi didn't know that Guan Xi was going to see Master Jiu. In front of Master Jiu, she was not only slow-witted but also timid.

Being urged by Bai Xiaomi, Guan Xi said, "okay, then I'll go. "

"Go on, go on. "

Bai Xiaomi shook her little white hand and pushed Guan Xi out of the apartment. When they reached the door, she asked, "Xi Xi, do you want me to go with you? "

Guan Xi thought for a moment and said, "no need, I'll go alone. "

If she behaved too cowardly in front of ninth master, she would be embarrassed if Xiaomi looked at her.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news. "

"Okay! "


Guan Xi set out from Bai Xiaomi's small bachelor apartment and hailed a taxi on the road.

She then reported the address of Xiao Mansion.

When the driver heard the address, he turned to look at Guan Xi.

Guan Xi was wearing a mask, so the driver could not see her entire face. However, when he looked at her eyes, he could tell that she was a pretty young lady.

The driver said in a respectful and surprised tone, "young lady, do you live in the area around Xiao Mansion? "

Guan Xi replied, "Yes. "

"The area around Xiao Mansion is filled with rich people. Why did you take a taxi when you didn't have a driver? "