How could chapter 433 be considered her home?

Gu Wenxi and Guan Xi both decided to go back.

Both of them were daughters of the Gu family.

The housekeeper arranged for a driver to send Guan Xi and Gu Wenxi back to the Gu residence.

Guan Xi and Gu Wenxi walked out of the Xiao Mansion and waited for the driver in front of the mansion.

Guan Xi faced the mansion and looked at the brightly lit Xiao Mansion. The bright lights made her feel warm.

When she first married ninth master, her impression of the Xiao Mansion was only:

Wow, it's so big!

Wow, there aren't many designs and decorations!

Wow, the Xiao family is really rich!

It could be said that in Guan Xi's eyes, Xiao Mansion was just a temporary place to live.

Although it was luxurious, what did it have to do with her?

Anyway, she was going to get a divorce sooner or later. After the divorce, she could play wherever she wanted. This place had nothing to do with her.

But she didn't know that she would inexplicably sleep in ninth master's room... ...

She would fall in love with ninth master, and she would have the most intimate relationship between a man and a woman with ninth master... ...

Xiao Mansion stayed for a few months. It wasn't a long time, but at this moment, the details of her life emerged.

Housekeeper Xiang was very considerate, aunt Wang was good at cooking, Xiao Jingming was very annoying, and the servants at home always made fun of her, and... ... And ninth master ...

During this period of time, she had started to think that the Xiao Mansion was her home... ...

But now, it was no longer her home.

Ninth Master ordered Housekeeper Xiang to prepare a guest room for her... ...

"sister, you can't bear to leave? "

Seeing Guan Xi's unblinking eyes on the Xiao Mansion, Gu Wenxi couldn't help but laugh. "No matter how reluctant you are, you will leave soon... "

Guan Xi ignored Gu Wenxi. There was some kind of uncomfortable emotion in her dark eyes, and she continued to watch.

Gu Wenxi did not wait for Guan Xi's reply. She felt that she was ignored and was a little angry.

Guan Xi had slapped her this afternoon, but she had not returned it. Her face, which had been slapped, was still hurting faintly.

Now that she was talking to her, she actually ignored her. She was so soft before, but now she had guts?

Thinking of this, Gu Wenxi could not suppress the fire in her chest. She reached out to pull Guan Xi and shouted, "Guan Xi, I'm talking to you, do you hear me? "

Guan Xi was pulled by Gu Wenxi. She slowly turned around and her gaze fell on Gu Wenxi.

Her expression was very calm. This kind of calmness even made Gu Wenxi feel inexplicably shocked.

"Guan Xi... "

Gu Wenxi looked at her and her originally cold and disdainful tone became much weaker. "Why are you looking at me like that? Do you want to slap me again? "

"Gu Wenxi... "

Guan Xi suddenly opened her mouth. Her voice was very calm. This kind of calmness even had a hint of coldness. "If you weren't my sister, you'd already be dead. "

People were very sensitive to the word 'dead' .

Gu Wenxi's expression changed. "Guan Xi, what did you say? Do you still want to kill me? "

She thought that Guan Xi had only said those words out of anger when her identity was exposed today.

After all, if it wasn't for Guan Xi, Gu Wenxi would have been able to marry ninth master for her.

When she knew that there was a person like Guan Xi, she had also thought that it would be great if she didn't have a sister like Guan Xi.

Guan Xi looked at Gu Wenxi coldly and didn't say anything else.

Gu Wenxi wasn't going to let it go. She said, "Guan Xi, say something. Do you want to kill me? You're just a person who came out of the orphanage, and you still want to attack me? "

Gu Wenxi had already fallen out with Guan Xi, so she did not intend to pretend to be a good sister anymore.

She looked at Guan Xi She said sarcastically, "although you and I are twins, you did not grow up in the Gu family. Daddy and Mommy are not close to you. You don't know, right? When daddy found you, he and Mommy did not want you to return to the Gu family at all. A person who grew up in an orphanage and was adopted by a family like the Guan family, what kind of upbringing could he have Coming back would only bring shame to our Gu family. If it was not for the fact that 9th master came to the Gu family at that time to offer a Betrothal, 9th master would be paralyzed and inhumane Do you think you can come back to the GU family and marry 9th Master Xiao... ?". ... ?"

Guan Xi's eyes were bright as she looked at Gu Wenxi indifferently.

The more Gu Wenxi spoke, the more excited she became She said excitedly, "now that I'm back, 9th Master is mine. Guan Xi, I could make you marry in my place obediently back then. Now that I'm back, I can naturally make you obediently give up the position of Mrs. Xiao. "Let me tell you, although you're my twin sister and look exactly like me, in my eyes, you're just a dog living under the shadow of me, Gu Wenxi. "

Gu Wenxi spoke faster and faster towards the end of her sentence.

In the end, she was panting slightly and her nostrils were buzzing. She was very excited.

Guan Xi looked at Gu Wenxi indifferently and replied with two words, "is that so? "

Gu Wenxi's long speech only received two words from Guan Xi.

She did not know why, but when she spoke, it seemed that she was more aggressive and could hit Guan Xi more.

But every time Guan Xi replied, it made her feel as if she had thrown a heavy punch, but it did not have any effect on the light cotton.

"Gu Wenxi. "

Guan Xi smiled faintly. There was no warmth in her smile. She looked elegant. "Do whatever you want. Master Jiu will only be mine. "


Housekeeper Xiang also vaguely knew that Guan Xi and Gu Wenxi did not get along, so she sent two cars.

One of them sent Gu Wenxi home.

The other car's driver drove out of the Xiao Residence and asked for Guan Xi's opinion. "young mistress, where are you going? Are you going to the Gu residence too? "

The Gu residence?

Guan Xi was stunned and immediately blurted out, "I'm not going to the Gu residence. "

Through the windshield of the car in front, she saw another car carrying Gu Wenxi.

Gu Wenxi could go back to the Gu family because that was the place where Gu Wenxi grew up. Gu Wenxi was like the apple of Gu Zhengbo and mother Gu's eye. Gu Wenxi was the eldest daughter of the Gu family, but she, Guan Xi, was not. Even if she had said that she would bring her back.. She was the young daughter of the Gu family, but it was just a beautiful thing that Gu Zhengbo said.

Could she go back to the Gu family?

No, she couldn't. How could the Gu family be considered her home?

Then where would she go?

The Guan family?

It didn't seem like it would work either. Her father wanted her to go back more often, but Huang Caihua didn't like her. Moreover, who knew if Guan Yihan and Tong Fei would suddenly appear at the Guan family's house.

Murphy's law said that what she feared came true. Perhaps the first thing she would see when she returned to the Guan Family's house would be Guan Yihan and Tong Fei.

The Guan Family Pass.

But the Gu family and the Guan family couldn't go. For a moment, Guan Xi actually didn't know where to go.

"Madam, if you don't go back to the Gu family's house? " The driver saw that Guan Xi didn't answer and asked in puzzlement, "where have you decided to go? "

Guan Xi raised her little white hand and rubbed her temple with her white fingertips. "just drive wherever you want. Just drop me off at the intersection ahead. "

Guan Xi's thoughts were a little chaotic. She really had to decide where to go. There was no destination.

Tong city was such a big economic center, yet there was no place for her to go.

"Yes, Madam. "