Chapter 443 looking for 9th master with a knife

Tang Yu's back was facing the underling who was rushing towards him.

The underling rushed forward quickly and quickly. He saw that the knife was about to Stab Tang Yu.

Suddenly, a small white hand reached out... ...

Guan Xi's small fingers were tightly clenched into a hand blade. She hit the underling's wrist with force. The underling cried out in pain and let go of his hand. The fruit knife fell to the ground.

In a Flash, Guan Xi reached out with her other hand. Just as the fruit knife was about to fall to the ground, she caught the fruit knife.

With such a fast speed and a series of smooth movements, the onlookers were stunned.

The people around had not reacted, including the underling.

Holding the Fruit Knife, Guan Xi took a step forward and pressed it against the underling's neck. With her round eyes, the corners of her eyes were slightly raised, and she said with a smile,

"Hey, it's very dangerous to hold a knife. "

The underling:"..."

Knowing the danger, why didn't he hold the knife further away? If his hand trembled, he would get cold.

The underling's face turned pale. With the knife pressed against his neck, he knew he was afraid and said with a trembling voice,

"I. . . I was wrong. Big Sister, please move the knife away. I was wrong. You... please don't hurt me... "

"wrong? "

Guan Xi was a little drunk, but her hand holding the fruit knife was steady. She moved it up to the younger brother's face and used the knife to pat his face twice.

The younger brother was so scared that he almost wet his pants. He wanted to beg for mercy again Then he heard the cute but fierce girl say, "Do you think that I will forgive you if you apologize to me? Dream on! You have been blocking me outside these days. Do you want to choose Gu Wenxi? "

The little brother was about to cry, "big sister, i... I didn't block you out. "

"Shut up! "

Guan Xi glared at the crying little brother in front of her

"I... I won't forgive you so easily. "

Tang Yu listened to Guan Xi's nonsense and frowned helplessly as he let go of brother Wei's hand.

He Stepped Forward To Stop Guan Xi and said in a low voice, "Guan Xi, he's not 9th master. You drank too much. "

"I didn't drink too much. I'm wide awake now. "

Guan Xi glanced at Tang Yu and pouted, "I can still drink. "

"Yes, yes, yes. You can still drink, but it's not early anymore. Don't drink anymore, " Tang Yu advised with a headache.

This little ancestor didn't listen to him.

"Guan Xi, She's Guan Xi! "

Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted.

They recognized Guan Xi.

Many people were stunned at first, then they realized who Guan Xi was.

Many of the people who came to the nightclub were young. They usually watched TV shows and variety shows.

Moreover, Guan Xi had been exposed enough recently. Just now, the nightclub was dimly lit, so she didn't pay attention to it. Now that someone reminded her, she took a closer look.

This Beautiful Little Girl Was Really Guan Xi.

Soon, many onlookers took out their phones and began to take photos.

Snap, snap, snap... ...

The sound of taking photos rose and fell.

The flashes kept flashing... ...

Tang Yu frowned.

He Pulled Guan Xi over and turned to the bartender at the Bar, "call your hotel boss over. "

The bartender saw that something was wrong and quickly went to call the owner.

The owner quickly rushed over. When he saw Tang Yu, his attitude was very good and respectful. He lowered his voice and asked, "boss, why did you call me over? "

The owner of this nightclub was acquainted with Tang Yu. It was considered an intelligence base of the cleaning society. Tang Yu was more independent and had a cooperative relationship with the owner.

Tang Yu did not like this kind of environment. Usually, it was the hero who came over to receive him.

But the owner also knew that this handsome and thin youth in front of him was the owner of the cleaning society.

It was also because of this reason that Tang Yu chose this bar today when Guan Xi said she was in a bad mood and wanted to come for a drink.

"These people took Guan Xi's photos and checked their phones. They can only release the photos if there are no photos. Two of them just left from the direction of the main gate and went to chase them back to make sure their photos were deleted... "

Tang Yu ordered lightly, "get rid of the surveillance cameras for this period of time. "

The nightclub boss agreed immediately, "yes, boss. Don't worry, I will definitely handle it well. Boss, take her here first. "

As he said that, he turned around and ordered the bartender, "take them out through the back door. "

"Yes, boss, " the bartender replied and said to Tang Yu and Guan Xi, "please follow me. "

Tang Yu followed behind the bartender and left the nightclub through the back door.

When the nightclub owner saw that Tang Yu had left, he immediately called for the nightclub's security. He asked the security to immediately guard the entire entrance of the nightclub. The customers who wanted to leave had to check their phones before they could leave... ...


Tang Yu took Guan Xi and left the nightclub.

Guan Xi's footsteps were a little unsteady. After all, she had drunk too much alcohol. She wanted to step on soft cotton as she walked, feeling like she was floating.

Outside the nightclub.

The explosive dance music was gone. The dazzling lights were gone.

The alcohol was also gone... ...

"Tang Yu, why did you bring me out... " Guan Xi pouted unhappily. "I want to drink more! ... I haven't had enough yet. "

Tang Yu looked at Guan Xi coldly and said lightly, "you drank enough today. "

"I didn't, " Guan Xi retorted. "How much did I drink? That little bit of alcohol is nothing. "

Tang Yu said with a cold face, "people who are drunk will say that they are not drunk. "

Guan Xi felt very wronged when she heard that. She really felt that she was not drunk.

Xiao Bai waved his hand and she said, "it's fine if you don't drink with me. I'll drink by myself. "

Guan Xi waved her hand and realized that she was still holding the fruit knife that she had brought out from the nightclub.

She looked at the fruit knife in a daze. A thought flashed through her mind and she did not catch it.

Tang Yu thought that she was still thinking about drinking and said Coldly, "Guan Xi, no matter what, you can't drink anymore today. I won't let you touch alcohol again. "

Guan Xi ignored Tang Yu.

She looked at the fruit knife in her hand and suddenly raised it to Tang Yu.

The silvery-white fruit knife had a layer of cold light under the moonlight.

Tang Yu frowned and asked, "Guan Xi, what are you doing? "

Guan Xi held the fruit knife and said word by word, "I'm going to find 9th master. "

Tang Yu:"..."

"I'm going to ask 9th master whether he will choose me or Gu Wenxi. It would be best if he chooses me, but if he chooses Gu Wenxi... "

Guan Xi paused and twirled a small fruit knife beautifully in her hand. "He can only choose me. "

In the end, it was just Guan Xi, the female bandit, preparing to abdicate.

Tang Yu:"..."


Tang Yu did not approve of Guan Xi going to 9th master while drunk.

In fact, even if Guan Xi did not drink, he did not approve of Guan Xi going to 9th Master.

If Possible, he hoped that Guan Xi would have nothing to do with 9th Master Xiao. She did not need any men at all.