Chapter 448 Guan Xi choked and said, "can't I CAN'T I. ...

Guan Xi was panicking because she had no memory of this scene.

She looked away from the photo and looked at Xiao Jiuyan. With some difficulty, she asked, "Xiao Jiuyan... "

She had a bad feeling that she didn't want to answer this question.

The person in the photo was the one that master Jiu wanted to marry.

Xiao Jiuyan looked at her coldly. "Guan Xi, tell me, is the person in the photo you? "

"The person in the photo... is... "

Guan Xi looked at the photo again. She had no impression of this place at all.

The person in the photo was not her. She knew that it was not her.

She had drunk so much wine, but she was so rational at this time. She could not say that it was not her.

Guan Xi opened her mouth and said, "the person in the photo is not me... "

It was either her or Gu Wenxi.

She wanted to say that the person in the photo was her, but so what if she said it? It was another lie that could be easily exposed.

Hearing Guan Xi's answer, Xiao Jiuyan's handsome face instantly turned cold.

His big hand on the wheelchair clenched into a fist, and the joints of his long fingers turned white.

"It's not you? "

His voice was a little hoarse. "think about it again, is it you... "

Guan Xi understood everything at this time.

Master Jiu was paralyzed, and Gu Wenxi appeared beside him, giving him comfort.

So after so many years, master Jiu could not forget to marry Gu Wenxi?

Ha, so that's how it was!

But was she willing to do it because of this reason?

Was she willing to do it because master Jiu did not want her and wanted to be with Gu Wenxi because of this reason?

She was not willing!

Guan Xi closed her eyes and then opened them again. Her eyes were full of tears

"Xiao Jiuyan, can't I do it because I'm not the person in the photo? Does the person you want to marry have to be the person in the photo? "

Xiao Jiuyan and Guan Xi looked at each other without saying anything.

But Master Jiu's silence was already a silent answer.

Guan Xi smiled. Her smile was a little Pale, but it soon disappeared.

She looked at Xiao Jiuyan She said, "Xiao Jiuyan, you want to marry Gu Wenxi, but in the end, the person who married you is not Gu Wenxi, but me, Guan Xi "Yes, I lied to you, but the person who has been by your side these past few months is me. You and Gu Wenxi didn't have any deep feelings before, right? You just spent a few days together. "Now, the person by your side is me. Is that not okay? "

The reason why Guan Xi said that was because Gu Wenxi, Gu Wenxi, had always said in the Gu family that she had no feelings at all with master Xiao, and master Xiao didn't know why he wanted to marry her.

Gu Wenxi had long forgotten the short few days with ninth master, but Gu Wenxi did not take it seriously, perhaps it was a child's joke.

The foundation of their relationship was so weak, and Gu Wenxi did not like ninth master at all. She was the one who liked ninth master... ...

Even if ninth master and Gu Wenxi had this photo and that part of their past, it was not an unforgettable existence.

So, she could not do it?

Guan Xi's big black eyes fixed on Xiao Jiuyan. She had a very stubborn expression, and she was determined to get an answer from him.

Xiao Jiuyan's eyes were dark. The little girl's gaze made him feel a little uncomfortable.

He slightly opened his eyes, and his cold voice seemed to be a little hoarse. "Guan Xi, the person I wanted to marry back then was the person in the photo. "

"Yes, Xiao Jiuyan. The person you wanted to marry back then was Gu Wenxi, but the person you married was me! It was me, Guan Xi! "

At that moment, Guan Xi was panicking, and her emotions were a little out of control

"Gu Wenxi didn't want to marry you at all. She despised you for being paralyzed and despised you. Do you know that "Xiao Jiuyan, do you think that she would be happy to be your wife if you went to the Gu family to propose marriage "Or do you really believe that I took a fancy to your power and begged her to give you to me so that I could marry you myself? "

"No, what she said is all fake. "You went to the Gu family to propose marriage. She was afraid to marry you. You were paralyzed and she had to live as a widow for the rest of her life. That's why she rushed to bring me back to the Gu family from the Guan family. When I married you in her place, Xiao Jiuyan, Gu Wenxi comforted you and stayed by your side for only a few days. I married you for a few months. Was it all fake that you were good to me before? "

Xiao Jiuyan's handsome face was expressionless as he looked at Guan Xi.

Guan Xi's eyes were filled with tears as she continued, "Xiao Jiuyan, find me Emperor Shang's entertainment, watch my shows, and accompany me to variety shows... you've slept with me so many times, are you going to deny all of this now? Are you going to deny all of this? "

Xiao Jiuyan and Yan Zhan looked at Guan Xi with their dark eyes.

Guan Xi's breathing quickened due to her emotions, so she did not say anything else.

She only waited for Xiao Jiuyan's reply.

After waiting and waiting, the entire study room fell silent.

After a long time, the indifferent man finally spoke. He said Calmly, "Guan Xi, don't cry. "


Did she cry?

She did not cry.

Guan Xi thought that she would never cry, but after Xiao Jiuyan said that, she subconsciously raised her hand to touch her face.

When she touched it, it was warm and moist. Guan Xi was stunned. She did not expect that she really cried.

It was so embarrassing. She was clearly here to ask why Master Jiu was avoiding her, so that Master Jiu could give her a chance to explain.

She even drank to boost her courage, but in the end, she actually cried.

It was really so embarrassing.

Guan Xi used a hand to randomly wipe her face. She sniffed her little nose and fixed her eyes on Xiao Jiuyan. She asked again, "ninth master, can't I do it? Must I only do it with Gu Wenxi? "

Her Gaze was not on ninth master's handsome face for a moment. She held her breath and waited for his answer.

Xiao Jiuyan calmly averted his gaze and did not meet Guan Xi's eyes.

He did not say anything either. He was just silent.

But at this time, what could be more terrifying than silence?

The silent silence spread in the study. Guan Xi stared at ninth master without moving. She was waiting for his answer.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... ...

One Minute, two minutes, three minutes. She was waiting for ninth master to answer her. Gu Wenxi was not the only one who could ask for his answer.

But there was no answer. She waited and waited, but the man did not open his mouth.

It was as if he had waited for only a few minutes, but it was also as if he had waited for a very, very long time. It was as if he was waiting for a judgment... ...

Guan Xi's entire body began to tremble, and she could no longer control her tears.

She deserved it!

Why did she marry him for Gu Wenxi.

She deserved it.

Why did she have to like this man in front of her.

She deserved it.

"I understand. Ninth Master... " Guan Xi raised her little white hand again, wanting to wipe her tears away. She didn't want to be so embarrassed.

Why did she have to cry? There was nothing to cry about.

She wiped her tears away, wanting to dry them.

But her tear ducts seemed to have suddenly developed. They were already dry, but they immediately flowed out. Guan Xi felt like an idiot.