Chapter 474, UPDATE 7

"working overtime again? " Tong Fei's expression changed slightly. "Yihan, in the past, dad didn't have so much work to do in the company. Why do you work overtime every day? "

Guan Yihan didn't give her any illusions. He said calmly, "Do you know why, Feifei, I have to say it out loud? "

Tong Fei bit her lip.

She naturally knew why.

It was simply that Guan Yihan didn't want to see her. Working overtime was an excuse to make both of them feel better on the surface.

After they got married, Guan Yihan rarely touched her. After she got pregnant, he even used the excuse of being pregnant to not touch her for so many months.

Staying at home for the night, it was already good enough to have two nights in a week.

Tong Fei shook her hand and dug her nails deep into the meat. "So Yihan, aren't you coming home tonight? "

"Feifei, you finish dinner tonight and go to bed early, " Guan Yihan didn't answer her directly and said gently, "don't wait for me. "

This meant that he wouldn't go home tonight.

"Yihan, what if I tell you that I have something to Tell You about Guan Xi? "

"Guan Xi? What's wrong with her? " Guan Yihan's calm and gentle voice had a ripple. "Tell me quickly! "

Tong Fei Heard Guan Yihan's anxious voice and her heart ached.

Hehe, Guan Yihan ignored her, but he was so concerned about Guan Xi's matter.

Tong Fei said, "I can't explain it over the phone. If you want to know, I'll tell you when I go home tonight. "

Guan Yihan was silent for a moment and said, "Tong Fei, you said that because you want me to go home? "

Ha, Guan Yihan actually thought that she made up a lie to deceive him so that he could go home.

He was her husband, but she actually needed to make up another woman's lie to make him come back. How ridiculous was that.

Guan Xi, it was all because of that B * Tch Guan Xi.

Tong Fei closed her eyes. Marrying Guan Yihan was her own choice. She was infatuated with this man, and she was, and still is.

She held her phone and said gently, "Yihan, do you see me that way? I didn't lie to you. I had a prenatal checkup today and ran into Guan Xi at the hospital. "

"The hospital! " These two words made Guan Yihan tense up. "Why did Xi Xi go to the hospital? "

Guan Yihan's anxiety and worry were transmitted to Tong Fei's ears through the microphone.

Tong Fei felt uncomfortable.

She had been pregnant for so long, and Guan Yihan did not even show her any concern. Now, he only knew that Little B * Tch Guan Xi was at the hospital and was so concerned. She was clearly his wife.

Tong Fei said, "Yihan, if you want to know what happened to her, come home tonight. I'll tell you. "

Guan Yihan said, "can't I tell you over the phone? "

Tong Fei insisted, "if you want to know, come back. I'll tell you. "

"Don't come home at night. Are you at home now? " Guan Yihan's voice came over and hit Tong Fei's eardrums. "I'll go back right now. Wait for me at home. "

After Guan Yihan finished speaking, he hurriedly hung up the phone.

Tong Fei looked at the phone that was hung up by Guan Yihan.

She was stunned.

Guan Xi, Guan Xi, it was all because of Guan Xi.

She was Guan Yihan's wife, but now she had to rely on Guan Xi to call Guan Yihan home.

It was all because of that Disgusting Little Slut Guan Xi, seducing her own brother!

"Ah! "

Tong Fei suddenly lost control of her emotions and fiercely smashed the phone in her hand onto the ground. She used almost all of her strength, and the phone was smashed into pieces.

The housekeeper was shocked. "Miss, are... are you okay? "

The miss was just talking on the phone, why was she suddenly angry?

Tong Fei stared at the cracked phone viciously. Her chest rose and fell violently, and after a long time, her emotions calmed down slightly.

She looked at the nanny and smiled gently. "I'm fine. Go back. Yihan will be back soon. "

"The son-in-law will be back soon? " The nanny's eyes lit up. "That's great, Miss. I might make more delicious food tonight. "

Tong Fei smiled gently. "Okay. "


Tong Fei went home.

She found that Guan Yihan was already waiting in the living room.

The man was wearing a slim business vest with a suit jacket and a pair of cufflinks on the cuffs. He looked like a business elite. He really looked like he had rushed back from the company.

He was talking on the phone, his big hand holding the phone to his ear. The knuckles of his index finger were bent into a beautiful curve. He was talking about something to the other party, but he did not notice Tong Fei's return.

Tong Fei changed into slippers and walked in slowly with a big belly.

Only then did Guan Yihan notice Tong Fei.

He said to the person on the other end of the phone,"... boss Gan, I still have something to do. I'll contact you next time. I'll hang up first... sorry to trouble you."

After ending the call, Guan Yihan got up from the SOFA and walked to Tong Fei with a tall and straight body. "Fei Fei, you said Xixi went to the hospital. What happened? "

Tong Fei was not surprised by Guan Yihan's first question.

Even though she knew that he would ask, she still felt uncomfortable when he asked.

Tong Fei looked at Guan Yihan and said with a smile, "Yihan, the doctor said today that the baby... "

"Tong Fei, I asked you what happened to Xi Xi? " Guan Yihan interrupted Tong Fei impatiently.

Tong Fei's expression suddenly changed. Her smile froze and she said with a choked voice,

"Yihan, I went for a prenatal check-up today. My baby is in my stomach. What's the result of the Prenatal check-up? What's the baby like Don't you care You only asked about Guan Xi when I came back. Don't you care about the baby in my belly at all This is our flesh and blood!"

Guan Yihan lowered his eyes slightly and looked at Tong Fei's belly.

The baby in Tong Fei's belly was already several months old, and it was already very pregnant.

Guan Yihan looked at her belly and slowly raised his hand, gently placing it on Tong Fei's belly. With such a gentle movement, he said, "Fei Fei... "

Tong Fei was delighted. She thought that Guan Yihan's move was to touch their baby.

She was surprised and delighted. "The baby can move now. Touch it and see if you feel... "

"Tong Fei. " Guan Yihan coldly interrupted Tong Fei, who was immersed in joy.

His voice was too cold. Even Tong Fei, who was immersed in joy, immediately felt that something was wrong.

Tong Fei looked at Guan Yihan's cold and gentle face and her heart palpitated. "Yihan, what... What's wrong? "

"Are you talking to me about the Child? "

Guan Yihan's face was as beautiful as jade. He looked at Tong Fei with a gentle gaze, but his words were so cold "We both know how this child came about. If you feel wronged and want to abort it now, I have no objections! Alright, tell me, why did Xi Xi go to the hospital today? "

Tong Fei looked at Guan Yihan in disbelief.

She had always thought that this man was gentle and fell in love with him the moment she saw him.

She liked him and knew that he liked Guan Xi, so she would do anything to get him.

She thought that it would be fine as long as she got him, but now his words made him shiver.