Chapter 479, Chapter 12

Xiao Jiuyan sat upright in his wheelchair and said in a calm tone, "Gu Zhengbo, I went to the Gu family to propose marriage to Gu Wenxi, and your Gu Family Married Guan Xi. How dare you? I haven't even looked for you, yet you dare to call me first. HMM? "

When Gu Zhengbo heard ninth master's words, he immediately broke out in cold sweat.

Now that the matter of Guan Xi marrying Xiao Xi had been exposed, he had always been worried that ninth master would blame the Gu family for this matter, but ninth master had not made any moves in the past few days, making him think that this matter was over.

In fact, Gu Zhengbo also felt that ninth master would not pursue the matter.

Men, who did not like having one more woman by their side.

Although the Gu family had used Guan Xi to replace Wen Xi, wasn't Wen Xi back now?

Guan Xi had left, and Wen Xi had married into the Gu family. In essence, ninth master had only had two women. It was not a loss, but a gain.

But now that he heard ninth master's intention, was he going to pursue the matter?

Fortunately, before this phone call, although Gu Zhengbo felt that ninth master would not pursue the matter, he had also thought about how he would respond if ninth master were to question him.

Gu Zhengbo steadied his mind and stammered to explain, "ninth master, when you came to propose marriage, Wenxi... Wenxi that child is very happy. It is also our Gu family's honor that you can see Wenxi. ".

But who knows... ... Who Knew That Guan Xi, that child, would have such thoughts about you She wanted to marry you, so she went to ask Wenxi. Wenxi felt pity for her sister who had just returned to the Gu family, so she softened her heart and agreed. In the beginning, the two of them secretly changed their identities. As a father, I didn't know. After that.. Later, when I found out, I couldn't change back... "...". "..."

Gu Zhengbo's explanation was basically consistent with what Gu Wenxi said.

The father and daughter both put the blame on Guan Xi.

In any case, it was said that Guan Xi was poor and afraid in the orphanage. When she came back and saw that her own sister had a good marriage, she begged her sister to give it to her.

It was also because Gu Wenxi was a good sister who was soft-hearted and loved her sister. She couldn't resist Guan Xi's begging and agreed.

Xiao Jiuyan's eyes were cold and profound. He asked indifferently, "is that really the case? "

His tone did not have any fluctuations, but Gu Zhengbo's heart jumped when he heard it.

He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said, "Master Jiu, it... It really is like this! How would I dare to lie to you? "

Xiao Jiuyan's deep black eyes flashed with coldness. He snorted lightly and did not reply.

Gu Zhengbo did not know what master Jiu meant and did not dare to say more.

He tried to change the topic and said the reason for his call, "Master Jiu, are you free the day after tomorrow? The day after tomorrow is... is Wenxi's birthday. I want to invite you to Wenxi's birthday dinner. I wonder if you are free? "

"birthday? " Xiao Jiuyan frowned.

"Yes, yes. "

Gu Wenxi's birthday.

So, it was also little silly's birthday?

Xiao Jiuyan noticed that although they were both twin daughters, Gu Zhengbo only mentioned Gu Wenxi on their birthdays.

His eyes were cold and deep. He asked Calmly, "Will Guan Xi be at the birthday dinner? "

Gu Zhengbo did not expect Master Jiu to Mention Guan Xi.

According to Xiao Xi, when she saw Guan Xi go to master Jiu, he stopped her outside Xiao Mansion. Logically, master Jiu should have already abandoned Guan Xi. Why would he mention her at this time.

However, Guan Xi was stopped outside Xiao Mansion, so Xiao Xi could not see ninth master either.

The two sisters were treated the same... ...

Gu Zhengbo could not figure out ninth master Xiao's thoughts, but since ninth master had asked, he could not be too biased as a father.

Gu Zhengbo said, "Ninth Master, Wen Xi and Guan Xi are twins. Wen Xi's birthday is Guan Xi's birthday, So of Course Guan Xi will attend the birthday party. "

Xiao Jiuyan nodded lightly, "I understand. I will be there that day. "

After hanging up the call with Gu Zhengbo, Xiao Jiuyan's thin lips curved into a faint smile.

He had originally planned to call little silly.

But since he was going to see little silly at the birthday party, he wouldn't call her now.

There were some things that were better communicated in person than over the phone.


"Daddy. "

At the Gu residence.

Gu Wenxi saw that Gu Zhengbo had finished making the call and asked anxiously, "has ninth master agreed to come to my birthday party? "

Gu Zhengbo held the phone and said, "ninth master has agreed to come! "

"really? " Gu Wenxi's face was full of surprise, and her round face had a little girl's shy blush. "Ninth Master has really agreed. I knew that ninth master has me in his heart. "

Although Gu Wenxi was unbearably loose in the outside world, even killing a hundred people, she had disguised herself quite well in the Gu family, in front of Gu Zhengbo and Gu's mother.

She looked like she was excited and shy because ninth master was willing to come over.

Gu Zhengbo looked at Gu Wenxi and sighed.

Gu Wenxi sensed that something was wrong, and the smile on her face faded. "Daddy, why are you sighing? Is there something else? "

Gu Zhengbo frowned and said, "although ninth master has agreed to attend your birthday dinner, before he agreed, he first asked if Guan Xi would attend the dinner. I told Ninth Master That Guan Xi would attend, and ninth master only said that he would attend. "

When Gu Wenxi heard this, her face suddenly changed. "How could this be? "

With this feeling, ninth master agreed to attend her birthday banquet because of Guan Xi.

Gu Wenxi looked at Gu Zhengbo, her small face Pale. "Daddy, do you think... ninth master has taken a fancy to Guan Xi? "

Gu Zhengbo also felt that this was a possibility.

His face also did not look good. "I don't know if ninth master has taken a fancy to Shangguan Xi. But it's not impossible. After all, Guan Xi has been married to ninth master for a few months. For such a long period of time, the two of them may have developed feelings for each other. Previously, ninth master doted on her so much, so maybe they really have feelings for each other."

Not only did Gu Wenxi's face turn Pale, even her lips turned Pale. "How could it be... "

Ninth Master clearly wanted to marry her in the beginning.

Now that she had already exposed that Guan Xi was not her in front of Ninth Master, wouldn't ninth master want to marry her from the start?

The person ninth master wanted to marry should be her, Gu Wenxi.

Mother Gu listened from the side and saw that Gu Wenxi's face was pale and she was in a daze She quickly comforted Gu Wenxi. "Xi'er, don't listen to your father's nonsense. Why would ninth master want to see Shangguan Xi's orphanage come back? ". "You're the eldest daughter of the Gu family. You grew up in the Gu family. Your father and I spent so much money to nurture you. Which of your upbringing, etiquette, and knowledge can be compared to Guan Xi's? "?

"9th Master Must Have Been Blind to choose Guan Xi over you. ". "9th Master Asked if Guan Xi would attend your birthday party. He probably only thought that the two of you were twins and casually asked. He didn't mean anything by it. "

"Is that so? " Gu Wenxi looked at mother Gu.

Mother Gu said firmly, "it must be so. Wenxi, don't worry. Guan Xi can't compare to you in anything. She has nothing to compete with you. "