Chapter 499, Chapter 32

It had been like this for the past few years. Guan Xi always felt that although her life looked free, it seemed to be restricted.

For example, now that she was in university, she seemed to be free in school, but once class ended, as long as she was not at school or returning to the apartment that Akira Mato had prepared, she had to report it.

She felt restricted everywhere.

What made her even more uncomfortable was that in the past few years, Akira Mato had arranged for her to live in country M, but she had never returned to the Akira family.

Guan Xi pouted and said angrily, "I WANT TO TRAVEL! Travel! "

"No, " Akira Mato refused flatly.

He got up from his seat and casually took a bamboo sword from the side and threw it to Guan Xi. "Let's have a round. "

Guan Xi's little white hand caught the bamboo sword cleanly. Her big black eyes were sharp and flashed with a hint of craftiness. "Akira Mato, if you don't want me to travel, then don't blame me for being merciless. "

"JUST IN TIME! " Akira Mato Looked Askance at Guan Xi with his Blue Eyes. There was a hint of gentleness hidden in his eyes. "You don't have to be merciful to me. I will beat you up and break your idea of traveling. "

Guan Xi tilted her head and asked, "if I beat you, will I be able to travel? "

"No. "

Guan Xi:"..."

So angry!

She must beat Akira Mato up!


The competition of Jian Dao was supposed to stop at the last minute. However, in the Competition Between Guan Xi and Akira Mato, every move was aimed at the vital points of the other party.


Every strike made a crisp sound. If it wasn't for the protective gear, he would have been injured.

This competition lasted for more than ten minutes, and in the end, Guan Xi won.

Guan Xi took off her mask in dissatisfaction, pouted her lips, and looked at Akira Mato. "You're going easy on me again. There's no point in this match. Even if you don't go easy on me, I can still beat you. "

Akira Mato's Blue Eyes looked at Guan Xi's round face.

She had just finished a lot of exercise.

Her hair was wet with sweat, and her blood was flowing faster. Her small face was pink, like a red apple that had just ripened. It looked tempting and delicious, making people want to take a bite.

Akira Mato's blue eyes seemed to have something strange in them. He curled his lips into a devilish smile. "It's just a matter of time. What do you mean by 'not going easy' ? Since you can beat me anyway, wouldn't it be great if I let you lose a little less unsightly? "

Guan Xi pouted.

She was even more unhappy.

"Your loss isn't that unsightly anymore. I DIDN'T WIN BEAUTIFULLY! "

Akira Mato took two steps forward and arrived in front of Guan Xi. The man's tall and straight body cast a shadow on Guan Xi's body, almost enveloping her entire being.

Guan Xi jumped in shock. "What are you doing? "

Akira Mato smiled. He raised his hand and pointed his Index Finger at Guan Xi's smooth and full little forehead. "You must be hungry after such a long journey back. Take a shower and prepare to eat. "

Gulp... ...

Guan Xi's stomach growled at Akira Mato's reminder.

Akira Mato was stunned for a moment before he laughed. "You're really hungry? "

"Akira Mato, you... you'RE NOT ALLOWED TO LAUGH! " Guan Xi was embarrassed ...

Why did her stomach growl at this time.

Her stomach must be playing tricks on her.

She had eaten on the plane, but it had been a few hours. She had been exercising a lot, so it was normal for her to be hungry.

Akira Mato said, "okay, I WON'T LAUGH! "

He said that he wouldn't laugh, but the smile on his lips was still very obvious.

Guan Xi stomped her feet in embarrassment. "Akira Mato, I told you to stop laughing. "

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh anymore! " Akira Mato raised his hands and made a surrender gesture. He looked at her with a gentle expression. "Go take a shower first. Come and eat after you're done. "

Guan Xi bit her lower lip with her teeth. She glared at him with an embarrassed and angry expression, then turned around and walked to the shower room of the Dojo.


Guan Xi washed the dishes and took a shower in the Dojo. She changed into the clothes that the servants had brought over for her and changed into them.

When she changed her clothes, she could see that she was wearing a thin platinum necklace on her fair and beautiful neck. There was a ring and a black square pendant hanging on it.

After taking a shower, Guan Xi followed the servant to the dining hall to eat.

She followed behind the servant and arrived outside the dining hall. The Servant was about to open the dining hall door.

A sobbing voice came from inside the dining hall. "Mr. Zhen, I really didn't swallow that batch of goods. "

"If it wasn't you, then who was it? " It was Akira Mato's voice, which was unusually gentle.

"I. . . I don't know. I saw the cargo being loaded onto the ship, but... but who knew that the cargo would be gone the next morning when we woke up in the Golden Triangle? Mr. Akira, I'm telling you the truth. You have to believe me. "

Immediately after, there were a few banging sounds, as if the people inside were kowtowing.

When Guan Xi heard this, she walked past the servant and pulled open the wooden door of the dining room.

Akira Mato sat at the main seat. The dining table in front of him had already been set up with delicious food and dishes.

In front of the table, there was a middle-aged man kneeling.

The man's face was filled with snot and tears. He was kneeling with a terrified expression.

"You're here. " Akira Mato's blue eyes lit up slightly when he saw Guan Xi.

Guan Xi walked over and sat directly next to Akira Mato. She looked at the kneeling man in confusion and asked, "what's wrong with him? "

Akira Mato said, "last month, I got a batch of samples from the M nation's military. They're the M nation's newest firearms. I asked him to transport them. They could have arrived today, but now he's telling me that the goods are gone. "

"Ah, I see! " Guan Xi blinked. She propped up her chin with one of her little white hands. "You swallowed them? "

This question was directed at the middle-aged man.

When the middle-aged Man Heard Guan Xi's question, his face was filled with fear and fear "No, no, I didn't swallow those goods. Young Master, I really don't know how I lost those goods. Young Master, please spare me. I still have a wife and children. Young Master, I... I don't want to die. Young Master, please! "

As the middle-aged man spoke, he repeatedly kowtowed a few times. Blood immediately oozed out from his forehead.

Akira Mato elegantly narrowed his azure-blue eyes. He curled his lips and said lazily and coldly, "alright, stop kowtowing. You've dirtied my land. "

When the middle-aged man heard this, his entire body stiffened.

Akira Mato looked at the man playfully and asked unhurriedly, "do you know how much I spent on that batch of goods? "

The middle-aged man replied stiffly, "five, five hundred million USD. "

"looks like you know. "

Akira Mato laughed evilly. His tone was very gentle, as if he was chatting with an old friend

"since you know, why would you dare to lose it? You have a wife and child. Your Life, along with your wife and child's life, is not even one-thousandth of this batch of goods. "

The middle-aged man was completely shocked. He raised his head. "Young Master, you... don't touch my wife and child. "

Akira Mato looked at the middle-aged man with a smile, but he did not answer.

The middle-aged man stared at Akira Mato. At this moment, he was like a drowning man. Despair slowly enveloped him, drowning him like a still river.