Chapter 556: Duel, instant defeat!

Xiao Shengdai's Chubby little hand went to pull Xiao Jiuyan. "Let's go, duel! "

He was so focused on the duel, his little expression, his tone, and the way he took the initiative. Did he think that he would win before the duel even started?

Xiao Jiuyan was also being pestered by Xiao Shengdai. A man's personality was indifferent, so he really couldn't deal with a child.

If he wanted a duel, he would duel. After that, he wouldn't have to be pestered by this kid anymore.

Xiao Jiuyan said, "let's go. "

After saying that, he straightened his body and turned around, taking a long step towards the training ground.

Xiao Shengdai followed behind the man. The man's legs were long, and his two Chubby legs were short. He almost couldn't keep up, so he had no choice but to run.

Akira Mato, Guan Xi, Mu Yixun, emily, and Wei Yi also followed.

Only Butler Xiang stood where he was and stared at Xiao Shengdai's back.

The shock and disbelief in his eyes when he saw Xiao Shengdai still hadn't faded.

"He looks like... He looks too much like Ninth Master! "

Butler Xiang muttered. He seemed to have thought of something, so he didn't follow everyone to the training ground. Instead, he turned around and walked towards the residence.


They arrived at the Xiao Mansion's individual training hall.

Xiao Shengdai followed behind the man and entered. He exclaimed in surprise, "wow. "

The Training Hall took up a large area. At that time, ninth master's legs were weak and he did not have a proper upper and lower area. Therefore, there was no first or second floor. Instead, there was only one floor. There were several areas planned. Fitness, shooting, boxing ring, and so on. Everything was available Moreover, the facilities were all professional-grade.

Xiao Shengdai grew up in the Akira family. He had come into contact with many of these things, so he could naturally tell.

This training ground was not inferior to brother Tengxiao's Kendo Dojo.

Akira Mato entered the training ground and lazily swept his gaze over a few times.

Looking at such a professional training ground, it was no wonder that long Xiao's reputation as the wargod of war was not in vain.

Xiao Jiuyan stopped in his tracks.

Xiao Shengdai was looking at the training ground by himself. Without noticing, he bumped into the man's firm and hard thighs.

He was not as tall as the man's waist, so his small head directly knocked into the man's thigh.

His nose also bumped into it. It hurt.

Xiao Shengdai rubbed the tip of his nose with his meaty fingers. He raised his head and complained, "hey, why did you suddenly stop walking? "

Xiao Jiuyan lowered his head to look at him, expressionless. "You weren't paying attention. "

Xiao Shengdai:"..."

He was indeed not paying attention. He was attracted by these things.

But he would not admit it.

"I wasn't paying attention. You were the one who stopped first, " Xiao Shengdai said angrily. "If you hadn't stopped, I wouldn't have bumped into you. "

Xiao Jiuyan frowned. "You weren't paying attention. "

Xiao Shengdai: "You stopped first. "

Two men, one big and one small, were actually going to fight over such a small issue.

Guan Xi watched from the side, her head aching.

What was going on with Xiao Shengdai? He had always been an aloof and pretentious prince charming in front of her, but why was he so long-winded and pestering Xiao Jiuyan.

Xiao Jiuyan, whom she had only known for two days, was the same. He was usually a cold person, but when faced with Xiao Shengdai, he looked very childish. Was it interesting to bicker with a kid?


However, no matter how strange it was, she could not allow the two childish ghosts to continue bickering.

Guan Xi stepped forward and said, "Xiao Shengdai, aren't you going to have a duel with Xiao Jiuyan? Are you going to have a duel or not? If you're not going to have a duel, we're leaving. "

"Oh right, a duel! " Speaking of a duel, Xiao Shengdai immediately became excited again. He restrained his intention to bicker again, and his little expression became serious. He really did look a little austere, and his aura was very strong

"Xiao Jiuyan, a duel! you called me a little ghost, and you want to snatch the Stupid Guan Xi from me. Now, you're the one who stopped first. I'm going to beat you down right now! I want you to apologize. "

Guan Xi:"..."

Oh, so this was the reason why little ancestor was looking for someone to have a duel.

Yes, the reason was very good!

And so serious. However, little ancestor, you're so excited, it's really not enough to be a finger of mine.

Xiao Jiuyan pulled his thin lips indifferently and said concisely, "okay. "

He should never have agreed to a duel with such a little kid. Not to mention that he used to be a soldier, even an adult would not fight with a little kid seriously. However, since this Brat was so serious..

"Guan Chen, right? " His cold voice carried a hint of solemnity. He was a small opponent that he acknowledged. "I will make you admit your defeat wholeheartedly. "




The duel was two wins out of three rounds. In the end, it ended in three rounds, all of which ended in seconds!

In the arena, Xiao Shengdai was ready to charge forward, but before he could touch the man's body, he was picked up by the man with one hand and thrown to the ground.

He lost the first round just like that.

In the last two rounds, Xiao Shengdai also lost without any suspense.


Now, Xiao Shengdai was suppressed by the man on the arena floor. Xiao Jiuyan held the little boy's chest with one hand and stared at him coldly. "The third round, I won all three rounds. Do you want to admit defeat? "

Xiao Shengdai pursed his small mouth and looked like he was about to cry.

Three rounds, he lost all three rounds.

And they all lost in a few seconds. Just now, he had made a big promise, but now he was slapped in the face.

The little man originally wanted to save his face, but he didn't expect to be even more humiliated.

"I... "

Xiao Shengdai's beautiful lips were tightly pursed. After a while, he even said in a soft, child-like voice with a sobbing tone, "I admit defeat. "

Xiao Jiuyan saw that the little devil was about to cry, but he did not have the slightest intention of sympathizing or coaxing him.

He did not comfort him just because he was a child.

Instead, he said coldly, "why are you crying? Since you're the one who wants to duel with me, you can't cry even if you lose! There's no reason for a man to fight others without shedding tears. If you lose, you won't be able to find enough. The next time you challenge me, just win it back. "

When Xiao Shengdai heard this, he forcefully held back the tears that were about to fall. His nasal voice was thick,"... okay."

However, he really wanted to cry.

He originally thought that he would win. He would win.

Brother Teng Xiao and sister Yixun had taught him so many powerful moves.

He had also defeated many people in the Akira family. Why was it completely useless in front of this hateful man?

This hateful man was really as powerful as brother Teng Xiao had said.

Xiao Jiuyan let go of Xiao Shengdai and slowly stood up. Xiao Shengdai also got up from the floor of the arena. His voice was choked with sobs, but he was really obedient. He wanted to be a little man and not cry.

He swore to Xiao Jiuyan, "I'll win it back next time. "

Xiao Jiuyan: "You can't win. "

Xiao Shengdai was not convinced. "I'm still young now. I'll definitely win in the future. "

Guan Xi:"..."

This little ancestor, now he knew that he was still young?

Xiao Jiuyan's thin lips curved, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his lips. "As long as the reason you came to fight with me is to Snatch Guan Xi... "

When he said this, he paused and looked down from the stage at Guan Xi who was standing below the arena. He said slowly, "you'll never win in this lifetime. "