Chapter 560: Fetch the young master back

The man followed closely behind with long legs. Xiang Xiang followed closely behind and asked excitedly, "Master Jiu, are you going to fetch the young master back now? "

Xiao Jiuyan did not stop. He replied calmly, "Yes. "

"Okay, okay. " Xiang Xiang was so excited that he repeatedly said the word "okay. " He rubbed his hands together and said, "I'll send a car for you right away. "

"Okay. "

Soon, the driver drove the car over.

Xiao Jiuyan did not walk to the backseat of the car. Instead, he walked to the door beside the driver's seat. He opened the door with his slender fingers and said to the driver, "get out of the car. I'll drive myself. "

The driver got out of the car when he heard that.

He handed the car keys to Master Jiu respectfully. "Master Jiu, the keys. "

The driver was a little surprised. Master Jiu's legs had recovered in the past few years, but he rarely drove himself. Where was he going at this time? He actually had to drive himself.

Xiao Jiuyan took the car keys with his big hands and got into the car. The car had not started yet, so he called Wei Wu.

Wei Wu picked up the phone. He had a calm personality and called out, "master Jiu! "

"where are the people I asked you to follow now? " Xiao Jiuyan asked.

"AH, them! " Wei Wu and Wei San sat in an inconspicuous small car. They looked at the high-end hotel opposite and said, "Master Jiu, they entered Kirst hotel. "

"Go and find out which room they booked. " Xiao Jiuyan ordered in a cold voice, "when I get there later, I want to know their room number. "

"Yes, Master Jiu! " Wei Wu replied. He paused and asked, "Master Jiu, are you coming over now? "

Xiao Jiuyan said lightly, "yes. "

Wei Wu hung up the call with Master Jiu. Wei San sat at the side and asked casually, "boss called? What did he say? ''

"boss asked us to check the room numbers of Akira Mato and his wife. I'll go into the hotel and ask around. Wei San, wait in the car. "

As Wei Wu said that, he opened the car door and was about to get out.

"Okay, dad is waiting in the car. "

Wei Wu's tone was steady. "whose dad are you? Don't take advantage of him. "

Wei San grinned. "Go, go. Dad will protect you. "

Wei Wu got out of the car and stepped on the ground. He was about to walk to the hotel when Wei San called him from behind. "Wei Wu. "

Wei Wu stopped and turned his head to the side. "Is there anything else? "

Wei San poked his head out of the car and looked at Wei Wu He asked casually, "Wei Wu, boss asked us to follow Akira Mato and Guan Xi. Five years ago, Akira Mato appeared in Tong City and was stabbed by Guan Xi. Boss almost lost his life. Do you remember this? "

Wei Wu frowned. "I remember. "

Wei San asked, "then for the past five years, boss has been obsessed with Guan Xi. Now that Guan Xi is back, boss wants to take Guan Xi back from Akira Mato. Xu Ye means that Guan Xi can not stay by boss's side anymore. It's too dangerous. Wei Yi probably means the same thing... ". ... ..."

Wei San paused at this point and stopped fooling around. He said, "I'm asking you now, Wei Wu, what do you mean? ''

Wei San was very serious at this time. He did not even need to call himself his father.

Wei Wu looked at Wei San calmly.

He seemed to have the answer long ago. After Wei San asked, he said without thinking,

"Wei San, you shouldn't ask me this question. Instead, you should ask Master Jiu. Whatever decision master Jiu makes, as subordinates, we will make it. "You also know that Master Jiu Likes Guan Xi, So Guan Xi is our wife. ". "She stabbed Master Jiu five years ago. Master Jiu, as the person involved, doesn't mind. We are his subordinates, so what does he mind? "

Wei San said, "but master Jiu is emotional now. "

Wei Wu's tone was still very calm. "Isn't it good for master JIU TO BE EMOTIONAL? Or do you think master Jiu's cold personality in the past is better? Wei San, I think master Jiu is very good now. He feels like an ordinary person. "

Wei San pursed his lips slightly.

He knew what Wei Wu meant.

It was said that Lord Jiu's personality had been indifferent since he was young, but ever since Lord Jiu's parents passed away, even young master Jing Ming's parents passed away, and... ... The eldest miss passed away ...

Lord Jiu's face was almost ice-cold. He was expressionless, and even his emotions seemed to be frozen.

It was said that the people who kept the Akira family's promise had no feelings. At that time, they thought that Lord Jiu's appearance was even colder than the Akira family's promise.

Now, it was indeed a good thing that someone could finally open Lord Jiu's heart.

But the prerequisite was that the person who opened up the ninth master's heart would not threaten the ninth master's life.

It was a matter of emotion. Perhaps this emotion would cause the ninth master to die.

Wei San narrowed his eyes. He lowered his head and looked at the ground. Soon, he raised his head again and looked at Wei Wu.

He laughed heartily. "Wei Wu, daddy knows what you're thinking. Uh... I don't care about the ninth master's decision. I care about your decision. I'll do what you say. "

Wei Wu looked away and did not respond to him. Instead, he turned around and walked into the hotel, leaving a calm sentence. "stay in the car. "

Wei San looked at Wei Wu's back and pursed his lips, "Tsk, how boring. Would it kill you to respond to your father? "


Kirst hotel.

Presidential Suite 7406.

In the small garden on the balcony.

Xiao Shengdai was sitting on a chair made of vines. His pretty and cute little face was frozen.

He had lost to Xiao Jiuyan today, and it was a crushing defeat in three rounds. He was sad and aggrieved at the same time.

He was sad that he had actually lost to Xiao Jiuyan. He had clearly thought that he would win, but in the end, he actually lost.

In the beginning, he had said many harsh words for the sake of his face, but in the end, he lost as badly as he wanted his face to be.

Xiao Shengdai felt that he was quite powerful. He had practiced well in the Akira family. He had followed brother Tengxiao and sister Yixun. He had completed all the tasks assigned to him, even though he was just a child There was a physical difference between him and that adult called Xiao Jiuyan. He should not have lost so badly.

Xiao Shengdai was dejected. He pouted and asked, "Stupid Guan Xi, am I very weak? "

Guan Xi sat on the chair next to Xiao Shengdai. She looked down from a high vantage point and was looking at the beautiful night view of Tong City.

She turned around and looked at Xiao Shengdai. She wanted to say something, but Akira Mato came out of the room with a cut fruit plate and heard Xiao Shengdai ask.

He asked with a smile, "Xiao Chen, why do you suddenly feel this way? "

Guan Xi pursed her lips and said, "he must be unwilling to lose three games in a row because he had a duel with Xiao Jiuyan. "

"Is that so? " Akira Mato looked at Xiao Shengdai sideways, his blue eyes filled with a smile.

Xiao Shengdai originally had this kind of sadness because he had lost three games in a row. He should be the number one player in the world, but he had actually lost so miserably.

But now that Guan Xi said that, he was embarrassed and angry.

"No, I didn't. "

Xiao Shengdai retorted, "I didn't say that because I lost to that Xiao Jiuyan today. I. . . I. . . I just suddenly realized that I'm still a little inadequate. "