Chapter 579: Xiao Shengdai takes care of you!

Xiao Shengdai Stole a glance at Guan Xi with his big, beautiful eyes.

Oh, Stupid Guan Xi looked nervous.

Afraid that brother Fujio would find out that the bad guy from last night had come to look for her?

That Stupid Guan Xi should also control her expression.

"Brother Fujio, it's like this. "

Xiao Shengdai smiled innocently and looked up at Akira Mato "Last night, that bad guy called to look for Stupid Guan Xi. I answered the call. He beat me and still dared to look for Stupid Guan Xi. I was very angry, so I hung up. "

Akira Mato's blue eyes narrowed. "really? "

Xiao Shengdai nodded his head very seriously. "Really! "

Akira Mato put his long hand on Xiao Shengdai's head and praised, "well done! "

"I also think that I did well. " Xiao Shengdai was praised, and his invisible tail wanted to go up to the sky.

He glanced at Guan Xi from the corner of his eyes, showing off his small appearance.

His Small Eyes clearly showed this message:

Stupid Guan Xi, I, Xiao Shengdai, will take care of you!

Guan Xi:"..."

Oh, that's great.

But I have to say, she was relieved.

Thank goodness!

Xiao Shengdai clever, did not put yesterday Xiao Jiuyan perverted man came to her room, or else to explain and very troublesome.

She was afraid that Akira Mato would find out, but she was not afraid of what Akira Mato would do to her after he found out. Akira Mato would definitely not beat her or scold her. He had never done so. Instead, he doted on her.

She subconsciously felt that last night Xiao Jiuyan came to find her thing, can not let Akira Mato find out, feel like she cheated or something... Ah.

Ah! What affair? Even if Xiao Jiuyan had come to her room last night, he wasn't alone.

There was still Xiao Shengdai. What was there to be afraid of.

But even though she thought this way, Guan Xi still winked at Xiao Shengdai. Well done!

Xiao Shengdai raised his delicate little chin. Of course, I'm not as stupid as you.

Guan Xi:"..."

The group of people walked to their room. They needed to pack up and prepare to return to h nation.

When they were almost at the door of the room, Mu Yixun walked to Akira Mato's side and whispered to him, "young master, something happened at Sayak's place. "

"Akira Mato? " Akira Mato narrowed his eyes. Akira Mato was the one who tortured his guardian to death. "Didn't I tell you to send someone to kill him? What happened? "

Mu Yixun whispered, "I sent someone to kill his guardian but failed to kill him. He was even injured. "

Akira Mato asked nonchalantly, "what happened? "

Mu Yixun said, "Akira Mato probably knew that we would do something to him and hired the cleaning society. "

"CLEANING SOCIETY? " Akira Mato frowned slightly. "WHICH CLEANING SOCIETY? "

Mu Yixun said, "the ghost. "

"The ghost? " Akira Mato frowned.

It was inconvenient to talk about things in the corridor.

Akira Mato turned to Guan Xi and Xiao Shengdai and said, "Xi, Xiao Chen, I have something to take care of here. I'll postpone my return for now. "

Guan Xi saw Akira Mato's serious expression and asked with concern, "Akira Mato, what's wrong? Did something happen? "

"Nothing. " Akira Mato smiled wickedly. "It's just a small matter. How about this? Xiao Chen hasn't been to Tong city before, right? I'll postpone my return now. Why don't you guys go out for a walk? Wait until I'm done. "

Before Guan Xi could say anything, Xiao Shengdai's eyes lit up

"Alright! Brother Fujio, you go and do your work. I'll bring Stupid Guan Xi out for a walk? "

Guan Xi:"... Hey, what do you mean you'll bring me out for a walk?"

"If you get lost, you'll need me to bring you along. "

Xiao Shengdai shot a disdainful glance at Guan Xi. He hid his excitement that he really wanted to go out for a walk very well "If it wasn't for brother Fujio asking us to go shopping, I wouldn't want to do something that only girls like to do. If I were to bring you out for a walk, it would be very troublesome if you got lost, Stupid Guan Xi! "

Guan Xi:"..."

It was true that she was a little left and right, but it wasn't to the point where she couldn't come back after going out.

Stupid Brat, he was the one who wanted to go out and play.

Guan Xi dissed her little ancestor in her heart. The corners of her pink lips curled up into a smile. "Oh right, then thank you so much, Xiao Shengdai! I'll have to trouble you to bring me out. "

She didn't care about it.

She didn't care about it with his little ancestor just because he had helped her cover up the "lie" just now.

"Then, brother Fujio, I'll bring Stupid Guan Xi and sister emily out to play. "

He waved his Chubby hand. "Goodbye, brother Fujiwara. "

Akira Mato nodded. "Okay. "


Xiao Shengdai was valiant and valiant as he brought his stupid Guan Xi and sister Emily to go shopping.

Akira Mato and Mu Yixun entered the room to discuss some matters.

After entering the room, Akira Mato raised his eyebrows

"Did Sayer really invite ghost? "

"Yes, young master, " Mu Yixun answered respectfully.

Akira Mato's usually unruly and unruly eyes turned cold and solemn.

Ghost was ranked first in all of the cleaning society. The entire cleaning society was just like their name, mysterious and ghostly. From what he knew so far, there might not be many members, and they would only accept one job at a time, so they could keep a low profile.

The success rate of taking jobs was 100% as far as he knew.

There were also other members of the cleaning society who had investigated the cleaning society, wanting to find out who phantom was. However, the members of the cleaning society were all doing bloody jobs. They did not even show up when they were working, and the dead people who were killed did not even know how to speak.

Occasionally, Phantom would also take such personal protection jobs. It was extremely rare, because such jobs would easily expose his identity.

Someone had taken pictures of Phantom, and they were covered up.

They could only see their approximate height, about 1.8 meters, and occasionally 1.7 meters. Their figures were slim, and it was hard to tell if they were men or women, but their cold eyes were sharp.

The name of ghosts had been at the top of the dark net for the past few years, and the price was very high.

This kind of personal protection might expose their identity, and the price was even outrageous.

Shayek had actually invited ghosts to protect him. It seemed that he was really afraid that the Akira family would send people to kill him.

Mu Yixun stood up straight and asked, "young master, since Akira invited a ghost, should we continue to attack? "

Akira Mato did not answer immediately.

He walked to the side of the SOFA and sat down. His two long legs rested on the table in front of him, lazily crossing each other.

His slender fingers pinched the space between his eyebrows as he pondered.

Originally, he only wanted to kill Akira Mato, but now he had to fight against the ghost of the cleaning society. This was a question of whether it was worth it or not.

Even if the ghost was ranked first in the cleaning society, Akira family was not afraid.

However, the question was whether it was necessary to face off against an assassin group for the sake of a promise-keeper.

Akira Mato Sat on the sofa with his eyes closed. His Long Fingers tapped on the sofa repeatedly.

After a long while, he opened his eyes. There was a hint of coldness in his ice-blue eyes. "continue to send the promise-keepers. We must kill Akira Mato. If the ghost tries to stop us, if necessary, we will kill them together! "

Mu Yixun bowed slightly. "Yes, young master. "

Akira Mato's lips curled into a smile that was so gentle that it was almost gentle. "after letting Akira Mato go this time, they really think that my Akira family is easy to bully. "