Chapter 720-don't be fierce

"Old Xiao, " Shi Budai shouted.

He struggled free from the keeper who was holding him and ran towards Xiao Jiuyan.

It was impossible for a battle-hardened person like Shi Budai to break free from the keeper.

However, Akira Mato gave the order to release them after he and Guan Xi left.

At this time, Guan Xi and Akira Mato had already left. Naturally, the keeper would not hold Akira Mato.

"Old Xiao, are you okay? " Shi Budai ran to Xiao Jiuyan's side. He bent down to check Xiao Jiuyan's wound.

Xiao Jiuyan had been shot by Akira Mato in the abdomen. Guan Xi had already asked him to press on the wound to prevent him from losing too much blood. In order to restrain Akira Mato, his explosive movement had pulled on the wound and caused him to lose too much blood. It was already an accident that he could hold on for so long.

Xiao Jiuyan's face was frighteningly pale, almost like a piece of white paper.

"Xiao, Xiao! "

Shi Budai half-carried Xiao Jiuyan and patted Xiao Jiuyan's face with one hand. "Xiao, wake up. F * Ck You, don't sleep, Xiao! "

However, Xiao Jiuyan still closed his eyes.

At this moment, Tang Yue also struggled to break free from Shi Budai's grip. She ran to Shi Budai's side and squatted down in a hurry. "Let me see. "

Shi Budai asked, "do you know how to do it? "

"Yes, " Tang Yue answered concisely.

She checked Xiao Jiuyan's wound and took out a small syringe from her pocket. She was about to inject it into Xiao Jiuyan's wound.

Shi Budai grabbed Tang Yue's hand. "What's this? "

Tang Yue looked up at Shi Budai. "Morphine. It's for pain relief. He's unconscious now. He doesn't need it, but it's better to inject it. "

Shi Budai let go of Tang Yue's hand.

Tang Yue injected morphine into Xiao Jiuyan and took out another syringe to stop the bleeding.

After doing all this, she said, "It seems that Xiao Jiuye's injury is not serious, but he has lost too much blood. We'd better send him to the hospital for blood transfusion. "

"right away... " Shi Budai's face was ugly.

How could they send old Xiao to the hospital right away in this F * Cking Golden Triangle.

Tang Yu saw that Guan Xi had left. He Could Not Find Guan Xi at this time, and the only person he thought Could Find Guan Xi was Xiao Jiuyan.

Xiao jiuyan leaned against Shi Budai's chest. He did not understand what he meant. He squatted down and reached out to pull Xiao Jiuyan. "Guan Xi, Xi... Find Guan Xi! "

"find my ass. Shut up! "

Shi Budai was upset. At this time, old Xiao's life was hanging by a thread. This person was still causing trouble. If it was not for Guan Xi coming to save this person, old Xiao would not have come.

He would not have suffered such serious injuries.

Shi Budai was not in a good mood at this moment. "Get lost. "

"Don't be so fierce. " Tang Yue would never see Tang Yu being so fierce. She wanted to say something, but when the words came to her mouth, she only whispered with red eyes, " ... don't be fierce to my brother. "

How could she not know what Shi Budai was annoyed about at this time.

It could be said that it was to save her brother that Xiao Jiuyan was lying down and Xixi was taken away by young master Zhen.

Tang Yue felt sad and blamed herself. If only she hadn't gone to find Xixi.

But she had to admit that she was a little happy. If XIXI hadn't come, her brother might have died here.

Shi Budai glanced at Tang Yue. The little girl looked like she was about to cry. He was not used to the girl crying. He growled in annoyance, "alright, I'm just saying. Don't take it to heart. Don't cry. "