Chapter 732 was also thanks to Xiao Jiuyan, a coquettish old man, who was able to keep a straight face

Guan Xi agreed to attend the banquet with Akira Mato.

The banquet started at seven o'clock on Saturday night.

It was a charity auction banquet, but it was called a charity banquet. The guests were all influential figures in H nation. After the auction, it was a cocktail party.

It allowed these high and mighty rich people to gain a good reputation and make connections.

On Saturday afternoon, the stylist came to do Guan Xi's styling.

Guan Xi felt that she should be impatient to do this, but when the stylist put on makeup and did her hair, she actually felt pretty good.

She thought that it might have something to do with her experience as an artist in Tong city.

It was funny when she thought about it. At that time, that old man, Xiao Jiuyan, in order to make her believe that she and he were husband and wife, could not produce a marriage certificate, so he showed her a video of her and him appearing on a variety show.

She still remembered the large-scale questions asked by the program team in the video, and it was thanks to an old man like Xiao Jiuyan that he was able to answer them without changing his expression.

Thinking of this, the corners of Guan Xi's lips curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

The stylist was helping Guan Xi with her long black hair. When he saw Guan Xi Smile, he asked curiously, "Miss Xi, what have you thought of that makes you so happy? "

Guan Xi raised her eyes slightly and looked at her. The smile on her lips disappeared.

When the stylist saw that Guan Xi's smile was gone, he immediately panicked.

The assistants beside him also stopped what they were doing and held their breaths. They were also panicking.

She quickly said, "Xi, Miss Xi, I'm sorry. I asked too many questions. Please don't take it to heart. "

The stylist was exclusive to the Akira family.

Naturally, she knew about the Akira family's contract keeper. She also knew that Miss Xi and Miss Kaori were also contract keepers.

However, both of them had feelings for each other, and their identities were somewhat special.

One was the young Master's lover, and the other was helping the young master manage the contract keeper.

She saw that Miss Xi was smiling, so she asked another question.

However, even if Miss Xi had feelings for each other, she was still a contract keeper. It wouldn't make her unhappy, right.

Actually, Guan Xi wasn't angry.

"You don't have to be afraid. "

She curled her lips and asked gently, "you think I'm very happy. "

"Yes. "

Although Guan Xi said that there was no need to be afraid, the stylist was still a little nervous. She whispered,

"because Miss Xi smiled just now. "

"Oh. "

Guan Xi smiled again. There was a faint smile in her clear black and white eyes. "maybe she thought of something happy. "

"maybe? "

The stylist was puzzled. Seeing that Guan Xi was not angry at all and was rather easy to get along with, she asked boldly,

"Xi, when you think of something happy, you are happy. When you think of something unhappy, you are unhappy. Why is it possible to say that? "

"HMM... "

Guan Xi thought for a moment and sighed softly. "because when you think of things, you can only remember them in the future. "

The stylist finally understood.

Memories made people happy.

But sometimes, because it could only be a memory, it could never go back to the past. Instead, it would make people sad.

The stylist looked at Guan Xi and wanted to say something, but he found Guan Xi leaning against the chair and sleeping with her eyes closed.

"Miss Xi, Miss Xi! Wake Up. The styling is done, Miss Xi. "

After an unknown amount of time, Guan Xi heard someone calling her by her ear.

Who Was it.

It was so noisy and kept calling her name.

I'm so tired, so sleepy!

And I want to sleep.

"Miss Xi, Miss Xi! "

That Person Was Still Calling Guan Xi by her ear. Perhaps seeing that Guan Xi was still not awake, he even gently shook her shoulder.

Finally, Guan Xi slowly opened her eyes. For a moment, she was a little lost.

Then, she looked up at the person next to her. It was the stylist who had done the styling for her.

Seeing that Guan Xi had woken up, the stylist quickly said, "Miss Xi, your styling has been done. See if there's anything you're not satisfied with. We'll change it again. "

Guan Xi felt that her entire body was very tired at this time.

It was not just at this time. Recently, her body had been in an extremely tired state. It was as if she could not sleep enough or rest enough.

It was as if the vitality in her body was slowly draining away bit by bit.

She looked at the mirror in front of her in a daze. Her mind was slow and she could not think.

However, the styling team that belonged to the Akira family definitely would not be bad.

Guan Xi nodded her little head and said, "HMM, it's not done well... "

"Xi. "

At this moment, Akira Mato's voice rang in her ears. He pushed open the door and walked in. "It's almost time. Are you done here? "

Guan Xi turned her head to look at Akira Mato.

Akira Mato's blue eyes flashed with surprise as he exclaimed, "Xi, YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL! "

The girl he liked in front of him had long black hair with big waves. Her long hair was half-braided into a Princess's head.

Her skin was fine. Her fair and delicate skin, light makeup, and honey-pink eye shadow were enough to make her look stunning.

Akira Mato had picked out the dress for her. It was a light blue embroidered gown with a little tail. Her upper body was conservative, and it was wrapped tightly around her neck. She didn't look as sexy and eye-catching as when a woman attended a banquet.

Maybe it was because the weather was cold and she was afraid of her being cold

Or maybe it was purely out of a man's selfishness and he didn't want other men to see any part of her body.

But even if she was dressed conservatively, Guan Xi's dress was still stunning enough.

The princess had a playful look on her head, and the well-tailored gown outlined her slim waist line. She looked very beautiful.

Guan Xi frowned slightly.

She didn't say anything to Akira Mato. Instead, she turned around and said to the stylist, "you guys did well. "

The stylist was shocked when he saw that Guan Xi ignored the young master and spoke to them first.

No one dared to speak up.

Akira Mato looked at the stylist. His blue eyes narrowed and his gaze swept over them. He said gently, "Xi is talking to you. Didn't you hear her? "

The stylists were shocked and quickly said, "we heard him. It's our honor that Miss Akira Mato likes him. "

Guan Xi smiled.

The Charity Auction started at 7 pm.

Guan Xi and Akira Mato left at 6:40 pm.

It was not good to be late for the charity auction, but Akira Mato did not care about that.

The reason why Akira Mato was late was because Guan Xi took a nap in the afternoon and woke up too late. She was late because of the styling.

This year, the party would be held at the villa of a wealthy businessman in h nation. It was said that this party was originally planned to be held at the Akira family's old residence.

However, Akira Mato did not agree.

Not to mention this year's charity auction party, even the ones from a few years ago were the same.

Many people wanted to have the opportunity to enter the Akira family to take a look at the Akira family's contract-keeping experimental base. They had originally thought that this young master would be easy to handle, but after a while, they realized that he was a piece of hard iron.

Guan Xi and Akira Mato arrived at the villa where the party would be held.

There were security guards at the entrance checking the identity of the guests and looking at the invitation cards.