Chapter 397 she smiled like a sly cat: 9th Master, do you feel that you have suffered a loss?

There was more than one slap, four consecutive slaps.

Mu Yixun raised her hand, expressionlessly slapping Shi Budai four times in a row.

After she finished slapping Shi Budai four times, Shi Budai was still in a daze for quite a while, still unable to come back to her senses.

She had slapped Shi Budai too quickly. If Shi Budai did not know that this woman was the guardian of the Akira family.

He even suspected that this woman had practiced how to slap people.

Shi Budai covered his face and looked at Mu Yixun angrily. "F * Ck, are you crazy? Why did you slap me? "

Mu Yixun said coldly, "never say anything bad about the young master in front of me. "

Shi Budai:"..."

He was about to lose his temper. After being slapped by this woman a few times, he had lost all face. If he did not return the favor, he would be able to live up to his reputation.

He was afraid that the words 'useless man' would be hung on his head forever.

"Mu Yixun, right? " Shi Budai's eyes were cold.

Mu Yixun's voice was calm. "Yes. "

Shi Budai covered his face with one hand and looked at her calmly. He did not speak for a long time."... Let me tell you, I'm a gentleman. I won't argue with you. If there's a next time, I'll really hit you. I'll beat you until your mother doesn't recognize you. Do you understand?"

Mu Yixun said coldly, "I have no parents. "

Shi Budai:"..."

F * Ck, Dear, is that the point?

I'm F * Cking threatening you, can't you hear it?

Shi Budai was a little desperate.

He couldn't beat him, and the threat didn't seem to have any effect. was He really a useless man?

In an instant, Shi Budai had the idea of squatting in a corner and drawing circles.

Xiao Jiuyan was a little impatient. What he cared about now was what Akira Mato wanted Mu Yixun to do.

It wasn't that Shi Budai had any grudges with Mu Yixun.

He frowned and said with his thin lips, "Akira Mato wants to negotiate with us? "

"Yes. " Mu Yixun nodded.

She thought for a moment and said, "but, ninth master Xiao, young master is willing to negotiate not because you are pressuring the Akira family, but for other reasons. Young master will not give up on Xi just because the Akira family is in trouble. I think you should know this, ninth master Xiao. "

She was referring to if ninth master Xiao's feelings for Xi were the same as young master Xiao's.

In fact, the two of them were the ones who knew each other the best in this aspect.

Xiao Jiuyan frowned and had a bad premonition. "What reason? "

Mu Yixun said in a very calm tone, "Xi is going to die soon. "

Such a light sentence, in an instant, it was as if a shocking thunder exploded in Xiao Jiuyan's ear.

For a moment, he could not understand what Mu Yixun said.

He said coldly, "what do you mean by little silly is going to die soon? Akira Mato brought her back to the Akira family. Couldn't he save her? "

"No! "

Mu Yixun said calmly, "Akira family produces contract-keepers and is only responsible for selling. It is not something that is guaranteed after sale. There is no need to put effort into researching how to extend the service life of the contract-keepers. "

Xiao Jiuyan understood her simple words.

It was as if a basin of cold water had been poured over his head. The cold air rushed straight in.

His thin lips trembled. He wanted to say something, but he could not speak for a long time.

Shi Budai glanced at Xiao Jiuyan, worried about him.

He frowned at Mu Yixun and asked, "is what you said true? If that's the case, won't you die soon? "

"Yes. "

"then why are you so calm? " This reaction was not right.

Mu Yixun said plainly, "it's just a matter of dying early and dying late. There's not much difference. "

Shi Budai said, "how can you say there's not much difference? If you die early, you won't be able to enjoy many good things. There are so many fun, delicious, and good-looking things. If you die, there's nothing left. There's a big difference... "

He was halfway through his sentence when he met Mu Yixun's cold face.

Only then did he come back to his senses. The person in front of him was a person who kept his promise.

Even if he was a little special like his sister-in-law, he probably did not have any feelings for her.

How could she understand all this.

Initially, Shi Budai had just been slapped by Mu Yixun. Now that he thought that she might die soon, he could not help but feel a strong sense of sympathy for her.

Forget it, forget it. It was just a few slaps and he would not bother with her. Anyway, he would not be able to beat her... ... No, anyway, she might soon become a dog ...

As a man, he, Shi Budai, had to be magnanimous.

Mu Yixun did not know that Shi Budai was consoling herself with Ah q's Spirit.

She did not want to waste any more words with Shi Budai, a man whom she had labeled as not using this label. She looked at Xiao Jiuyan and said slowly, "Xiao Jiuyan, if it was just because of the problem of pure Xi's body constitution, young master would not have asked me to look for you today. "

Xiao jiuyan looked at Mu Yixun coldly. His voice was a little hoarse. "Is there any other problem? "

"Xi is pregnant. "

Mu Yixun said calmly "Xi's lifespan should not have been that short, but because she is pregnant. With her current physical condition, being pregnant is very harmful to the mother. Young Master wanted to abort Xi's child, but Xi did not agree. She even threatened young master with her own life."

Xiao Jiuyan was obviously stunned.


He immediately remembered that night. She smiled like a sly kitten and said, "we even have a child. It doesn't matter if it's one more or one less. Or do you feel that you have suffered a loss, master Jiu... "

He still remembered her initiative that day, her coquettish and charming little appearance.

She was very seductive.

But, what did she get in exchange for being lustful?

Mu Yixun was still talking. "Xiao Jiuyan, young master wants you to go over because he hopes that you can get Xi to abort the child in her belly. Otherwise, she won't live past this year. "

Xiao Jiuyan did not speak for a long time.

Shi Budai called him a few times. "Old Xiao! Old Xiao! Old Xiao? "

After a few seconds, Xiao Jiuyan finally came back to his senses.

He took two long legs and walked to the door of the room with a Sullen face. "Let's go to the Akira family. "

"Hey, old Xiao, you're going just like that? "

Shi Budai hurriedly called out to Xiao Jiuyan. He wanted to stop him. "How do you know if this woman is telling the truth? If we follow her to the Akira family just like that, if that despicable Akira Mato... "

He wanted to call Xiao Jiuyan a despicable person, but his face still hurt, so he quickly stopped.

"WHAT IF HE SETS US up? Let's make a call first... "

Shi Budai's words were interrupted by Xiao Jiuyan

"Budai. "

He looked over and saw the expression on Xiao Jiuyan's face. He was shocked.

He took out his phone and put it back into his pocket.

"Let's go. "

Shi Budai Patted Xiao Jiuyan's shoulder and said, "old Xiao, I'll accompany you to the Akira family. Little sister-in-law will be fine. You don't have to worry. "

Xiao Jiuyan said Hoarsely, "thank you. "

"Why are you being so polite with me? "

Shi Budai smiled. "We're brothers, old Xiao. For you, I'm willing to go through thick and thin. "

Mu Yixun looked at Shi Budai with a strange expression.

Xiao Jiuyan's tall figure moved a step to the side.

Shi Budai suddenly felt that his words a little wrong.

Gay Gay!

"No, Xiao, I didn't mean that. I was just using a figure of speech to say that our relationship is good! "

Good relationship?

Okay, the more I explain, the messier it gets.