Chapter 2: Long Time No see

The light in the room was not very bright. Sha Zhixing could not see the expression on his face clearly, but she could feel that he was looking at her. She could even feel the subtle fluctuations of his emotions.

She froze for a few seconds. The corners of her lips twitched and she waved as if nothing had happened. "Long time no see!"

Sha Zhixing's voice was very soft and calm, as if what she had just witnessed was not a scene but a roadside drama.

Luo Xichen looked at her coldly. Today was his first day back to the country, and he had not expected her to run into such a situation.

What was even more unexpected was that she could comment so casually after such a thing had happened to her.

Sha Zhixing was trying to figure out his feelings. She looked at him without blinking, carefully observing his actions and preparing to leave the scene at any time.

Luo Xichen looked at her coldly, and then looked at Mi Le who was beside her.

Mi Le was still holding her camera. She felt guilty and flustered when Luo Xichen looked at her. Her back was a little sweaty, but her brain did not stop working at this moment.

"Zhixing, let's get out of here!" she said as she turned around and ran towards the entrance of the ship.

The news that she had dug up this time was so rare that she treasured it very much. The party had clearly stated that reporters were not allowed to enter. Now that she had been caught taking pictures secretly, it was necessary to destroy the negatives.

The petite figure quickly ran more than ten meters away.

Sha Zhixing saw the change in Luo Xichen's expression and guessed that what was waiting for her would not end well. She also wanted to run, but she was not as lucky as Mi Le. After running for a few steps, the stiletto she was wearing suddenly staggered and there was a thud. Her slender body fell to the ground unsteadily.

In order to successfully enter the party, she had specially put on a small gown, kicked off her favorite flat shoes, and changed into a stiletto. It was even a ten-inch stiletto.

She grimaced in pain from the hard fall. Her elegant eyebrows were tightly knitted together, and her face was a little twisted.

"Zhixing, are you okay?" Mi Le turned around and looked at Sha Zhixing who was sitting on the ground. She wanted to go over and help her up, but she was scared when she saw Luo Xichen's ugly face.

Mi Le's hands were tightly holding the camera, and she was struggling inside.

If she went over, the photos she took today would definitely be invalid. What would happen to Zhixing if she did not go over?

Mi Le's gaze fell on Luo Xichen's face as she looked at Sha Zhixing. She thought of the two party invitations that she had received on the cruise ship that night, and the calm voice that Sha Zhixing had said when she saw Luo Xichen. Mi Le felt as if she had been hit in the head by something.

She knew Luo Xichen, right?

'Long time no see' was the first thing that Zhi Xing said when she saw Luo Xichen. Besides, the relationship between the two of them seemed to be quite close since she had received the Luo family's invitation.

Mi Le calmed her thoughts and heaved a sigh of relief.

Sha Zhixing was still waiting for Mi Le to come over and help her up, but after waiting for a long time, she got a reply from her. "You're on your own. I'm leaving now."

After saying that, she grabbed her camera and disappeared without a trace.

Sha Zhixing could not believe what she had heard.

This girl had abandoned her and left her!

Behind her, Luo Xichen walked towards her step by step. His footsteps were neither fast nor slow, but they gave people a sense of pressure for no reason.

Sha Zhixing came back to her senses after hearing the footsteps. She turned her head slightly and glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. She put her hands on the ground and tried to get up to leave the scene, but before she could fully stand up, a shadow suddenly appeared above her head.

Her back stiffened. Her gaze and her slow speed followed the pair of polished Italian handmade leather shoes under her eyes and moved past the man's suit pants. Finally, she fixed her eyes on his handsome face, which was carved out by a craftsman.

"Aren't you going to tell me that I have a hidden disease?" Luo Xichen looked at her with his eyes as deep as the sea. He gritted his teeth and squeezed out her words. His handsome face tilted in her direction, and his lips were faintly curved. He looked a little cold.

Sha Zhixing felt that the air around her had become much more oppressive as he got closer. She shrank back and tried to put some distance between herself and him, but Luo Xichen kept pressing her step by step until he pushed her against the wall behind him. There was nowhere for her to hide.

His tall body held her in his arms, and his slender fingers gently held her sharp chin. He lifted her face to face with his own. Luo Xichen lifted his thin lips and enunciated each word clearly. "Don't you know if I have a hidden disease?"

His voice was low, deep, and lazy. It seemed to be filled with boundless evil, causing people to fall.

Sha Zhixing and Su Yi, who was standing next to her, blushed after hearing his words.

Sha Zhixing was the most innocent.

What did he mean?

How would she know about his problems?!

Please, don't talk nonsense, okay? He was destroying her innocence!

"When did you become so good at joking?" The corners of Sha Zhixing's lips twitched, and her expression was very stiff.

"Isn't that right?" Luo Xichen raised his eyebrows, his slender arms propped up on both sides of her body.

What else did she not know about him?

His slender and beautiful fingertips slid across her smooth face, then moved to her slender neck. He stroked her, and suddenly raised his eyebrows. "How about we put it into practice to make you more certain? '

Sha Zhixing's chest jumped for no reason when she heard his lazy and evil words.

"What... What do you want to do?" She looked warily at his evil-looking handsome face, and her eyes swept to his crotch. She decided in her heart that if he really dared to 'put it into practice' with her, then she could not be blamed for being rude.

"What do you think?" Luo Xichen asked as he lifted a strand of her hair with his slender fingers. His tone was still casual, and the casual look on his face was in stark contrast to Sha Zhixing's nervousness.

Being trapped in his arms, Sha Zhixing felt like a piece of meat on a chopping board. She put her arms on his chest and pushed him away. She tried her best to stay calm. "Don't be impulsive!"

"It's okay to be impulsive once in a while." An arm wrapped around her soft waist and pulled her into his arms. Luo Xichen spoke in an impulsive and happy tone as he leaned his face towards her face at an extremely slow speed.