Chapter 4: Who are You thinking about

"For your friend's performance?" Luo Xichen glanced at her face coldly. His voice was not very flat, but there was a hint of coldness for no reason.

She appeared in front of him for her friend's performance?

"I know it's not right. When I brought her here, I didn't expect to see such a scene. At that time, I just wanted to take a photo of you. I didn't expect to run into such a thing. It was really just a coincidence!" Sha Zhixing defended herself in a panic.

Luo Xichen narrowed his eyes and looked at her as if he was trying to tell if what she said was true.

Sha Zhixing felt a little uncomfortable under his gaze. She began to struggle in his arms.

It was a strange feeling for a woman to be hugged by a man and then looked at her with such a gaze.

Luo Xichen observed her reaction without batting an eyelid. He caught her confused eyes. He felt a lot better when he saw her flustered look.

Then, she heard him say, "Zhixing, nine out of ten times, this kind of thing happened to be interrupted by you. People who don't know will think that you have bad intentions towards me."

His voice was low and deep, with a hint of mockery. He even deliberately emphasized the word 'intentions'.

"You're thinking too much." Sha Zhixing glanced at him from the corner of her eyes and her tone became much calmer.

Does he think that everyone wanted to snatch gold and diamonds?

"I see." Luo Xichen looked at her unblinkingly and sounded a little disappointed.

"Of course not!" Sha Zhixing straightened her face. She was not interested in a man like him at all.

Luo Xichen smiled faintly at her words and carried her to the room where he and Su Yi were earlier.

It was a joke, but it was true that Sha Zhixing had seen women throwing themselves at him so many times.

Luo Xichen did not understand why it was such a coincidence. He was destined to be different because of his status and looks.

When he was in China, there were always women throwing themselves at him, but Sha Zhixing had seen them so many times.

As long as she appeared, the women's seduction and courtship plans would come to an end.

He couldn't make out with other women in front of her.

He carried Sha Zhixing into the room and placed her on the bed. Then, he turned around and started rummaging through the medical kit in the luxurious suite.

Sha Zhixing sat on the bed and her eyes fell quietly on the white sheets. The image of Su Yi teasing him in the room suddenly flashed through her mind. She felt a sense of disgust for no reason. She stood up and sat down on the leather chair next to her.

Luo Xichen rummaged through the medical kit and when he came to her side, he saw that she had changed her position. He was slightly stunned but did not think much of it.

He opened the medicine box and squatted down beside her. His hand gently lifted her injured ankle.

Sha Zhixing usually wore casual flat shoes. She rarely wore high heels, and she rarely wore stilettos. Today, her mother bought this pair of shoes for her. She usually kept it in the shoe cabinet, but it was her first time wearing it tonight, so she was not used to it.

So, when she twisted it, she fell very badly and her ankle was swollen.

"If you're not used to it, don't wear such high shoes." Luo Xichen checked her injury and turned to look for medicine in the medicine box. His tone sounded sarcastic, but it also sounded like he was blaming her for her carelessness.

"Okay," Sha Zhixing replied. Her mind was still on the scene that she had just seen.

"Next time, remember to let me know in advance if you're coming." Luo Xichen helped her apply the medicine, and his deep voice rang out in the quiet room again.

"Okay." Sha Zhixing's voice was still very calm. She answered whatever he said.

Luo Xichen felt that she was being perfunctory. He stopped what he was doing and looked up. He saw that she seemed to be in a daze. He could not help but increase the strength of his grip on her injured ankle.

Sha Zhixing's face turned pale from the pain of the sudden attack. She screamed in pain.

She glared at him angrily and accused him. "Luo Xichen, you are taking revenge on me!"

"Who are you thinking about?" Luo Xichen did not deny it. He raised his eyebrows and looked at her. His voice was indifferent.

What does it have to do with you?

Sha Zhixing gave him a sharp look and gritted her teeth.

However, she did not say it out loud in the end.

"Be good. The pain will go away soon." Luo Xichen was very satisfied with her obedience. He reached out his big hand and patted her head as if he was comforting his pet. He continued to help her apply the medicine.

Sha Zhixing was so angry that she wanted to kick him.

Rubbing kittens and puppies?

This action was too contemptuous!

"I'll do it myself!" Sha Zhixing put her hand on his and tried to push his hand away. However, Luo Xichen grabbed her hand and gently pulled it away. He placed her foot on his leg and continued to apply the medicine for her with his other hand.

Sha Zhixing was stunned by this natural action. Her gaze turned to the Armani pants that had a shallow footprint on the soles of her shoes.

She remembered that he was a germaphobe.

Luo Xichen did not seem to mind. He focused on applying medicine to her wound and bandaged it up. He stood up, patted the creases on his pants, bent down and carried her out of the room.

"I can walk on my own." Sha Zhixing was not used to his actions. Although she had been carried by him many times when she was young, she was already so old now. It was very awkward for her to be carried by a man like that.

"It's not like I haven't hugged you before," Luo Xichen said casually and carried her out.

Sha Zhixing felt like her innocence had been destroyed.

How old was she?

She had grown up now and was no longer the little girl she used to be!

Luo Xichen looked down at her and his thin lips curled into a faint smile.

The body in his arms was much longer than when she was young. It did not feel as fleshy as before, but it was still very soft. When he hugged her, it felt like he was hugging a ball of soft cotton. He liked the feeling of the touch.

The two of them quietly walked through the corridor of the cruise ship. When they passed by the banquet hall, they happened to bump into Mu Siyan and a few other friends.

"You're done so quickly?" Mu Siyan teased with a smile. He did not see the face of the woman in his arms clearly and thought that it was still Su Yi.

Sha Zhixing's face was embarrassed when she heard the teasing words, and she felt a little hurt in her heart.

She did not like others to classify her as the same type as those women who tried to get close to Luo Xichen.

Her face stiffened slightly, and her face slowly turned to the man who spoke.

Mo Yichen stared at her delicate face in a daze for a long while. Then, he looked at Luo Xichen and said slowly, "Your taste is getting more and more complex."

Luo Xichen's handsome face darkened. He wished he could punch him.

Do you think I'm not afraid of meat and vegetables?