Chapter 684: Awkward Couple

His words were full of mockery. There was a hint of a smile in his eyes, and the corners of his lips were tinged with evil.

"I'm going to take a shower! " Sha Zhixing glanced at him and said. She pushed him aside in a hurry, stood up, and ran into the bathroom.

She lifted the Hem of her wedding dress and ran... ... Away ...

Luo Xichen turned his head and looked at her disappearing figure quietly. The smile on his lips faded a little.

They were already married. He was not in a hurry now, but he would not give her much time!

He got up, walked to the side, opened a bottle of mineral water, and dried the prank she had left on him with a tissue. Luo Xichen sat down on the SOFA and was about to turn on the television when Sha Zhixing's voice suddenly came from the bathroom. "Luo Xichen, I forgot my pajamas... "

Her voice was a little soft and a little awkward, but it was very clear to Luo Xichen that there were only two people in the room.

He paused for a moment, then slowly turned his face to the side and looked quietly in the direction of the bathroom door.

Sha Zhixing had forgotten about it because she had run too fast. The same thing had happened a day or two ago, but she wouldn't have asked him for help even if she had been locked in there for an hour or two.

She was so stubborn, and now she was looking for him... ...

Luo Xichen was silent for a moment after her words, and a faint smile appeared on his handsome face.

He stood up and picked up a set of pajamas from her bed. He walked to the bathroom with his slender legs and knocked on the door lightly.

Sha Zhixing poked her head out of the door and grabbed the pajamas from Luo Xichen's hand. The door slammed shut as if she was afraid that Luo xichen would barge in the next second.

Luo Xichen's lips twitched as he stood outside the door.

Am I that ferocious?

A few minutes later, Sha Zhixing walked out of the room in her nightgown. She was stunned to see Luo xichen still there. She looked down at the bath bubble that Luo Xichen had closed. She thought of her masterpiece and did not know that he had cleaned it up. She smiled and asked, "are you going in? "

Luo Xichen looked at her coldly. He did not answer her. He turned around and walked towards the SOFA.

He might really need to go in. Not Now, but later!

Every time he slept in the same room with her, he would take a cold shower.

Young Master Shao could not figure out why Luo Xichen felt so wronged. She was his woman and now she was his wife. It was their wedding night?

Luo Xichen suddenly felt that he was torturing himself.

Sha Zhixing's eyes were following his silhouette. She looked at him with a puzzled look on her face.

Did she provoke him again?

Sha Zhixing was very confused, but she did not think about it. It was getting late, so she turned and walked to the bed. She got on the bed and looked in his direction again.

Luo xichen raised his eyebrows slightly and teased her, "do you want me to sleep with you? "

Sha Zhixing was used to his way of speaking. She glanced at him lazily and explained expressionlessly, "I was wondering when you would sleep. "

"You heartless girl! " Luo xichen cursed in a low voice, but he still went to the bed, turned off all the lights in the room, and walked towards the SOFA.

Sha Zhixing watched his actions quietly, and her lips curled up.

Luo Xichen walked away with some resentment, and kicked the table and chair as if he was venting.

He Walked to the SOFA and was about to sit down when Sha Zhixing's voice suddenly sounded behind him. "Luo Xichen... "