Chapter 680: Menglie's knockout effect

One Minute had passed, and Luo Xichen still had no reaction.

Two minutes, three minutes, four minutes... ...

When seven or eight minutes had passed and he still had no symptoms, Sha Zhixing's face slowly darkened.

The drug was too little, and it was useless against him?

But she had just poured the whole bag into it... ...

It shouldn't be like this!

Sha Zhixing had never done such a thing before, and she did not know how long it would take for the drug to take effect. She estimated that it would probably take a few more minutes. She turned her head and looked at the bathroom behind her, considering that she would not be able to handle it if anything really happened to him later Suddenly, she suggested, "Xichen, I want to rest for a few minutes first. I will take a shower later. "

Her voice was soft. She did not call him by his first name. It was as if she had returned to the past.

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly. The corners of his lips curled up. "Okay. "

The leg that had already stepped into the bathroom retracted again. He took her to the bedside.

Just as they reached the bedside, the ridge of her back suddenly stiffened.

Sha Zhixing carefully observed his expression. She saw that his eyes seemed to be a little blurry. She was secretly happy. She guessed that the medicine must have taken effect, but she still asked despite knowing the answer, "what's wrong? "

Luo Xichen felt dizzy and looked down at her quietly. At first, he could still see her face clearly, but his vision slowly became blurry.

Then, he let go of Sha Zhixing's hand and two thuds sounded in the room. Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen fell on the bed one after another.

Sha Zhixing was under him. He was very tall and covered her with his entire body, making her unable to move.

She had not expected such a situation.

He didn't even forget to take her with him when he was unconscious?

She turned her head and looked at his face. Sha Zhixing pushed him with her arms and asked tentatively, "Luo Xichen, are you okay? "

Luo Xichen's long eyelashes were slightly drooping. His expression was gentle, as if he was asleep. He did not respond to her.

Sha Zhixing observed him for a while. Seeing that he still did not respond, her red lips curled up.

It seemed that the medicine was quite strong.

Her gaze wandered around the room, not knowing when he would wake up. Sha Zhixing used all her strength to push him away, got off the bed, and began to search around the room.

She wanted to find her ID and bank card, which were necessary for her to leave.

Although she might not be able to escape from him forever this time, for Sha Zhixing, it was not bad to have a few days of leisure.

This villa was not big, but what stood out was the warmth. There were not many things in the room that belonged to the two of them.

Sha Zhixing searched the entire room, but she could not find any documents related to her.

She turned her head and looked at Luo Xichen, who was lying on the bed. She ran to his side, turned him around, and began to search his body with her hands.

Sha Zhixing could not imagine where he would put the documents, so she could only try them one by one.

However, there was nothing on Luo xichen except for his wallet.

She had searched everywhere, but there was no result. Sha Zhixing was a little discouraged.

Sitting beside him, she looked at him, who was still sleeping. Her eyes darkened and she fell into deep thought.

Where did he put it?

Sha Zhixing was puzzled. She sat in the room for a long time, worrying about the documents.

What if she hadn't found it yet and he woke up later?