Chapter 25 follow me

Sha Zhixing was only guessing and was not very sure. Her gaze fell on Luo Xichen's tall and straight back, and she suddenly said, "The weather is really hot today!"

Her tone was a little irritated. After she said that, her hand landed on her collar as if nothing had happened. She was about to open it, but a big hand pressed down on her hand at a faster speed than her.

She looked up and saw that Luo Xichen, who had been walking in front of her before, had come to her side. His handsome face was cold, and his gaze fell on her collar. "Don't take it off!"

It was a simple word, coupled with his nervous movements. There was no need to explain too much. Sha Zhixing understood that her guess was right.

Her gaze swept over his face at an extremely slow speed. Sha Zhixing's red lips twitched without a trace, and her voice was tinged with a hint of playfulness. "I didn't say I was going to take it off."

Luo Xichen shot her a cold look. His eyes landed on the faint smile on her lips, and his entire face turned green.

Was this girl testing him?

Realizing this, Luo Xichen's face turned even uglier. The color of his face changed from green to white, and it was very colorful.

Sha Zhixing quietly observed his face, which was like a palette, and suddenly felt a sense of satisfaction in her heart.

Seeing him change his face like this... It was so cool!

However, why did he care so much about her dress?

Upon realizing this question, Sha Zhixing's gaze fell on Luo Xichen's face inquisitively.

"We're going in!" Luo Xichen's sharp eyes seemed to be ice-cold as he glanced at her. He said these three words expressionlessly, turned around, and strode towards the reserved table.

Sha Zhixing did not think much about it. She threw the question to the back of her mind and followed behind him with her head lowered.

The two of them walked in the restaurant one after the other. The man was handsome while the woman was pretty. They naturally formed a beautiful scenery. Wherever they passed by, they attracted the attention of a group of people.

Just from their appearance, the two of them were actually very compatible. No matter where they went, no one would suspect that they were not a couple.

When they arrived, the other party of the blind date did not arrive.

The two of them had just taken their seats when the waiter immediately served a set meal. "Please enjoy your meal. This is a set meal for couples that you have reserved earlier."

The waiter explained with a smile and left quietly.

Sha Zhixing was stunned.

Ordered earlier?

Obviously, the 'you' that the waiter mentioned was not referring to Luo Xichen, who was an unexpected guest. She had never ordered it before. The only possibility was that the man who had gone on a blind date with her had ordered it.

But that man had ordered it. Why did the waiter send it over so quickly?

Or... She had mistaken Luo Xichen for that man?

It was a very small set meal for a couple. It was a Western-style dessert with a cocktail of a different design. There were two straws in the glass, and the lemon slices inside were cut into heart-shaped pieces in a very romantic manner. It was sweet and romantic.

Luo Xichen looked at the glass of wine. No matter how he looked at it, it was an eyesore.

This was a blind date.. Why did he have to do such a tacky thing? It was so f*cking old-fashioned!

"I'm thirsty." Long legs crossed lazily as he picked up the glass with his big hands. Under Sha Zhixing's gaze, Luo Xichen picked up the cocktail prepared for the couple and drank it without blushing or panting.

Sha Zhixing just looked at him strangely and did not say anything.

Indeed, even she felt that the set meal for a couple was tacky!

Looking at the preparations, could it be that the person wanted her to drink a glass of wine with him and share a plate?