Chapter 21 Papaya Soup is the most effective

Sha Zhixing was actually quite used to doing intimate things with Luo Xichen, but she did not realize it.

Luo Xichen took an inch and took a mile. He leaned closer and put the spoon in Sha Zhixing's bowl again.

The two of them sat together, head to head. The distance between their faces was so close that it was almost touching.

Sha Zhixing kept her head down and only cared about eating the soup. She ignored him and did not push him away.

The two of them did not speak. The atmosphere was a little quiet, and there was even a hint of sweetness in the air.

A few minutes later, Sha Zhixing remembered that he had woken up late this morning. She asked, "Did you sleep late last night?"

Luo Xichen's eyes flashed with discomfort, but he quickly regained his composure.

Sha Zhixing was very perceptive. She did not miss the fleeting look in his eyes. Her delicate eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Was there something wrong with her words? Why would a man who had only returned for one day do so many shameless things to himself look like this?

"You..." Sha Zhixing moved her lips. She wanted to continue asking, but Luo Xichen's big hand landed on her head and pressed her down. "Eat!"

Sha Zhixing pouted and began to enjoy the food with her head down.

She did not want to talk about it.

Luo Xichen's eyes fell on her face quietly. Thinking of the result of his insomnia last night, his brows slowly furrowed.

'Since when did I become so impulsive towards a little girl?'

The culprit who caused his insomnia was completely unaware of it. After drinking a bowl of soup, she picked up a piece of toast and began to eat it in small bites. Her actions were quite elegant.

In Sha Zhixing's room opposite, An Xin, who was tidying up the room, looked through the window quietly at the two people who were eating together intimately. She frowned.

They were so close that they shared the same bowl of food. How could they say that they had nothing to do with each other?

However, what Sha Zhixing said did make sense. If the two of them really had something to do with each other, it would be impossible for them to escape their sight.

An Xin was confused.

She felt like there was a thorn in her heart if she did not find out what happened to her daughter. She was not happy about it no matter what.

She lowered her eyes and thought for a moment. A thought flashed through her mind and a smile appeared on her lips.

I have it!

Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen finished their breakfast in the room and walked down the stairs side by side.

Wen Lan had been preparing lunch in the kitchen since Sha Zhixing was here today.

The lady of the Luo family was of high status and the family had hired top-notch cooks. She usually did not cook and did not need to do it herself.

However, when Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing were around, she would go to the kitchen in person. There was no other reason other than to make something for the two of them.

She really felt sorry for Sha Zhixing. She had always treated Sha Zhixing like her own daughter.

Sha Zhixing went downstairs and came to the kitchen door. She wanted to tell Wen Lan that she was going home, but before she could say anything, Wen Lan's voice sounded. "Zhixing, Aunt Lan made your favorite sea crab today. Stay for lunch later."

Sha Zhixing felt warm inside when she heard what Wen Lan said.

"Aunt Lan, no..." Sha Zhixing smiled and wanted to decline politely, but Wen Lan interrupted her before she could finish. "I also made rose soup. Girls should drink more."

Sha Zhixing was speechless.

Luo Xichen, who had followed her to the kitchen, looked over at Sha Zhixing and turned to Wen Lan in the kitchen. He said lazily, "Mom, you should make more papaya soup."

Wen Lan was speechless.