Chapter 23: Mrs. Sha's meticulous arrangements

The next day, under An Xin's urging, Sha Zhixing was pulled out of bed while she was still asleep.

For this blind date, An Xin had specially prepared a brand new dress for her. She had even prepared the necklaces, bags, and shoes that went with the dress. It was easy to imagine how much importance she placed on the entire outfit.

Sha Zhixing changed into her dress and stood in front of the dressing table in her room. She kept tugging at the neckline of the dress in front of the mirror.

The v-shaped design had a very low neckline, and the deep v-shaped lines extended downwards, accentuating her chest shape and making it very attractive.

It was a blind date. Why was she wearing such a low-cut dress?

Sha Zhixing felt a wave of irritation in her heart. She lowered her head and kept struggling with the neckline as if she was disgusted by it.

In the opposite room, a slender figure was standing on the balcony. He saw everything through the open window, and his eyebrows slowly furrowed.

"Where are you going?" Luo Xichen's thin lips suddenly spat out a few words, and his tone was a little unpleasant.

The two rooms were close to each other, so they could hear each other clearly.

Sha Zhixing turned her head and looked at Luo Xichen across the balcony. "Mom has arranged a blind date for me today. I have to go to it later."

"A blind date?" Luo Xichen's voice turned cold.

"Yes, a blind date." Sha Zhixing sensed that something was wrong with Luo Xichen's tone. She stopped what she was doing and turned her head to him.

Luo Xichen was standing on the opposite balcony. He was leaning against a rattan chair with his arms crossed. His eyes were on her, and his handsome face looked a little cold.

Who was he putting on a cool face so early in the morning for?

Or, when did I offend him again?

Sha Zhixing was very confused. She looked at the distance between her and Luo Xichen, and unconsciously took a few steps back.

The two rooms were close to each other, and the distance between the balcony and the balcony was only a little bit. With Luo Xichen's long legs, he could probably cross the distance in a few steps.

Sha Zhixing began to complain about the design of the two rooms again.

Luo Xichen's eyes fell on her coldly. No matter how he looked at her, she looked like an eyesore in that little dress. He thought back to what she had just said, and felt that it was even more ear-piercing.

What was the point of going on a blind date at 19 years old?

So what if it's a blind date? Why are you dressed so seductively?

No matter how Luo Xichen thought about it, he felt unhappy. That feeling was like a thorn in his heart.

"It's almost time for the appointment. I'm going out first!" Sha Zhixing was scared by his gaze. She tidied up her clothes again and turned to walk out.

She went downstairs and was escorted out by An Xin. Just as she was about to drive away, a Lamborghini suddenly stopped in front of her.

Both mother and daughter were stunned.

"Good morning, Auntie!" Luo Xichen stuck his head out of the car as the window was lowered. He greeted An Xin politely and looked at Sha Zhixing expressionlessly. "I'll send you there!"

Sha Zhixing was a little surprised. She looked at him and then looked at An Xin.

An Xin smiled and pushed her in front of Luo Xichen. "That's good too. Xichen and Zhixing grew up together. You are considered half a brother with Zhixing. With Xichen around, auntie can be rest assured."

It was an understatement. There was nothing wrong with it, but the word 'brother' was harsh to Luo Xichen's ears.


Him and Sha Zhixing?!