Chapter 698: Bold and unrestrained live show

Sha Zhixing thought for a moment and said, "Pub. "

Coming to a place like Greece that was different from France, Sha Zhixing felt that there should be a lot of activities in the pub that belonged to this place.

Luo Xichen was not a person who liked to be lively, but he did not reject this proposal.

If it was really too noisy when they arrived, they could at most find a quiet place to sit and wait for her.

After the two of them discussed this, they packed their things and left the hotel together.

They were in a bustling city on Santorini -- Fela.

There were a lot of people coming to Santorini, and the number of people going to Fela was also very high. After walking through several bars, it was very lively.

After going through many small roads, they finally found a slightly quieter home. Luo Xichen grabbed Sha Zhixing's hand and went in.

As soon as the waiter brought the drinks in, the entire Pub suddenly became brightly lit, as if it was going to hold a grand concert. A puff of smoke rose from the scene, and on the empty stage in the middle of the bar.. A few blond men slowly rose onto the stage in the mist.

Then, the loud, heavy metal rock music shook the entire venue.

Luo Xichen frowned slightly, his face covered in a layer of frost after the music started playing.

Sha Zhixing did not seem to notice his change of expression. She was drinking a glass of Blue Margarita in her hand, and the clear blue liquid slowly flowed out of the glass and into her lips. Her movements were a little seductive.

Luo Xichen's throat was a little dry and his body was a little hot. He pulled his collar uncomfortably and unbuttoned his shirt to quench his thirst.

"Zhixing, why don't we go back to the hotel earlier? " He was not interested in the show at all and had agreed to come out just to accompany her. However, Luo Xichen could not sit still after sitting for less than two minutes.

He preferred to spend time alone with her in his room rather than here.

Luo Xichen did not know if Sha Zhixing had heard him. Her eyes fell on the group of blond men on the stage. She seemed a little focused and did not pay attention to what he said.

Luo Xichen was suddenly upset. He turned his head and glanced at the people on the stage with a look of disdain on his face.

She was as pretty as he was, but her figure was not as good as his?

"Zhixing, let me talk. " She stretched out her long arm and wanted to turn her face around. Sha Zhixing suddenly stood up and walked towards the stage without even looking at him.

Then, she stopped three or four meters away from the stage and stood in the crowd to watch closely with the others.

The men on the stage started with a dance that had a strong Mediterranean flavor. Sha Zhixing did not know what it was called, but she had never seen it before.

The music suddenly changed, and the stage turned into a vigorous dance. There was even a bold stripping show.

The atmosphere was a little heated. The noise of the crowd, whistles, and the beat of heavy metal music filled the entire bar. It was noisy and noisy.

Luo Xichen's face turned green when he saw the men on the stage taking off their clothes. He stood up and looked in the direction of Sha Zhixing. He shouted at her in a rough voice, "Sha Zhixing, come back here! "

There was too much noise in the bar. His voice was soon drowned out.

Sha Zhixing stood behind the crowd with a cocktail in her hand. She drank it casually and enjoyed the show on stage. She seemed to be a little excited.