Chapter 701: Tycoon Miss Sha

Sha Zhixing looked at him with a smile and waited quietly for his answer.

Luo Xichen had actually seen all of these.

He and Mu Siyan usually gathered at the imperial city club in the country. There were many activities like this in the imperial city. He was not interested in overly noisy activities, but it was inevitable that he would bump into them when he went in and out.

However, he could not tell Sha Zhixing about this.

In Luo Xichen's opinion, those shows were very vulgar. It was better for a little rabbit like Sha Zhixing who had not seen much darkness in the human world to live in her own pure world.

"You've been out for so long. It's time to go back. " Luo Xichen avoided her question and tidied up her clothes. He took her hand and was about to go back to the hotel.

However, Sha Zhixing suddenly stopped after taking two steps.

"Isn't it still early? " Sha Zhixing looked around at the bustling night scene. She did not have the heart to go back.

FEHRA city was famous for its night scene. The lights were bright like flowing lights. It was very beautiful.

The houses here were also very beautiful. They had blue roofs and white walls. Many of them were built on cliffs. They were very unique.

Such a view was not available in the country.

They were already here, but they did not go around. They only went to the hotel. Young Master Shao, are you here to have sex or to travel?

Sha Zhixing was very discriminating against Luo Xichen, but she did not say it out loud.

In fact, she did not need to ask. For someone like Luo Xichen, the answer was definitely the first!

The two of them walked one after the other. Luo Xichen wanted to go back to the hotel, and Sha Zhixing wanted to see the night view. After walking for a while, they happened to meet a square in front of them. It seemed that they were holding some kind of activity.

"Xichen, let's go and take a look! " Sha Zhixing said without any hesitation. She pulled Luo Xichen along and walked over.

"since when are you so interested in joining in the fun? " Luo Xichen was very puzzled by her behavior. He followed behind her with a slightly depressed expression on his face.

She did not want to go back to her room at all, right?

The event that the two of them were at was a red wine festival. It was held by a local wine company in Fehra city in order to promote their products.

There were many bottles of red wine at the scene. The participants were all young people. Almost all of them had blonde hair and blue eyes. There was not a single person with a mysterious oriental aura like Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen.

Westerners had a lot of activities like this. They usually enjoyed themselves very much. It was like a Carnival party at the venue. Red Wine was being sprayed everywhere.

"So rich. " Sha Zhixing stood outside the venue and looked at the red wine in the air. She could not help but exclaim, "there are so many bottles. How much can they sell for? "

Luo Xichen heard her words and looked at her from the corner of his eyes. He replied casually, "what's a pity? You don't lack money. "

Sha Zhixing followed up with another exclamation, "so rich. Wouldn't it be more exciting to just throw money in the air? "

Luo Xichen's lips twitched as he looked at her strangely.

Was there such an event?

"Miss Sha, YOU'RE SO RICH! " Luo xichen teased as he turned to look at her.

Sha Zhixing turned her head and smiled innocently at him. She bent down to pick up a bottle of wine from the ground, but a burst of wine-red rain poured down on her.

It was foggy, as if it was raining.

In an instant, her hair and clothes were stained with wine-red water. The water dripped down with the strong aroma of wine. She looked very embarrassed.

Sha Zhixing's back was stiff, and the expression on her face froze for a few seconds. Her gaze slowly turned to the side.