Chapter 31 is so infatuated with me?

"Be careful, Xichen!" Sha Zhixing, who was in the car, saw it with her sharp eyes. She was so shocked that her expression changed. She wanted to remind Luo Xichen, but Luo Xichen's hand was quick and quick. He grabbed the wrist of the person in front of him and shot down the gun in his hand.

Then, he turned his hand. Jin Yi let out a shrill scream and fell to the ground with a wail.

The hand that Luo Xichen had just grabbed was red and swollen.

The joint was dislocated...

No one could see clearly how Luo Xichen had attacked. All of his actions were clean, swift, and decisive.

Sha Zhixing was a little stunned. She had never seen such a Luo Xichen before...

Luo Xichen cast a sidelong glance at the pistol that had fallen to the ground. He lifted the tip of his foot and kicked it to the side expressionlessly. He squatted down beside Jin Yi and asked in a cold voice, "What else did you do to her?"

"No... Nothing else..." The man's voice was accompanied by a muffled groan and was filled with intense pain...

Luo Xichen snorted and stood up. He took a few steps in the direction of Sha Zhixing, then suddenly turned around and stomped on Jin Yi. His voice was as cold as wind and frost. "If you dare to touch her next time, I'll ban you from standing on tiptoes in C City!"

F*ck, even the people around him dared to move!

Sha Zhixing watched the scene in shock and momentarily forgot what to say.

Luo Xichen turned around and walked towards her. Half of his face was reflected in the sunlight, carrying the darkness of Satan. Wherever he passed, he was frozen for ten miles.

He got into the car and sat in the driver's seat. The luxurious Lamborghini left in a flash.

The whole process took less than a minute or two.

Sha Zhixing was in a daze from the beginning to the end.

Although she did not want to admit it, the Luo Xichen today... Was so handsome!

"How long do you have to look at me with that infatuated look of yours?" Luo Xichen's voice sounded suddenly as the car left the Western restaurant and stopped at a restaurant by the sea.

Sha Zhixing came back to her senses and the corner of her eyes twitched.

She had never seen someone so narcissistic!

"Let's get out of the car!" Luo Xichen got out of the car first and opened the door for her.

Sha Zhixing looked over his shoulder at the environment where the two of them were and got out of the car.

This was a Chinese restaurant by the sea. There was a small bridge and flowing water, and the pavilions were full of twists and turns. It had a unique flavor.

Sha Zhixing was a little surprised by his thoughtfulness. She smiled and walked into the restaurant side by side with him.

The two of them had not eaten anything at the restaurant, and she was a little hungry now.

The interior of the restaurant had a very ancient design. Each private room was unique. There was an elegant orchid forest at first glance, and the ocean stretched out as far as the eye could see. It was exquisite and beautiful.

Even the menu design was very unique. It was cut in the shape of a tree leaf. It was interesting and beautiful.

Sha Zhixing was silent when she opened it again and saw the countless zeros in the price range of each dish.

Were the dishes here all gilded?

The Sha family was not poor, but this was the first time she had come to a restaurant like this. Indeed, there was a difference in class between people.

Luo Xichen did not ask her about it. He turned his head and ordered the dishes directly at the waiter, pointing at this and that. His voice was deep and magnetic.

The waiter left after the two of them finished ordering.

While waiting for the dishes to be served, Sha Zhixing thought of Jin Yi's injury. She raised her head and could not help but ask, "Did I cause trouble?"

Luo Xichen closed his eyes slightly and said lazily, "Remember to be more ruthless next time."

Sha Zhixing: "..."