Chapter 703 the mysterious man

Sha Zhixing did not expect him to make such a sudden move. She raised her hand and pushed him.

However, Luo Xichen did not seem to notice her movements. He ignored her and continued to kiss her stubbornly. He did not let go for a long time.

Second Young Master Shao's movements were very domineering. He even held her hand and wrapped it around his neck.

Sha Zhixing's hand went with the flow and hit his shoulder, but it did not have any effect.

After that, she got confused and stood on her tiptoes. She even took the initiative to put her arm around him... ...

In the hazy, wine-red Evening Rain, the two of them were kissing each other so hard that they were completely lost in their own thoughts.

Many of the revelers looked in the direction of the two of them at the same time.

* Snap! SNAP! *

They were drowned in the crowd, and there was the sound of photos being taken at the same time.

Luo Xichen pretended that the people around him did not exist. After the long kiss, he suddenly took Sha Zhixing's hand and strode towards the hotel... ...

The same camera chased after the two of them, and a series of photos were captured... ...

Then, another city.

A room slightly dark room, the thick floor-to-ceiling curtains blocked the sunlight, the whole room dyed a few threads of cool.

Next to the window, a figure stood with his back to the door. The figure, whose outline could not be seen, was half shrouded in shadow, blurred and hazy.

Bang, Bang!

The knock on the door of the room rang out at this time, only lightly twice, and then stopped, as if waiting for the permission of the man in the room.

"Come in. " There is no emotion of the two words from the lips, the figure of the window did not turn.

The door was pushed open gently. A man in a neat black suit walked up to the man respectfully with his head lowered. He handed the man a laptop and reported respectfully.

"This is the information we just got. Santorini took it. According to reliable sources, young master Shao went abroad for Sha Zhixing. The two of them have been together since they were abroad. If everything goes as expected, they might return to the country soon. "

The man next to the window regained his focus after his words. His eyes darkened and he looked down slowly, fixing his gaze on the screen of the laptop in his hand.

The screen was playing photos of Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen. Some of them were kissing intimately while others were running hand in hand. Luo Xichen's lips were always slightly curved and his gaze was unusually gentle.

He looked at the photos quietly. The person beside the window was lost in thought for a few seconds and his eyes were stained with ink... ...

Santorini, Fela city.

Luo Xichen brought Sha Zhixing back to the hotel and entered the room. He slammed the door and leaned against the wall behind her.

"What are you doing? " Sha Zhixing tilted her head to the side. There was a hint of a smile in her eyes as she looked at Luo Xichen with a playful look.

"Let's continue with what happened just now. " Luo Xichen was a little annoyed. He had been waiting outside for so long and was not very patient now. He bent down and was about to lean his face towards her.

However, before he could touch her face, Sha Zhixing suddenly bent down and came out from under him.

"Zhixing! " Luo Xichen called her name softly. His voice was a little angry.

"very dirty. " Sha Zhixing looked at the two of them, both drenched, and she felt a little disgusted.

Too much red wine had been sprayed on her just now, and now she was drenched from head to toe. Her hair was still dripping with water, and her clothes were sticking to her body. She looked as wretched as she could be.

Luo xichen's situation was not much better than hers. A few strands of wet hair stuck to his forehead, and he did not look as noble as usual. However, his face was still very attractive.